
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Poster News

Editor's Note:

From rustic countryside to noisy towns, from centuries-old shops to street stalls, from fine dishes that have been passed down for thousands of years to the daily diet of ordinary people... Liaocheng cuisine, countless. From now on, the public network poster news will continue to launch the "Food in Liaocheng" series of reports, we take you all over Liaocheng, eat all over Liaocheng, and find the long-lost taste of nostalgia.

Poster reporter Hou Xiao, Qiao Siya, Li Jianing, reported from Liaocheng

In Liaocheng, there is such a delicacy. Its approach is not complicated, nor is it fancy, and it is even a familiar ingredient. During the New Year, many families are doing it, which is an indispensable delicacy on the Spring Festival reunion dinner table.

Say goodbye to the quiet and comfortable countryside and come to the hustle and bustle of the city. That familiar old taste, you may have gradually forgotten. You may also forget that when you were a child, you went to your grandmother's house and cried and had to eat this delicacy.

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

What exactly is it? It turned out to be a meat stew. Stew, a traditional country dish, is especially popular among northerners. The recipes are varied and the flavors are different. In Liaocheng, there are not a few who can make stews, and Xuying Town, a high-tech zone, is the most famous.

Which stew is the best? If you go to Xuying Town to inquire, ten people may give ten answers. Xuying's stew has its own characteristics. Going in the dark and hitting by mistake, the public network poster news reporter encountered a storefront called "Shijie Stew".

If you look closely, this restaurant is actually a restaurant, and the stew is the signature. The interior of the restaurant is simple and simple, and it belongs to a typical farmhouse restaurant. Seeing someone enter the store, a small middle-aged woman in her fifties came over and greeted the reporter warmly.

From the conversation, the reporter learned that her name was Zhang Shijie, and she was the owner of the store. Speaking of making stews, the hostess immediately opened the conversation box. She said the restaurant was officially open since 2000, and has been open for 21 years, making stews for 21 years.

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

Zhang Shijie said that the steps to make stew are very simple, not complicated at all, the ingredients are common to us, many people will do, especially our parents. "In fact, as long as you are careful and like to study, everyone can make a fragrant meat stew."

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

As the hostess said, the ingredients used to make the stew are really on the side of the road, mainly including onions, ginger, vermicelli, sweet potato powder, meat filling, cooking water, etc.; the main step is to cook the vermicelli, mix the material water with the sweet potato powder, chop the onion and ginger, stir well with the meat filling, and finally steam. Two hours to bake.

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

Of course, for the sake of properly configuring time, there are steps that can be considered as a priority. For example, the noodles need to sit for about half an hour after cooking, and it takes a while for the ingredients to fuse with the sweet potato powder. Then, these two steps can be done in advance, and the waiting time can be carried out for other steps.

It is light to say, but it is not simple to operate in practice. Just these few steps down, how to have to work for most of the day. Zhang Shijie said that it is not because of how high the technical content is needed to make stews, the key is to see if you are willing to spend time and whether you are willing to work hard.

Zhang Shijie said that in Xuying Town, there are many people who can make stews, but there are only a few people who work in this way, let alone inherit them. "Every morning when you get up at four o'clock, can you get up?" Today's young people can't bear hardships and would rather go to work than do hard work. ”

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

Zhang Shijie insisted on it for 21 years. Over the years, "Shijie Stew" has accumulated a large number of loyal fans and customers, and many citizens have specially driven from the city to Xuying just to taste a stew. Between interviews, citizens came to buy one after another.

"My family's stew has also arrived in Africa!" Zhang Shijie said with a smile. It turned out that when her daughter was in college in Fujian, she met many foreign students. An African student who ate her family's stew and couldn't help himself immediately ordered a batch and mailed it to his hometown in Africa.

Xu Ying's stewing into Africa has now become a must-talk for Zhang Shijie. Although it sounded like a joke, she really had such a wish. "I also hope that one day, the stew in Liaocheng city can also take high-speed rail and planes and be exported to all parts of the country."

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

In order to build fame and brand, eight years ago, Zhang Shijie specially registered a trademark - Shijie stew. With a good reputation and unique flavor, "Shijie Stew" soon became famous in Shandong Province and surrounding provinces, and batch after batch of orders followed.

However, Zhang Shijie had the trouble of happiness again. Faced with hundreds of pounds of orders, she coped with it easily. But in the face of thousands or even tens of thousands of pounds of large orders, her heart suddenly bottomless. Because the amount was too large, she was worried that she would not be able to do it. "I'm just afraid that I will delay new customers and not be able to supply old customers normally."

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

Not long ago, Zhang Shijie turned down a big deal. An e-commerce company in Jinan took a fancy to the stew she made, wanted to order 8,000 pounds at a time, and thought about it, Zhang Shijie still refused the order. "Making stews is a pure manual work, which is very laborious and costly. Don't say ten thousand pounds, that is, five hundred pounds, a total of eight of us have to work all day. ”

There is craftsmanship, there is word of mouth, and there is a market. Everything seems to be ready, only a handful of east winds. Zhang Shijie also said that it is a pity that so many orders have been lost in vain. So she now has the idea of scaling up. That is, on the basis of ensuring taste, try to introduce mechanized production methods.

Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng
Food in Liaocheng (1) 丨 Xuying stew: a touch of nostalgia soaked in the taste of Liaocheng

"If possible, I also want to rent a piece of land, build a factory building, and completely hit the brand of Xuying Stew to the whole country." It drives jobs and generates income. Zhang Shijie said that this is her biggest wish at present.

Editor-in-charge: Zhao Zhipeng

Review: Lee Siu Fai

This article is from [Poster News] and represents the views of the author only. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.


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