
Jing Jiawei: JM9 is a small step in the development of domestic GPUs and a big step in the development of the company's chips

Jing Jiawei: JM9 is a small step in the development of domestic GPUs and a big step in the development of the company's chips

Jiwei network news, recently, Jingjiawei said in an institutional survey that the JM9 series chips have been in contact with intended customers, and the follow-up will carry out relevant debugging and optimization work.

It is reported that JM9 series graphics processing chip products meet the needs of geographic information systems, media processing, CAD-aided design, games, virtualization and other high-performance display needs and artificial intelligence computing needs. In recent years, with the improvement of comprehensive strength, the company has continuously expanded the application field of the company's products, and the product revenue has risen accordingly. In the future, the company will continue to pay attention to and explore the application of graphics processing chips in various fields and continuously enrich the product types.

Jing Jiawei said that the overall impact of the company's inclusion in the "entity list" is controllable and will not have a substantial impact on the company's operations, and relevant countermeasures will be taken against the possible risks of the company. At present, the company's operation and financial situation are normal, the business development trend is good, and the various businesses are steadily advancing. At the same time, the company will seize the development opportunity, continue to increase investment in product research and development, and continue to promote the large-scale application of the company's products.

According to the data, since its establishment, the company has worked hard to focus on the research and development and technical iteration of graphics processing chips, and after more than ten years, it has successfully developed a series of graphics processing chips represented by JM5400, JM7200 and JM9, and successfully realized industrialization.

Jingjiawei also disclosed that a few days ago, the company's JM9 series graphics processing chips have completed the test work, the main performance indicators have reached the company's design requirements, and the application areas will cover geographic information systems, media processing, CAD-aided design, games, virtualization and other high-performance display and artificial intelligence computing fields. This is a small step in the development of domestic graphics processing chips, but a big step in the development of the company's chips, the successful research and development of JM9 series graphics processing chips has further enriched the company's core technology reserves, laid a good technical foundation for the company's subsequent chip performance improvement, and provided strong product support for the company's future further expansion of the general market.

In the future, the company will further break through key technologies on the basis of existing foundations, base itself on the special market, continuously develop the company's market in the domestic general chip field, explore the integrated development of the special and general fields at the chip level, improve the company's strategic layout, and enhance the company's core competitiveness and sustained profitability.


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