
Who is the most wife-afraid emperor in Chinese history?

The dense sound of horses' hooves echoed through the mountains, and a man in his fifties galloped aimlessly on his horse. He didn't know where he was going.

This man, named Yang Jian, was the emperor of the Sui Dynasty, the most powerful man in the country. A few hours earlier, a woman he liked had been killed. His heart was filled with resentment, and he had nowhere to express it, so he could only turn over on his horse and gallop away.

Yang Jian is a fierce character. Previously, in the process of replacing the Zhou Jing Emperor Yuwen Yan and usurping the throne to change Northern Zhou to Sui, he killed almost all the princes and ministers who posed any threat to his position, and the Yuwen clan was even more tragically exterminated. After Emperor Jing of Zhou ceded the throne to him, he was brutally killed, when he was only 9 years old and was still a child.

This time, in the face of the murder of the woman he loved, he had no choice but to run away from home to vent. The panicked ministers chased him out and told him that he could not ignore the world for a woman. At this time, the fierce character Yang Jian was aggrieved like a child: "I am a son of heaven, and I am not allowed to be free." ”

The person who killed his favorite concubine and made him feel this emotion was Lone Garo, his queen.

Who is the most wife-afraid emperor in Chinese history?

True portrait of Emperor Wen of Sui, silk, painted by Yao Wenhan in the fifty-third year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1788). (fotoe figure)


Yang Jian and Dugu Jia Luo were married in 557 AD. At that time, Yang Jian was 16 years old, and Dugu Jia Luo was 2 years younger than him. The 14-year-old Lonely Garo asked Yang Jian to make a promise that he could only have children with her in this life. At a time when contraceptive technology was not yet developed, this almost meant that Yang Jian could not get close to other women.

Yang Jian agreed. Even after becoming emperor, Yang Jian kept his promise. He became almost one of the few Chinese emperors to practice the concept of "monogamy.". The two were also prolific and had five sons. Although it sounds very romantic, it is not in line with etiquette after all. According to the "History of Social Life in the Five Dynasties of Sui and Tang Dynasties", in the Sui Dynasty, the harem also adopted the "Zhou Li" and the old yi of the Han and Jin Dynasties, according to this regulation, the emperor's harem in addition to the empress, but also need to have nobles, concubines, wives, female emperors and so on. However, at the beginning of the reign, Yang Jian only had one empress, and although he later set up 3 concubines, 9 women, and 38 female emperors, it can also be imagined that it was just a fictitious one.

After another 36 years, in 593 AD, Yang Jian was 52 years old, and he was suddenly attracted to a palace girl, who was also the granddaughter of an official who had rebelled against his old enemy. Age did not become an obstacle, and the old emperor blessed her.

History proves once again that men's vows are unreliable. When the Dugu Empress heard about this, she was furious and took advantage of Yang Jian's ascension to the court to lead someone to find this palace girl and kill her on the spot.

After Yang Jian went down, Xingchong rushed to find the little palace girl, but got this bad news. He did not dare to ask the empress Xingshi for his guilt, so he could only drive his horse out of the palace and gallop along the road to vent the anger in his chest. After being stopped by the courtiers, he wandered for a long time and returned to the palace in the middle of the night.

Guanlong Street Regiment

Yang Jian really loves this wife.

The Sui Shu Music Chronicle records that in addition to being emperor, Yang Jian was also a composer, and he once made two pieces of music to give to his wife, "Heavenly Height" and "Earth Thickness", "entrusting the righteousness of husband and wife".

Who is the most wife-afraid emperor in Chinese history?

In the TV series "Lonely World", the lonely Garo stills.

Lone Garo is indeed a powerful goddess. Looks naturally beautiful, and loves to read, through ancient and modern, advocating frugality, not good at chopping hands. Once a general wanted to send her a batch of pearls, but when she found out, she refused, asking him to share the money for the pearls with the soldiers. When the news came out, both the government and the public praised her virtue.

It is said that at that time, Yang Jian went to the court, and she also wanted to take Dugu Jia luo, of course, she would not go to the main hall, she would only send people to pass on news from time to time, and on major issues, she would also pass on her opinions to Yang Jian. At that time, Yang Jian and his wife were often referred to as "two saints".

Therefore, the influence of the solitary Garo on politics at that time was very large.

Of course, Yang Jian did not dare to cure her of the crime of killing the palace maid, not only for these reasons. More importantly, behind the lone garo stands a huge interest group. If he offends this interest group, Yang Jian's world may not be protected. This is also the reason why Gao Hao said, "Don't disregard the world for a woman."

Historian Chen Yinke called this interest group the "Guanlong Group." This clique was a derivative of the imperial military system established by Yuwen Tai, the de facto ruler of Western Wei. After the adoption of the prefectural military system, Yuwen Tai established the Eight Pillar Kingdoms, and there were 12 generals under it. These eight pillar states, 12 great generals, and a total of 20 families constitute the Guanlong group. Chen Yinke said that this group has two major characteristics, one is that it is "a man of military talent and wisdom who has integrated the Hu and Han nationalities." The second is that "in is the phase, and out is the will.". That is to say, this group of people was the top elite in the country at that time, and they also controlled the major affairs of civil and military affairs.

More importantly, these nobles also intermarried with each other, making this network even closer. Dugu Jialuo's father, Dugu Xin, was one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms and belonged to the top nobles in this group. Dugu Xin is not famous, but his influence is great. He is one of the few national father-in-law figures in history. He had seven daughters, three of whom later became empresses. In addition to the lone garo, the eldest daughter married Yuwen Yu, the eldest son of Yuwen Tai and later became the Emperor of Northern Zhou. The fourth daughter was the mother of Li Yuan, the founding emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who posthumously honored her as empress after Li Yuan ascended the throne.

It should be noted here that before Dugu Xin married his daughter, none of these three sons-in-law were called emperors, and Yuwen Yu became a magistrate. This is not something that Du Lonely Faith can calculate in the long run, mainly because these marriages are completed within the group. Yuwen Tai was the same as Dugu Xin in the Great Pillar State, Yang Jian's father was Du Guxin's subordinate general, and Li Yuan's father, Li Xun, was also one of the twelve generals.

At that time, Yang Jian was able to successfully correct the edict to obtain the power of Northern Zhou, and then usurped power and claimed the title of emperor, not because he really had any destiny, but because he had the support of this GuanLong clique behind him.

Understand this layer of background, and then look at this harem blood case. The one who died was a palace maid, and the granddaughter of a traitor, and on the other side was his empress, the woman behind the support of the Long clique. If he punished the empress because of a palace maid, it was likely that the Offender would be the Guan Long clique behind him.

Therefore, Gao Hao advised him not to mistake the world for a woman. Yang Jiancai cried out in pain: I am a son of heaven and cannot be free. Previously, in "Rereading the Three Kingdoms", the huge influence of aristocratic groups on politics was also mentioned. After the Tang Dynasty, the aristocratic clique's checks and balances on imperial power weakened, but the bureaucracy began to rise. This struggle between the emperor and the aristocratic clique, the emperor and the bureaucratic clique, is also a major clue to the understanding of Chinese history, and the contradictions and struggles between the two, the group's balance on imperial power, have been very obvious until the Ming Dynasty.

Yang Jian finally returned to the palace under the advice of the chancellor, and he also resumed a close relationship with the Dugu Empress. From then on, it was not until the death of the LoneLy Empress that Yang Jian began to get close to other women. However, the story of the powerful LoneLy Queen has not yet ended here, and she has finally made a major event that affects the direction of Chinese history.

In the next issue, the absurd, tyrannical and cruel emperor Yang Guang in history will appear.

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