
Newly unearthed bronze inscriptions in Beijing's Liulihe or rewrite the history of the Western Zhou Dynasty 3,000 years ago

People's Daily Beijing, December 21 (Yin Xingyun) According to the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, the archaeology of Liulihe has made new discoveries recently. The bronze inscription made its debut, which differs from the inscription excavated in the 1980s and complements each other, and is a valuable historical material for studying the early history of the Yan kingdom.

According to reports, this bronze tomb was excavated in the newly excavated M1902 tomb, which is located between the two large tombs that once unearthed the Bo Ji and the Wei Ding. The inscription appears "Taibao", "Yongyan", "Yanhou Palace" and other contents, which proves that more than 3,000 years ago, the King of Zhou summoned the Duke of Yan and personally visited Yandu (Liulihe Yandu Ruins) to build the city wall of the capital of Yanguo, which is now the ancient city of Dongjialin at the Liulihe Ruins.

Lei Xingshan, a professor at Capital Normal University, believes that the word "Yong" in the inscription is the meaning of building a city, confirming that Zhao Gong personally came to the ruins of Liulihe and built a capital here. Sun Qingwei, a professor at the School of Archaeology and Archaeology of Peking University, believes that this inscription empirically proves the history of Beijing's founding for more than 3,000 years with indisputable written materials, which has unique value in the study of world urban history and can be called the treasure of Beijing.

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