
Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

author:The underlying view of history

The Japanese media likes to call Mrs. Devi "The Jacqueline of Japan", but she seems to be more temperamental than Jacqueline, and she is more open-mouthed, and she is controversial.

I don't know what Dai Wei thinks, although she is now eighty-two years old, she still does not shy away from gossip, and is still active in the Japanese entertainment industry.

Turning over her past life experience, people call this also "tough", having been a geisha, being the president's wife, squatting in prison, smashing the granddaughter of the Philippine president... It was a shock!

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Devi is still self-aware of her words and deeds, and once commented on herself: "I speak too straight, I can't make diplomatic remarks, and people will be afraid with one mouth."

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Many people may think that the name Devi is her English name, but it is not, but the name given to her by her husband Sukarno.

Dai wei, whose original name was Nemoto Nanahoko, was a native of Japan who was born in 1940 to an ordinary family in Tokyo, Japan.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Her father was a carpenter of low social status at the time, while her mother, like most Japanese women, was a housewife.

Therefore, the main source of income for the whole family depends on the hard work of her father, but unfortunately, her father's income is meager, and he can only maintain food and clothing for a year, and he also has to save money and money every day.

In 1955, the 15-year-old Nemoto Nanahoko had grown into a young man, and by chance, he and his classmates participated in a popular movie at that time, and since then they have been out of control.

Perhaps because she was fascinated by acting, or perhaps because she was fascinated by the bright and green life, Nanaboko just played a student role without lines in the play, so she boldly gave up her studies and went to tokyo to become a geisha at the Imperial Hotel Club in Tokyo.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

For this matter, the later Lady Devi was very jealous, and whoever dared to mention this stubble immediately followed whomever was in a hurry.

However, the rumor is that Because the family is really poor, shichihoko can't raise his brother's tuition, after all, the sister and brother have a deep affection and can't watch their brother who is excellent in his studies drop out of school, so he embarked on the road of becoming a geisha.

But regardless of the truth of the matter, even if she later strenuously denied it, there were indeed many Japanese men who confirmed that they had enjoyed her service.

Later, Nemoto Nanaboko's younger brother also suffered from severe depression during college because he could not understand what his sister was doing, and finally committed suicide.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In June 1959, Nemoto's fate was radically changed by a man who was Indonesia's founding president, Sukarno.

During his visit to Japan, Sukarno, at the warm invitation of Japanese businessman Masao Kubo, went to the imperial hotel bar in Tokyo for a pastime, and has since fallen into the gentle township of Nemoto Nanaboko.

At this time, The Root Seven Treasures, already a veteran of the enchanting and gorgeous love scene, opened up with natural beauty, posture, as if it were a special thing in the world, especially the big eyes that were shining brightly, and it was even more radiant, fascinating!

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

The two were almost in love at first sight, Mars hit the earth, and when they parted, the soft picture of Nanaboko's "looking back and smiling and smiling" made Sukarno six gods have no master, and suddenly felt that they wanted to live for another five hundred years!

After returning home, Sukarno impatiently called Nemoto Nanahoko, telling her about the pain of lovesickness and asking her to go to Jakarta as soon as possible.

When The notorious Japanese spy for invading China at that time, Yu YuShifu, learned of this situation, felt that it was an opportunity to perform, and immediately found an excuse to say that the Japanese "East Japan Trading" company in Indonesia urgently needed a secretary, and then escorted Nemoto Nanahoko over.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In this regard, Yu Yushifu also wrote a letter to Sukarno: "I gave the Japanese "Night Pearl" to His Excellency the President, please be sure to accept it. "It's so faceless.

Three months later, Nemoto Nanaboko successfully set foot on Indonesian soil and then went directly to the presidential palace.

Mrs. Devi did not mention much about her mood on the day she stayed in the presidential palace, and later only had such a description in her memoirs.

"That day, we spent a romantic and warm night, and from then on in a remote corner with no electric lights and no one in the dark...

"Sukarno always thought I could bring pleasure to him physically and mentally, and give him infinite strength!"

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

On June 6, 1962, at the age of 59, Sukarno held a secret wedding with the 22-year-old beautiful Nemoto Nanaboko.

From then on, Nemoto Nanahoko was officially given the name Latona Sally Devi Sukarno. The name means in Sanskrit "a sacred goddess like a jewel." ”

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Not only that, but in order to please Devi, President Sukarno also built a palatial palace for her on the outskirts of Jakarta, and named it after Lady Devi's brother " Yazengman "Bazeng-ang" .

Sukarno, who was originally handsome and charming, has since changed his previous debauched life style of private life, and it is said that he often drives a jeep alone at night and takes Devi to the port every day to watch the night view.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

This made the guards responsible for guarding the president's safety feel embarrassed, too close to the wrong, too far is not right, can only carefully find a hidden place to silently follow, lest it ruin the president's interest.

