
Lian Yang Biaotong: Solidarity with Youyou Lu Mingjun, there is gold under the boy's knee, we do not kneel...

The day before yesterday, I saw Yu Tianren's circle of friends know that Youyou Lu Mingjun saw on the Internet a few days ago that the people of Shandong had kneeled to the knees of the elders to worship the Elderly, and raised objections to the collective kneeling opinion, and as a result, they were stung by the Shandong Boxers... The good men of Shandong mean that this is a cultural inheritance, and Lao Tzu likes to kneel, what is the matter? BB again, we Boxer descendants only cut people's heads, not mow grass... Well, this is the opposite, when the good men of the Shandong Boxer Rebellion did not cut off a few foreign heads, they were instead hung up with telephone poles by yuan shikai, their parents in this province.

Lian Yang Biaotong: Solidarity with Youyou Lu Mingjun, there is gold under the boy's knee, we do not kneel...

Emperor Yuan, a traitor, wantonly slashed and killed the patriotic Boxers in Shandong, and was given the title of "Human Slaughter" of the Three Massacres at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

In September of the previous year, Youyou Lu Mingjun wrote an article entitled "Quartz Caesarean Section", which was quoted from "Forty-eight Days of the Hengyang War of Resistance" written by Huang Hao, commander of the first battalion of the 55th Regiment of the 19th Division of the Army, saying that the battalion's non-commissioned officer squad leader Quartz had cut his abdomen and testified that he had not secretly eaten the peasant hen. This matter was fabricated by Commander Huang, and I will not criticize Lu Mingjun by name to prove that the Military Discipline of the National Revolutionary Army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was strict and meaningless.

But against the collective kneeling, I support Lu Mingjun. The day before yesterday, I wanted to send a letter of solidarity, considering that the vertical degree of my public name is too high, the followers are not tens of thousands, people are whispering, and they say nothing... If you say more, you may be told that I rub traffic.

Lian Yang Biaotong: Solidarity with Youyou Lu Mingjun, there is gold under the boy's knee, we do not kneel...

Just now, I saw teacher Yu's circle of friends forwarding this matter and expressed concern. I suddenly remembered that many years ago, when I opened a column in the "Golden Age", the publication of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, I wrote an argumentative essay entitled "There is gold under the knees of a boy, only kneeling in the sky and his mother-in-law".

In fact, I don't think even the heavens and the mother should bow down... The proposed title is a harmonic rhyme, hard together. I am a rude man, I see the Buddha in the temple, I see the ghosts in the temple, I go up the mountain to worship the ancestors, I enter the temple to worship the martyrs, if I have respect, if I bow as a salute, I will not bow down and worship... Oh, it's not that I have integrity, it's that Lao Tzu has arthritis and can't kneel.

Even if you worship the graves of the loyal martyrs of the War of Resistance, you do not bow down. The martyrs fought bravely so that we did not have to kneel like the Japanese, our knees were too soft, how to be worthy of their sacrifice?

I don't approve of Mr. Mao Runzhi's work, but I only hit the feudal cultural inheritance, overthrew the poison of etiquette, overthrew the second elder of Qufu Kong, and smashed all the initiatives of the gods, ghosts, and Buddha Temples, but it made me excited.

I don't know if the boxers who attacked you, lu mingjun, want to understand whether or not, inheriting feudal etiquette is to oppose Chairman Mao's thought, opposing Chairman Mao's thought is counter-revolution, counter-revolution is anti-party... Anti-Party, that's going to hang up the wires.

In order to show support for Lu Mingjun, I attach the old text of that year obtained by Baidu.

Lian Yang Biaotong: Solidarity with Youyou Lu Mingjun, there is gold under the boy's knee, we do not kneel...

I had seen several pictures of Zhao Benshan before, and the content was the ceremony of taking Xiao Shenyang as an apprentice. After Xiao Shenyang knelt three times and prostrated his head, he lowered his eyebrows and served tea to the master. The old apprentices were dressed in black and black pants, spreading their legs and standing on both sides with their faces. Suddenly, I thought that which gang would open the incense hall, and there was no way to associate the simple "old man" and "black earth" with the "sitting hall" in the picture.

