
The league does not consider allowing asymptomatic players to play as a preferred option

The league does not consider allowing asymptomatic players to play as a preferred option

Live Bar December 24, 2019 US NBA reporter Baxter Holmes posted today, in which he talked about the alliance's current response to the new crown epidemic.

More than 120 players have triggered health and safety agreements in December due to the Outbreak of the Omiljun virus this month, with at least five players from 12 teams in quarantine and several games postponed.

According to Baxter Holmes, the surge in the number of players triggering health and safety agreements has led some team executives to think about countermeasures and continue to make suggestions to the league for asymptomatic players to play. But according to sources, the league and players' unions do not currently make such a scheme their first choice.

(Best 15th Person)

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