
Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because the two foreign assistants of the Qingdao team, Wells and Johnson, have returned to the team one after another, and they have also practiced with the team for a period of time, which is also a breakthrough in the comprehensive strength of the Qingdao team! It seems that they are really ready. But is Guo Shiqiang doomed to lose? Let's take a look at it with the basketball brother!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Qingdao has a large water ski

First of all, let's take a look at the situation of Qingdao team, I believe you remember that in the first stage of the game, Qingdao team ranked 13th in the CBA League with a record of 4 wins and 9 losses, and their record was undoubtedly a very bad decline compared with last season! You know, Qingdao team won the 6th place in the CBA League last season. And now they actually skated all the way out of the playoffs, which is really surprising. However, as far as the Qingdao team's schedule in the first stage is concerned, only the strength of Beijing Shougang, Zhejiang, Shenzhen, Shanghai and Guangdong is slightly stronger. The gap between the strength of other teams and theirs is not very large, but the Qingdao team is still overturned.

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Qingdao's inner line has begun to rush

Fans familiar with the Qingdao team also know that since Liu Chuanxing flew alone, it has caused a heavy blow to the inside line of the Qingdao team. Although they still have players such as Li Yuanyu, Gao Shiao, Shao Yinglun, Zhang Zuming and Zhang Yang in the interior line, as far as their performance in the first stage is concerned, the only players that Qingdao can get their hands on the inside are Li Yuanyu and Gao Shiao, as for the others? They're obviously almost meaningless. However, this problem Wu Qinglong must have discovered, if you want qingdao team to make a comeback in the second stage, you can only rely on the local players in the team. As for foreign aid? The foreign aid policy of four sessions and four person-times has also compressed their role to the extreme!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Wells's performance was outstanding

Here we admit that the two foreign aides of the Qingdao team are indeed excellent. Wells, in particular, averaged 30.4 points, 7.4 rebounds, 5.0 assists and 3.2 steals for the Suzhou men's basketball team last season. As you can see from this, Wells is indeed a very good small forward. But now that he has chosen to join hands with the Qingdao team, his journey will also start again from here. However, the former NBA loser must also hope that he can go further in the CBA League. Although his performance in the previous seasons has been good, the achievements of Weems and Brooks have also deeply stimulated him, and for this reason, he also wants to climb to the top!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Johnson's return is crucial for Qingdao

Johnson's return is a timely rain for the Qingdao team at this stage, and the reason is very simple, he is a tank-type interior center. You know, just last season, he contributed to qingdao team average of 21.2 points, 12.3 rebounds, 1.1 steals, 1.4 blocks and 3.2 assists per game, especially his performance in rebounds, which is urgently needed by Qingdao team at present. His return can also alleviate their internal shortcomings from the root. As a result, Wu Qinglong can also put more energy into how to arrange a more efficient tactical attack, which in turn allows the Qingdao team to burst out of a stronger strength.

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Wu Qinglong knows what the key to Qingdao's rise is

Moreover, the Qingdao team also experienced more than 40 days of intensive training, and Wu Qinglong must have formulated a highly targeted reinforcement plan for the shortcomings exposed by them in the first stage. However, the youth army in the team is bound to be the focus of Wu Qinglong's strengthening. The reason is also very simple, only the young players in the team have risen successively, and the Qingdao team can truly turn around in the near future. Although in the first battle of the second stage, they will fight an encounter with the Guangzhou team, but it is really difficult to say who killed the deer this time, and the Guangzhou team has double foreign aid blessings? The Qingdao team also has the blessing of double foreign aid. Moreover, the comprehensive performance of their foreign aid is even better, which also makes Wu Qinglong have more possibilities!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Guangzhou's progress is very great

Secondly, let's take a look at the situation of Guangzhou, which entered the top seven of the CBA league with a record of 10 wins and 3 losses in the first stage. Seeing their record, I believe many fans are very surprised! The reason is also very simple, they just made it to the playoffs last season, and they didn't expect to break through in the first stage of the game. Although they have taken advantage of foreign aid to a certain extent, the progress of their local players cannot be ignored, especially zhu Mingzhen, Li Yanzhe and Qi Haotong, the three young players, they also have a great rise, which also makes the Guangzhou team have more possibilities in the future!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Guo Shiqiang has brought qualitative changes to Guangzhou

From here, we can see the changes that Guo Shiqiang has brought to Guangzhou, not only their performance on the defensive end has become more efficient, but also their cooperation on the offensive end has become more tacit. Here, we have to admire Guo Shiqiang's long-term vision! Although they achieved a very good result in the first stage, Guo Shiqiang was not satisfied with the status quo, and he thought more about how to make them completely rise. Rely on foreign aid? They are obviously unreliable, as long as the personal interests of foreign aid suffer a little loss, they will absolutely fly alone at the first time!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Guangzhou has undergone a qualitative change

But the local players are different, and their loyalty to the team is also the highest! No, in the first stage of the game, Chen Yingjun and Zhu Mingzhen, the two players, became the two brightest stars on the field! One of them directly became the top player in the league, while the other not only hit a new career high, but also won the title of domestic "Leonard". From here, we can see how much progress guangzhou team has made in the current season! Moreover, in the seventh round of the regular season, Guo Shiqiang was banned! But even so, guangzhou team still won four consecutive victories in the follow-up matches!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

The real test in Guangzhou will begin in the second phase

But even if they have played self-confidence in the first stage, Guo Shiqiang has not let down his vigilance, because the real test in Guangzhou will officially begin from the second stage. Not to mention the continuous tempering of the more than 40-day window, the strength of the local players of each team has already had a qualitative change. Even their foreign aid has returned to the team, which makes the strength of other teams make a breakthrough! As a result, guangzhou team will also become more difficult in future competitions! But even so, Guo Shiqiang will not give up. Because in his view, the future game is also a grind for the Guangzhou team, only through this difficult time, they can make greater progress!

Guo Shiqiang will be defeated by Wu Qinglong? This may really exist, because Qingdao is ready!

Qingdao will strongly counterattack Guangzhou

However, in the next showdown, the basketball brother is still more optimistic about Wu Qinglong's Qingdao team, the reason is also very simple, after more than 40 days of window grinding, their shortcomings exposed in the first stage must be alleviated from the root. As a result, it will also allow more powerful strength to erupt in the second stage of the game, coupled with the help of double foreign aid, which will also allow Wu Qinglong to have the confidence to defeat the Guangzhou team! What do you think about that?

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