
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding

author:Bright Net

Recently, some netizens said,

I bought my baby a box of finger cookies,

Find that there is one inside

Sodium metabisulfite, an ingredient harmful to the human body,

What should I do about this?

Today is March 15 International Consumer Rights Day,

@CCTV Finance invited to professional lawyers,

To the majority of netizens popularized a piece of legal knowledge:

Sodium metabisulfite is not allowed in children's food,

This is a food that does not meet safety standards,

You can claim 10 times the compensation from the merchant or operator!

If loss is caused,

then, in addition to the loss,

It is also possible to claim three times the amount of compensation for damages.

Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding

What exactly is sodium metabisulfite?

Sodium metabisulfite is a food additive that is generally used as a preservative, bleach and a loose agent in food processing. When used as a bleach, it is limited to fumigation, cannot be used for soaking, and bleaching is carried out in direct contact with the article.

Sodium metabisulfite is inedible, and after eating it has a certain impact on the human body, it can cause liver damage to the human body, and when it is severe, it can lead to death.

In daily life, buyers can judge whether sodium metabisulfite is mixed with the color and smell of food. When purchasing food, you can see whether the color of the skin is too bright, and if it is bright, you can smell whether it is irritating. If any, it may be considered that it is possible to use sodium metabisulfite soaked, this food as far as possible to avoid eating, in order to prevent sodium metabisulfite poisoning.

Teachers and parents are building awareness of rights protection.

More attention should be paid to the careful selection of children's food.

What kind of food is suitable for children?

What can't be eaten?

Come and take a look at it with Zhongjiaojun.~

These 8 things, do not feed to children to eat



Children swallowing jelly is prone to accidents, and can not be careless!

It is recommended that when parents give their children jelly, do not give them whole, but can crush them first and then give them to their children.


Peanuts, melon seeds, tree nuts

Many parents will think that the baby has teeth and can bite and eat nuts.

Doctors remind that in fact, babies under 3 years old are not easy to chew nuts, and the swallowing reflex is not yet fully developed, even if you can bite nuts, you can not fully chew, large particles are still easy to jam the trachea.

Moreover, if the rescue is not done properly after the trachea is blocked, it may kill in just a few minutes. Especially like macadamia nuts, pistachios and other round nuts, when the baby eats in the mouth, adults are more likely to slide into the trachea.

Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding


Words plum, candied fruit

Plum meat makes many people "love to let go", in fact, this kind of candied food is almost a large collection of various additives!

In addition, the plum has a core, as long as it is stuck, it will cause life danger.


Pickles, pickled foods

Families with elderly people especially like to pickle various pickles and meats in winter, and they will put a lot of salt during the pickling process.

A high-salt diet is easy to induce hypertension; pickled products contain a large amount of nitrite, which is carcinogen with aflatoxin and phenylpropene.

Pickles, cured meats, bacon, fish fillets, beef jerky, squid shreds and other foods, try not to give to the baby.



Doctors explain that honey is often mixed with botulinum toxin spores, due to the limited defense of the infant intestinal flora, botulinum toxin spores may germinate in the intestine and release toxins, resulting in botulism, resulting in constipation, loss of appetite, weakness, crying changes and mouth, eyes and other non-listening.

The World Health Organization recommends that babies under 1 year old should not eat honey.

Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding


Sashimi, semi-cooked steak, drunken shrimp, etc

Sashimi, sashimi a lot of are not hygienic, contains a large number of germs, dipped in the seasoning almost no bactericidal effect, the child's digestive tract is very delicate, it is easy to cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal colds and other symptoms.

Some uncooked fish (especially freshwater fish), semi-cooked beef, raw shrimp and crabs, and frogs may also have parasites. Cases of parasites growing all over the body due to good raw food are common, and children are infected with parasites, which can affect growth and intellectual development in severe cases.

Of course, in addition to the above several foods, there are also junk foods such as Fries, Spicy Strips, and Coke, and the baby tries to eat as little or no as possible.

Food safety issues are heavier than Tarzan.

Want to ensure the healthy growth of children,

Be sure to reserve scientific food safety knowledge,

Build a safe line of defense for your child.

Here, Zhongjiaojun sorted it out for all parents

40 key points of food safety knowledge for students (knocking on the blackboard)

Let's take a look at it

Food safety knowledge 40, must see!

Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding
Didn't expect that! Children's food containing harmful ingredients can be compensated 10 times and is worth forwarding

Content Source | @ CCTV Finance, China Youth Brand Development Program "Remember! 40 food safety education knowledge for students! | National Day of Safety Education for Primary and Secondary School Students》

Source: China Education News