This year, I saw the apprentice lying on the ground like a prostrating worm to zhao Benshan, and while inhaling oxygen, old Zhao did not forget weifu's self-sufficiency, full of pleasant and self-satisfied looks, in the northeast dialect: "Deser." ”

Old Zhao was originally a very good actor and brought a lot of joy to the people, but in recent years, after being famous and rich, he did things a bit unknown. I don't know if he didn't understand the knowledge of ancient liturgical music or whether he ignored the context of modern revolutionary history. Bring out the feudal etiquette that has been knocked to the ground and stink for thousands of years again, as "rituals" and "taos", and let the disciples obey and implement them to satisfy their perverted domination psychology. He has no brain with no historical knowledge and cultural reflection ability, and thinks that if the apprentice bends his knees to worship himself like this, he has filial piety, which is called the dignity of the teacher. In fact, no one who has received a modern education and a complete personality, including his apprentices, will willingly bow down to anyone, and his disciples obediently obey his indecent demands that are detrimental to human dignity, and are nothing more than kneeling to feed pigs and pigs--for the sake of money, a bit of the old artist's consciousness of "asking the master to eat and eat". On this level, did the disciples really respect him in their hearts? What is it that kneels?

Before the Han Dynasty, Chinese did not use chairs in their lives, and most of the time they were extravagant straw mats on the ground to make up for their butts, which was called "sitting on the ground" in ancient times. However, at that time, it was "kneeling", which was different from the current "cross sitting". Kneeling should be on both knees on the ground, the butt pressed on the heel, and the soles of the feet are turned over (see the Japanese mother-in-law kneeling posture in the film and television). So the ancients "sitting" is actually our current kneeling.

When several people kneel on the ground, if they need to pay tribute to someone present, they usually straighten their upper body and "lead and stand", and then bow their heads, touch the ground with their foreheads, and kneel and worship. This is the Zhou ritual of the ancient times, and the Zhou Dynasty believed that it was not to kneel and not to pray. Worship is a respectful gesture in the weekly ceremony, a great gift, and cannot be easily carried out. Therefore, Qiu Hu said in "Mulberry Garden Society": "There is gold under the knees of the boy, and only kneels to the heavens and the mother-in-law." After the Han Dynasty, stools and chairs have been widely used, and the "kneeling" that makes people feel numb is slowly abolished. But the kneeling prayer was not canceled. Since then, the kneeling has become a sign of status difference for more than a thousand years. If it is said that the kneeling prayer before Han is natural, it can also be regarded as a reason for the ceremony, which is acceptable. Then han performing this ritual after that will damage human dignity and make it difficult for people to accept it. To tell the truth, crawling on the ground and kneeling is not only troublesome and uncomfortable, but also has a lewd shape, like a turtle and turtle earth dog, how ugly it is to be.

In modern times, Western social etiquette has been introduced to China, and the traditional kneeling ceremony has been challenged as never before.

In the rapidly changing revolutionary trend of thought, Chinese between kneeling and not kneeling, almost representing the meaning of feudal backwardness and civilization progress, revolution and reaction, dictatorship and democracy, autocracy and freedom, servility and resistance. In his Renxue, Tan Sitong attacked the feudal rulers for using the "cumbersome ritual of worship and kneeling", and Liang Qichao even linked the abolition of kneeling with the change of law and the restoration of the country. The sages of Xinhai, for the sake of the Chinese descendants, I can stand up straight and be a man, hold up the head of that person, stumble and stumble, donate my life to the republic, and in the process I don't know how many good heads have been cut off. Until the victory of the Xinhai Revolution, in March 1912, the Provisional Government of Nanjing informed the military governments of the provinces that had declared independence that they could pay tribute to the Temple of Literature as usual, "except for the ritual of kneeling, and instead of the three bows, the sacrifice clothes should be made in civilian clothes." At this point, the prostration of human dignity was abolished in the form of a state decree. The younger generations disdain their descendants and really should not live up to the pioneers of Xinhai in this way.


If I were Lu Mingjun, I would immediately and sincerely apologize and issue a proclamation declaring: Oppose the collective kneeling ceremony of the people of the whole country except Shandong, and support the people of Shandong in continuing to maintain this ancient and fine cultural tradition of kneeling and worshiping until thousands of generations...

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