
Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

Who can not die in this life? But the death of ordinary people and the death of historical figures are not the same as those of historical figures. Among the successive soviet leaders who have passed away, Stalin's death is the most intriguing.

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

There is no doubt that Stalin had supreme power in his hands during his lifetime, that his words could determine the life and death of people, and that even one of his eyes would make the "comrades-in-arms" around him shudder. In his twilight years, Stalin's paranoia had developed to a bizarre point, and shortly before his death, manic sexual phobia appeared.

When eating, as long as no one personally tastes a certain dish in person, he will never touch it. He could not believe a single one of those who had served left and right and been faithful for many years.

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

On March 4, 1953, Pravda, the most authoritative official newspaper in the Soviet Union at the time, published a front-page headline of stalin's illness the day before, jointly issued by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The communiqué states that "Stalin suffered a sudden cerebral hemorrhage in his apartment in Moscow from midnight on 1 March to early morning on 2 March, resulting in paralysis of his right limb and loss of speech, and on 2 and 3 March the necessary medical measures were taken". On March 6, Pravda published a medical appraisal of Stalin's death: "Comrade Stalin died at 21:50 on March 5 due to continuous cardiovascular blood supply deficiencies and breathing difficulties. ”

The above report of Pravda is the official Soviet official account of Stalin's illness, the time, place and cause of his death. But the reliability and credibility of this official claim has been questioned.

So, did Stalin die of cerebral hemorrhage? It was not until 1963 that Khrushchev finally spoke out after drinking.

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

On July 19, 1963, Khrushchev held a large banquet in Moscow. Khrushchev, who had been drunk for three rounds, said:

"Comrades, I have received letters from workers, peasants and intellectuals who say that everything is better for us now than in the past, and that it would have been better if Stalin had died 10 years earlier. That's the right idea, that's what the people think. ”

Khrushchev, as if he was still unfinished, suddenly raised his voice and said, "There have been many cruel tyrants in human history, but none of them have ended well, and they have all been hacked to death by the axes on which they depend to preserve their power." ”

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

We do not know the truth of history, but Khrushchev did have a personal vendetta against Stalin!

The Outbreak of the Soviet-German War in 1941 provided Khrushchev with the opportunity to exert his fists, but it also deprived him of his beloved son. Khrushchev's eldest son, Leonid, was a distinguished pilot who was leonid's last appearance on 11 March 1943, during which he was separated from the crew and subsequently missing.

However, parts of the memoir reveal that Leonid actually fell into German hands and soon surrendered. Enraged, Stalin ordered elite counter-espionage units to "rescue" Leonid. In the end, Leonid was actually snatched from the Germans by the Soviets and kidnapped back to Moscow. The military tribunal of the Moscow Military District soon sentenced Leonid to death.

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

This incident undoubtedly left a scar in Khrushchev's heart, and it is said that he said privately to a friend: "Lenin has taken revenge on the Tsar's family for his brother, and I will also take revenge on Stalin for my son, even though he is dead, I must let him taste my strength." ”

Stalin's body was pulled from Lenin's tomb to a crematorium and burned. In fact, Stalin's cremation was a resolution made by the CPSU, not the will of Khrushchev alone.

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

One commented by Churchill that he had inherited a Russia ploughed with a wooden plow, leaving behind a Russian man with an atomic bomb, and was it possible to maintain his rule for many years and achieve so much without killing everyone?

If the total blackening of Stalin is serious, then as some people say, from the workers and peasants down to the top of the Party, who is supporting Stalin?

Was Stalin really murdered? Khrushchev "spitting out the truth after drinking"

However, dictatorship and hegemony, charm and faith, after all, accompanied by this tyrant forever sinking in the long river of history.

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