
Entering the meta-universe Tencent Music launched the virtual music world product TMELAND

On December 24, Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) announced that it will officially launch TMELAND, the first virtual music carnival in China, and has launched an appointment page on its QQ Music and other platforms, and more than 40,000 people have made reservations at TMELAND.

Entering the meta-universe Tencent Music launched the virtual music world product TMELAND

According to reports, TMELAND and Yuanxiang XVERSE Company, driven by innovation with the industry's first end-cloud collaboration technology, create a "surreal" digital space-time that integrates reality and virtuality for users. Users can create their own avatars, explore music and interactions digitally, and experience digital scenes such as virtual live broadcasts and virtual concerts. From the perspective of the official launch and product form, this move can be regarded as the first step in Tencent Music's entry into the meta-universe.

On the occasion of the launch of TMELAND, the first virtual New Year's Eve music festival will also be opened synchronously, no matter where they are, users can make an appointment to enter TMELAND through QQ Music and other platforms, unlock the futuristic virtual music world, spend the first virtual New Year's Eve music festival with many well-known musicians, and experience the charm of music and technology at close range.

Entering the meta-universe Tencent Music launched the virtual music world product TMELAND

Tencent Music said that in the future, TMELAND will also realize the functions of creating exclusive digital islands, free layout landscapes, and providing musicians with creative tools, growth resources and incubation plans in the virtual music world.

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