
The traitors spread the shourong war to surrender Li Ling to the Xiongnu, and the historian Sima Qian defended him from the palace punishment

The traitors spread the shourong war to surrender Li Ling to the Xiongnu, and the historian Sima Qian defended him from the palace punishment

The Yang family killed Yang Jiye on the Li Ling monument, why did the guards erect a monument for the surrendered general

Sima Qian was born in Longmen, Shaanxi (present-day Hancheng, Shaanxi Province) during the Western Han Dynasty (145 BC), and served as the Duke of Taishi under Emperor Wu of Han. The greatest achievement was the "Records of History" he wrote, and the greatest shame was the palace punishment he received to justify Li Ling's surrender to the Xiongnu.

Sima Qian's grandfather Sima Xi was a local rich man who spent 4,000 stone meters to change to the official position of the Fifth Doctor, Sima Qian's father Sima Tan was erudite and talented, and he served as the Fifth Doctor in the early Han Dynasty, and later served as Taishi Ling and Taishi Gong.

Sima Tan aspired to write a general history, and during his tenure as Taishi Ling, he was exposed to a large number of books and literature, dabbling in various materials. On the occasion of his death, he instructed his son Sima Qian, who had come to visit, to inherit his legacy and write a good history book.

Sima Tan accumulated a large amount of first-hand information for the writing of the "Records of History" and established some of his arguments. Sima Qian's "Biography of the Assassins" in the "Records of History" is the original work of Sima Tan.

When he was a teenager, Sima Qian learned to read under the guidance of his father, and at the age of ten he was able to read and recite the ancient texts "Shang Shu", "Zuo Chuan", "Chinese", "Zhi Ben" and other books. At the age of 20, Sima Qian's studies were successful, and Sima Tan instructed Sima Qian to visit the rivers and mountains to collect ancient stories and collect old news.

In 108 BC, Sima Moved to Taishi Ling, succeeded his father Sima Tan's career, and compiled the "Records of History". He used his historical knowledge to create China's first general history of the JiChuan body, "Shi Ji", which records the history of more than 3,000 years from the time of the Yellow Emperor in ancient legends to the four years of the first taichu of the Han Dynasty, and is the first of the twenty-four chronicles written successively from the Han to the Qing.

Sima Qian's greatest shame was the palace punishment he had received in justifying Li Ling's surrender to the Xiongnu. Who is Li Ling?

When I was a child, I read "Yang Jiajian", and in this book there is a Li Ling stele, and it is not very clear whether the Li Ling of Sima Qian is the Li Ling in this Li Ling Stele. Li Ling Monument is located in Huairen County, Shanxi Province, and some people call it Li Ling Monument and some people call it Li Ling Temple.

In "General Yang Jia", Yang Ye (Yang Jiye) was defeated and besieged by the Khitan army in the wolf's nest near Li Ling monument, and Yang Ye sent Qilang to break through and ask for help. Pan Renmei killed his son Pan Leopard because of Qilang, and instead of sending rescue troops, he drunk Qilang, tied him to a tree, and shot him to death with an arrow. Yang did not see Qilang and the rescuers, and ordered Liulang to return to the dynasty, but finally because of lack of help, the people and horses froze and starved, and they died in front of Li Ling's monument.

Li Ling, the grandson of the famous Western Han General Li Guangchang, was born in 134 BC in Qin'an County, Gansu Province, and was good at riding and shooting, and loved soldiers.

In 99 BC, he went out to attack the Xiongnu, leading 5,000 infantry and 80,000 Xiongnu soldiers to fight at Junji Mountain, but finally surrendered due to the defeat of the outnumbered troops. Because Emperor Wu of Han listened to the blackmail of Li Ling's surrender, he destroyed the three tribes of Li Ling, resulting in his complete severance of relations with the Han Dynasty. In 74 BC, Li Ling died of illness in the Xiongnu at the age of 60.

Emperor Wu of Han received a war report that Li Ling had already fought a defeat and was ready to reward Li Ling and sympathize with Li Ling's family, but the Xiongnu sent spies to spread the word "Li Ling has surrendered to the Xiongnu and is training soldiers for the Xiongnu." When Emperor Wudi of Han heard this news, he became angry and wanted to destroy the three tribes of Li Ling, and at this time no one dared to persuade Emperor Wu of Han.

Sima Qian was a bit upright, and told the truth: "Li Ling surrendered as a last resort, and it was rumored that Li Ling's surrender to enjoy the glory and wealth in the north was the act of treachery and devisiveness. Emperor Wudi of Han was angry and immediately sentenced him to "defilement", that is, the death penalty, and later Emperor Wudi of Han considered that his history books were not completed, so he changed the death sentence from a palace punishment.

Sima Qian's loss of what was characteristic of a man was the greatest shame of his life.

The traitors spread the shourong war to surrender Li Ling to the Xiongnu, and the historian Sima Qian defended him from the palace punishment

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