
How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

Family members have cancer,

What to do?

10 years of front-line work,

Shanghai Thoracic Surgery Attending Physician New Book,

Tell you through nearly 100 answers ,

If the day comes, don't be afraid!

"Science of Translation" is a new book series launched by the Shanghai Translation And Social Science Office from 2021. This set of books is people-oriented, concerned about where people come from, the present situation and the future, and science also has a temperature.

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

How to choose the right hospital and doctor?

How to communicate effectively with the doctor?

Do you want to tell your family that he has cancer?

What are the contraindications to diet in cancer patients?

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

When should I give up treatment?

What should I do with hospice care?

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

This book is a book written by a clinically experienced oncologist for the families of cancer patients, the author through a vivid and true story, with humor and humor and no lack of warm narrative, to answer the widespread concerns of cancer patients and their families: how to properly seek medical treatment? How do I communicate with my doctor? How to decide on a reasonable treatment plan, take less wrongful roads, and spend less money? How to correctly view cancer? How do I adjust my lifestyle and mindset? What nursing skills can help patients alleviate pain and recover sooner? What should I do to prepare for the big deadline? ......

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

The author not only shared scientific and systematic medical guidance, which is convenient for patients and their families to inquire and learn from, but also revealed a lot of industry insiders that "only doctors know" and the bittersweet, affinity and practicality of medical practitioners, which enhanced the communication and understanding between doctors and patients.

About the Author

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

Wang Xing

Ph.D. in Oncology, Peking University. He has successively served as the attending physician of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Peking University Cancer Hospital, the postdoctoral physician of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, and the attending physician of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of Shanghai First People's Hospital. He has been invited to participate in the World Lung Cancer Congress and the Annual Conference of Thoracic Surgery in the United States, and has spoken at the Conference.

He has been invited to serve as a star demo guest of CCTV's "Road to Health" program for a long time. Won the title of "Health Communication Influential Person" in 2017 by Health News.

His published works include "Lung Talk", "Strange Doctor's Notes", "How Cancer Patients Eat", "Thymic Surgery" (English version), etc., of which "How Cancer Patients Eat" has also published Chinese Traditional editions.

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?


Can cancer be cured?

This is a question that countless people have asked. Here I would like to introduce you to a concept - 5-year survival rate.

Q: What is the 5-year survival rate? The lung cancer of the elderly in our family is stage IA, I checked on the Internet, it is written that the 5-year survival rate is 90%, is it said that at most you can live for 5 more years?

A: No, the 5-year survival rate is our way of objectively evaluating the cure rate of a tumor. In any case, doctors always have to come up with an indicator to evaluate the chances of tumor cure, so scientists think about it and think that the probability of surviving to 5 years is the best indicator.

Q: Why 5 years?

A: Because scientists have found that when people live to 5 years after removing the tumor, the probability of death due to tumor recurrence and metastasis is greatly reduced, it can be said that as long as they can live for 5 years after surgery, most people will never have the same tumor in this life.

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

Q: So why not use 10 years as the standard? If you can survive for more than 10 years, does that mean that you will not get tumors in the future?

A: You understand very well, now some tumors with high cure rates, such as breast cancer, have also begun to use the 10-year survival rate as the criterion for judging the cure rate of tumors. This is because the 5-year survival rate, almost all stages tend to be closer to more than 90%. But the reason why we are still willing to use it for 5 years is because we want to give the patient confidence, just like when climbing a mountain, we tell the patient that there is still 1 km to reach the top! Let the patient have hope, so that they will be more motivated and more confident to go on, rather than suffering from the beginning and wondering when they will survive 10 years.

Q: After 5 years, does the patient need to be re-examined?

A: It is still necessary, we think that the risk of tumor patients getting the same tumor again, or other tumors is still higher than ordinary people, so tumor patients should undergo physical examinations and find diseases as soon as possible. It is believed that any disease has many ways to deal with it in the early stages, and once the cancer cells are out of control, the treatment will be put into a very passive situation.

Q: So, is cancer really curable?

A: Of course. For those who can do surgery, they have a considerable chance of saying goodbye to lung cancer, and for some advanced patients, with the current advanced targeted drugs, there are still people who take the tumor alive. These are not the facts that the doctors have fooled people, but the fact that I have been doing it for so many years, one by one, patient by patient, and seeing it with my own eyes.

Q: Then I will tell the old man that he has a 90% chance of being cured of this disease.

A: No, don't say that. Healthy people sometimes can't understand the fear in the heart of tumor patients, and some patients have told me privately that even if they tell him that there is only a 5% chance of recurrence, in the dead of night, he will always wonder if he is the unfortunate 5%. Every time I reviewed, I was also worried that I might be doomed this time. In fact, just say to the patient: "Mom, the doctor said that you have been cured, and we will review it regularly in the future to let the doctor see how we are recovering." "That's enough. Don't mention the number of things, it is easy to make patients sensitive.

Man is such a strange animal, we do not know more and less fear, but because we know more and more afraid. I sometimes advise my patients and families, it's hard to be confused! Keep a quiet inner life and live happily, in order to live the way you want it to be. Cancer can be cured, but what needs to be cured more is our hearts that are hit by the word "cancer." Don't give up on yourself because you have cancer, try to live your life as it is, and proudly say when you regain your life: "I 'got' cancer, but I beat it!" ”

Excerpt from "Patient's Family, Please Come"

How can working-class workers respond effectively to the economic pressures of cancer?

Book Title: Patient's Family, Please Come Here

Author: Wang Xing

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Wu Bo

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, Xinhuacheng reporter: Wu Bo

Video/Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng Reporter: Wu Bo

Correspondent: Wang Zhen

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Dai Yujing

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