
How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

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The weather is getting colder, and going out to work out is a matter of perseverance. If you don't want to go out and exercise, you might as well do self-respect training at home. As long as people are self-disciplined enough, training at home can also achieve a good exercise effect.

How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

In the summer, Xiaobian is used to running, and in winter, Xiaobian is afraid of cold, so he will choose to train at home. The time for fitness at home is more flexible, and the use of trivial time can open the exercise, not affected by the weather and the venue, and also to achieve the purpose of fat burning and shaping.

There are also many actions that can be selected for self-weight training, such as: opening and closing jump, high leg lift, squat, lunge squat, flat support, goat standing up, pull-up, push-up, Bobby jump, etc., and the effect of different action exercises is also different.

How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

How to scientifically carry out self-weight fitness training? Fitness needs to be done step by step, starting with low-intensity movements and slowly increasing the intensity of training, so that you can exercise more safely and efficiently.

People who mainly lose weight can focus on aerobic actions such as opening and closing jumps, high leg lifts, and back hook legs, and people who increase muscles and train muscles can choose compound golden actions, which can strengthen the body muscle groups.

How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

When Xiaobian first trained at home, he would choose the action of opening and closing jumping for physical training. When opening and closing jump training, each time 2-3 minutes, repeat 3-4 groups, accumulating about 10 minutes, can effectively activate the body muscle groups, promote the body fat burning, while improving cardiopulmonary function, improve their own physique.

The day after each opening and closing jump, Xiaobian will feel soreness in the shoulder arm or calf muscles, which means that the muscle fibers have been torn and are being repaired.

How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

When novices carry out opening and closing jump training, they do not need to exercise every day, but need to combine work and leisure, and maintain the frequency of training once every other day, which can effectively burn fat and shape and create a better body.

If you want to strengthen the body muscles, you can start from squats, lunge squats, low pull-ups, push-ups and other compound actions, each action for 4-5 groups, 10-15 times per group, 2-3 days exercise once, you can effectively exercise the body of the large muscle group, the large muscle group can drive the small muscle group to develop together, effectively activate and strengthen the muscle group.

How do I start weight training? Why not start with these golden moves!

If you can stick to it for more than 2 months, it means that your self-discipline is still good. At this time, we can buy a pair of dumbbells for weight training and customize a more systematic fitness plan, which can further enhance the muscle dimension and effectively increase the proportion of the body.

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