
Zhang Xiaomei| home is an invisible thread

The warm taste of home is like an invisible long line, tying me who will never grow up, so that my heart is longing for it and enjoying it; the warm taste of home is like a happy song, teasing my materialized heart, making my heart quiet and happy; the warm taste of home is like a dish full of color and fragrance, teasing my taste buds, making me taste it and love it!

My parents' yard in my heart is always early summer, cool, warm, giving people a feeling of thick and light, but enjoying inexhaustibly; always early summer, quiet, comfortable, giving people a sense of "looking at the courtyard to rest, coming to the hospital and forgetting to return" comfortable feeling; always early summer, ethereal, clear, giving people a feeling that coming home is really like being far away from the world, retreating to the countryside, the heart is no longer distracted, and then look at the new green in the courtyard that has been served by the hands of parents, which makes people have a sense of retreat, and the eggplant seedlings that have just rounded the trees are growing happily The coriander that can just be eaten is tender and green, which reminds me that sprinkled in the mutton soup must have a refreshing fragrance, and it will bring a rich taste of home to this small courtyard in early summer; the lettuce that is not much bigger than the copper coin is also competing to grow out, the small head is tender, yellow, that is called a water spirit; the southernmost celery has just been the size of a steel needle, dense, long and very happy, listen to the mother said that the seeds are scattered too much, but you love to eat steamed vegetables, wait for a few days can be pulled up and steamed to eat, listen to the mother's chatter, That silence in my heart! It seems to be back to the age when the green can be spoiled; here my sister picked rapeseed for me, the green rapeseed is really a fresh, interesting thing is that there are small passers-by on the leaves, the mother said to strangle it with her hands, do not spray medicine, listening to my mother's words I feel that only everything here is at ease, the heart can be relieved; over there the father is watering his "baby", watching the water flow into the vegetable field, moisturizing the leaves and fruits, the father's face is all satisfied happiness, At this time, I watched all this, watched my father's gradually recovered body, let me have a place to rely on in this small courtyard, a harbor to release my soul, and a place to reunite with my brother and sister... I turned my face happily, quietly wiped the corners of my eyes, and looked up at the string of locust flowers or buds waiting to be released or happy to bloom, showing the idyllic style of this small farm yard in the warm sunshine, and implying the family's pursuit of ordinary, peaceful and happy life! It's like a long line that binds my heart, reminding me of the scene when I get home...

"Meet pity thin, Hu'er asked hard work", although I am married out of the daughter, but not spilled out of the water, but the home 'regular guest', every time back to the hometown to see the parents in their hearts is still inexplicably kind, and the old man la la la homely, complaining about the mood not to mention how comfortable, my parents still treat me as a child, afraid of me freezing, sewn a thick cushion for my seat, although not very beautiful, but looking at my mother with reading glasses, so serious, so warm with a needle and a thread of sewing, I feel so happy, Mother's care will always make me moved, always let me relax and relax incomparably, all kinds of unhappiness in the past unit have been swept away, and what fills my heart is full of happiness and happiness! The only thing we can do is to often go home to see, even if it is a short talk, listening to the "nagging" of parents is also a rare silence in the noisy world!

This tranquility is fused with the fragrance of locust flowers that seduces my taste buds!

Locust incense floating all over the garden, rich with warmth, every year locust flower season, just like today, my parents will call me, call me back home, just like today, as soon as I enter the house, the fragrance of locust flowers, refreshing, I love locust flowers today I thought I had another mouth blessing, seeing my father tiptoeing in the locust branches, my mother in the locust flowers, the heart is instantly overflowing with warmth, I fixed my mind for a long time, a beautiful picture, a pastoral flavor, locust flowers after yesterday's rain washing, fresh and full, A bulging bud of flowers makes people look full of joy, especially the wisps of light fragrance and the thick warmth of parents are more mouth-watering, stimulating my taste buds, can't wait to snatch a few flowers from my mother's hands, stuff them into my mouth, smash it, well, the fragrance is stuffed between the mouths, a "not envious mandarin duck, not envious of the immortal" expression, completely did not put the mother's words "wash and eat, you children, are so big, or so... "Rest assured, the mother washed the locust flowers, steamed, and after a while, the fragrance of the locust flowers, And the sweetness contained in the fragrance patronized my sense of smell, take a deep breath, squint my eyes is not happy! This feeling is like a new year, every year: another year of acacia flowers, another year of incense! Another year of parental grace!

I am very grateful to my parents for creating this small rural courtyard for us in their spare time, so that I am like a paradise no longer bothered by the cumbersome things of the unit, no longer confused by the trivialities of life! More importantly, this small courtyard has my inseparable family affection, carrying my good memories, watching their quiet life in this sunny courtyard, without the slightest loss of leaving the building, and opening up their own small vegetable garden, eating pollution-free vegetables, listening to the sound of insects all year round, the vicissitudes of the world are flat, I am at ease, this may be the destination of people who have struggled for a lifetime! When I get old, can I also have a piece of "pastoral green space" that belongs to me! Let my children also have a "taste of home" that is related to each other!

Author: Zhang Xiaomei The Second Middle School of Maji Town, Dingtao District

One point number poetry elegant rhyme