
The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

This article is original by Tuanzi Ma parenting, welcome personal comments and sharing

The most difficult job in the world is to be a parent, on the one hand, I want my child to be excellent, so I make a lot of strict requirements for my child; on the other hand, I hope that my child can grow up healthily, I hope he is happy, and I don't want to limit him with too many things.

Parents are always prone to such a dilemma, although everyone needs to choose, but parents must give their children a good example, especially on the issue of principle must not be confused.

It is wise to raise a baby, and the child has this performance regardless of it

On the road of everyone's life, it will not be smooth sailing, and the more you grow up, the more difficulties you will encounter.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

Every parent hopes to be able to protect their child from harm, but parents must also understand that one day their children will grow into an adult and need to face every problem in life independently.

Then the ability to face problems in this way needs to be cultivated by parents from an early age. The better the child is protected by his parents, the more vulnerable he will be, and when faced with setbacks he has not encountered, it will be easier to give up, and even go to extremes.

Therefore, parents must remember that when children face some difficult problems, you can ask your children if they can solve them, and when they really can't solve them, they can come to you for help.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

If the child can solve these problems independently and make more progress at a time, then the child will develop an independent and strong character. The cultivation of character is more important than anything else.

If you don't "spoil" your children in 3 things, it is difficult to think of being excellent

Parents for the guidance of children is very important, but in such a small matter, we can let the children choose by themselves, parents only learn to let go, the child can grow into an independent individual.

"Clothes to reach out, food to open the mouth" do not spoil

We often use "sensible" or "independent" to praise a child, a child who can take care of himself early, and will better handle his life in the process of future development.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

Of course, we do not want every child to be able to completely handle his own affairs from an early age, but to let him not develop the habit of eating and laziness. Don't let him think that "clothes come to reach out, food to open his mouth", if the child develops this "I need to get" consciousness, it will inevitably suffer losses in later life and work.

In life, we can also see many such examples, children are in their twenties, but they can't even wash their clothes, and there are many such college students who even save their own clothes to send home for their parents to wash.

Children think they are not spoiled

Children who know how to respect are children who know how to be polite. At the same time, this is also a mutual process, only children know how to respect others, in order to gain the respect of others in the future development.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

We will find that in daily life there are many children, although very young, but a tantrum will swear. In school, he confronts the teacher, bullies his classmates, and always shouts and commands his elders, and even the elders who come to the family will not say hello at all.

This is the lack of respect to bring about lack of politeness, this time as a parent must not allow the child to continue to develop in this way.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

If the child has this situation, be sure to correct it in time and not let him develop this habit. If children develop such thinking and do not know how to respect, it will be difficult to respect others in society in the future.

Don't pet a wild child

In many parent-child education programs, there will often be many unreasonable children, such as parents who do not meet his requirements, he will throw himself on the spot.

Many parents will immediately meet their children's requirements out of face problems. This will make the child think that as long as he throws himself around, he will get what he wants. As a result, the child will only become more arrogant once and more arrogant.

The wise approach of raising a baby: Parents insist on "1 no matter what 3 is not favored", and it is difficult for children to think of being excellent

If it is found that the child has such a problem, the parents must not indulge, if the child is unreasonable, the parents must also adhere to their own principles. Only if the parents insist on not giving in, the child will understand where the bottom line in life is. We don't want our children to become unbridled children that everyone hates.

Raising a baby is a very big science, if you find that the child has problems that affect the principles and habits, parents must give the child guidance and help in time.

Tuanzi's mother's heart:

If you want to change your child's habits, then parents must set a good example for their children.

【Today's topic】What kind of family do you think can cultivate excellent children?

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