This is also the happiest time for the two of them, the two often go to the countryside, bathed in the sun, or whispering, or Qingqing me, or the mountain alliance sea oath, or laughing...

During this period, Sukarno also wrote two handwritten edicts, which roughly mean that whether he died before or after Madame Devi, he would be buried with her, and he would never be separated in life.

Sukarno may have thought a little too much about this matter, after all, people who are sixty years old, don't have points in their hearts? However, this can also show his love for Madame Devi.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Some people say that happy times are always short-lived, especially for people in high positions.

On September 30, 1965, a military coup broke out in Indonesia, and although Sukarno saved his life, he has been under house arrest in the "Yazeng men's palace" ever since, counting his fingers.

But his beloved, beloved, dear Madame Devi, abandoned him somewhat mercilessly, and on the pretext of being pregnant, evaded all pursuit and interrogation, and successfully fled to France.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

It is rumored that Sukarno also had a bad premonition before the coup d'état and transferred a large amount of his property to the Swiss bank, all of which became the property of Madame Devi.

In her later memoirs, Devi described her time in France as follows: "At that time, I was young, beautiful, and had money in my hands, and the upper class people in French social circles invited me to my home and called me "Oriental Pearl", and I was really happy at that time." ”

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In June 1970, Indonesian President Soekarno, because of his deteriorating condition, kept calling out the name "Devi", hoping to meet his daughter, whom he had never met.

However, by the time Devi rushed back to Indonesia with her daughter, Sukarno had already died in the garden of the "Eight Great Men's Palace".

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In this regard, the people of the Sukarno family have a lot of criticism of Devi's mother and daughter, and do not want to see them, always make some difficulties, and in desperation, Devi can only leave Indonesia with her daughter and return to France.

In the years since, Mrs. Devi has been rumored to have been married many times, but in the end she has not married anyone and has been single in the legal sense.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In 1991, Devi did not know whether she was tired of the romantic life in France or whether the world was very large, and she wanted to go around and choose to move to the United States.

The following year, when Devi was visiting a famous ski resort in Colorado, she happened to meet Minnie, the granddaughter of the 4th president of the Philippines, and the two were like-minded and had a very opportunistic conversation.

Minnie is only in her twenties, looks young and beautiful, and her ideals are also very ambitious, and when she chatted, she expressed her ambition to become the vice president of the Philippines in the future.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Mrs. Devi has a straightforward personality, and she can't help it at once, and she sneered at the time. But she didn't expect that Minnie had a grudge against this, and her heart had been thinking about how to retaliate.

During their break, Minnie begins to deliberately mention Mrs. Devi's past experiences, accidentally talking about Devi's "geisha" career, and also making a lot of mockery.

This was originally a "taboo", Devi was angry from the heart, picked up the glass bottle and smashed it into Minnie's face, suddenly full of flowers, blood flowed, sent to the hospital after a full 37 stitches, basically equivalent to disfigurement.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

Thanks to the lawyers That Devi hired, she was sentenced to 60 days in prison for it. As for her feelings about living in prison, Devi did not care, and said that she was very happy in an interview with an American reporter.

As the saying goes: "The fallen leaves will eventually return to the roots", after Devi was too old, she finally chose to return to Japan to settle down, and became the focus of Japanese media attention.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In 1993, perhaps "old women talk about girlish madness", Devi actually published a set of nude photo albums at the age of 53, most of which were full nude photos and tattoo photos, which caused a sensation in Asia for a while.

In this regard, the Sukarno family in Indonesia could not accept it, believing that Devi had violated the norms of the East and tarnished the reputation of the Sukarno family, and announced that she would be expelled from the family register.

However, Mrs. Devi did not care about this, and still went her own way, not only often active in the variety shows of various Japanese television stations, but also published books and criticized Japanese politicians and cultural circles.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

In a television debate program, Dai Wei resolutely denied the relevant historical facts of the "Nanjing Massacre", and even groundlessly accused China of smearing Japan and slandering China's Tibet and Diaoyu Dao issues.

Immediately, he was vigorously refuted by Mr. Xu Jingbo, the president of the Asian News Agency, and reprimanded Dai Wei: "People can have no conscience, but they cannot have no conscience!" ”

After the program was broadcast, all patriotic netizens in our country also vigorously attacked Devi's words and condemned her absurd remarks, demanding that she apologize for it.

Mrs. Devi: The fourth wife of Indonesia's founding president Sukarno, with a black history under her beautiful appearance

However, Dai Wei ignored this and ignored it, and what is even more infuriating is that Zhang Zhehan, a talented artist with a bad deed, also took a photo with her, and posted it on his social media account with pride, which is simply an act of ingratitude and forgetting his ancestors.