
The nucleic acid tests of people at risk related to the confirmed case in Tongzhou, Beijing were all negative

The nucleic acid tests of people at risk related to the confirmed case in Tongzhou, Beijing were all negative

On December 19, a student in Huaqing Studio, Xiaobao Village, Songzhuang Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, tested positive for nucleic acid, and the local government quickly carried out temporary closed management of the Huaqing Studio where the case was located, and simultaneously carried out circulation adjustment, nucleic acid testing, environmental disinfection and other work. As of 10 o'clock today, all the relevant risk personnel have undergone nucleic acid testing, and the results are negative.

At present, the Huaqing Studio in Songzhuang Town, where the case is located, has been classified as a sealing and control area, and the implementation of "regional closure and staying at home"; south of West Ring Road in Songzhuang Town, west of Xusong Road, east of Xiaobao Industrial Road, and north of Wuming Road at the south gate of Huaqing Studio, has been designated as a control area, and "people do not leave the district and gathering is strictly prohibited"; the whole village of Xiaobao Village is divided into a prevention area, and the implementation of "strengthening social control and strictly restricting the gathering of personnel" is implemented.

According to the report, the case himself and the studio where he is located did not implement the relevant prevention and control requirements in accordance with the regulations, and will be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Source: CCTV News

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