
"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

Wen Neng's pen is safe in the world, and Wu can be on ma Ding Qiankun. Whoever has a plan will win, the heroes of ancient and modern times are only kings. ——From Zhuge Liang's "Gift to the Young Qi Bo Covenant", this is Zhuge Liang's evaluation of the Shu Han general Jiang Wei in Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Some time ago, the TV series "Meritorious Nengwen Nengwu Li Yannian" was popular, and Li Yannian, who was able to write and take martial arts, made the people of the whole country admire to the extreme, but do you know? "Li Yannian" is only a member and typical representative of countless outstanding revolutionary predecessors. The more you read the history of the revolutionary party, the more you will sincerely express this feeling: "Our ancestors are too cattle!" Today, I will tell you the life story of "cattle man" Zhang Sakyak.

Originally known as Zhang Jitang, Zhang Was born in March 1921 in Nanhu Village, Xin County (present-day Xinzhou City), Shanxi. After joining the revolution, he devoted himself to making a revolution with the party, and changed his name to Zhang Gong Axe with the meaning of the workers and peasants in the party banner. Since then, he has dedicated his life to the motherland and the cause of revolution.

On July 7, 1937, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out in full swing, and the Japanese army invaded China in an all-round way. In October of the same year, the 16-year-old Zhang Sickle joined the Eighth Route Army and rushed to the anti-Japanese front, although he joined the Eighth Route Army, Zhang Sickle Axe was not equipped with decent weapons and military supplies, because the "Eighth Road" was too "poor". The harshness of the environment is beyond imagination, Zhang Sickle Axe often marches and fights in the case of frozen feet and bare bones, but he never complains and never falls behind. His weapon is a dart.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

The shuttle darts and scythes used by the Eighth Route Army

As the Guerrilla Song sings: "... There is no food and no clothing, there is the enemy sent to the front, there is no gun and no cannon, the enemy builds for us... "In reality, the enemy will neither "send it forward", nor will it "build it for us", and if you want to get guns and food and clothing, you must sacrifice your life from the battlefield to seize it from the enemy's hands and win the battle.

Less than 1 year after enlisting in the army, Zhang Kamakasa participated in the battles of Banshan, Wentang, Zhangdian and Machidian, and used the dart in his hand to carry out a white-knife bloody battle with the fierce and vicious devils, stabbed 7 devils to death successively, and seized all of them and voluntarily handed them over. Because of his bravery in battle and high ideological awareness, he was approved to join the party in May 1938. After joining the party, zhang has participated in more brutal battles, faced more severe tests of life and death, and his growth rate has become faster and faster.

●In 1938, in the areas of Nangong, Qingfeng, Daokou, Huaxian, Caozhou, Weixian and Gaotang in the Jiluyu area, he participated in the anti-Japanese and anti-stubborn struggle and opened up base areas.

● In 1939, he participated in the most tragic frontal blockade battle in the famous Hebei Xiangcheng Gulu Ambush Battle.

●From 1940 to 1941, he participated in the Battle of the Hundred Regiments. In the most brutal years of struggle in the Taihang base area, he repeatedly and bravely completed difficult and dangerous tasks.

●From the spring of 1942 to 1945, he participated in the anti-sweeping and anti-stubborn struggles of the New 1st Brigade and the 4th Sub-district against the Japanese army, protected the breakthrough of the 129th Division and the government organ Yangjiashan, the Battle of Linnan, opened up eight sub-districts in jincheng, Gaoping, Lingchuan, Jiaozuo, and Jiyuan areas, and led the team to outwit the Japanese pseudo-stronghold of the Shiyijie coal mine in southeast Jindong.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

The Southern Expedition and the Northern War, nine deaths, the baptism of blood and fire refined Zhang Scythe into steel and iron bones, and the tempering of faith and soul made Zhang Scythe axe a pure revolutionary and a noble person. Whether you live or die, you are for the country and the people. Standing with dignity or lying down with dignity can get eternal dignity! For the sake of the revolutionary cause, in order to allow the suffering China to be reborn, he has long put life and death aside.

After Chiang Kai-shek launched the civil war, Zhang Went to the battlefield again and participated in the first battle of the Liberation War: the Shangdang Campaign. He then participated in the Battle of Pinghan, the Battle of Qiaohe, the Battle of Longhai, the Battle of Dingtao, the Battle of Huaxian, the Battle of Tuocheng, and the Battle of Mizhou. Liberate Tang Yin and capture Sun Dianying alive. In the Battle of Southwest Lu, Qianli leaped into the Dabie Mountains and led his troops to defend Liu Deng's chief. In the Battle of Xiangfan, one arm was broken, and he was seriously wounded in the line of fire, repelling the enemy's counterattack and capturing Kang Ze alive. In the Battle of Huaihai, he led his troops to participate in the encirclement and annihilation of the Huang Wei Corps, insisted on Holding Xiaomazhuang, was wounded again, completed the task of blocking the attack, and made important contributions to the total annihilation of the Huang Wei Corps. The Battle of crossing the River, a series of brilliant battle examples created by the ministry, was written into the textbook by the Higher Military Academy as an excellent battle example, and many film and television films were cited as materials. Marching into the great southwest, he led his troops as a vanguard, attacked the city all the way, occupied the Jiangjin ferry, and forced Chiang Kai-shek to fly away from Chongqing in a hurry. After that, Zhang Scyak participated in the Southwest Bandit Crackdown...

This combat resume, any one of them out, is enough to show off for a lifetime, enough cattle! After the founding of New China, Zhang took part in the Fifth Campaign to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea and the Jincheng Defense Operation in March 1951. Let's take another look at his brilliant experience on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea!

● In November, he and the whole division creatively used the "tunnel operation", digging tunnels and communication ditches for a total of 231065 meters in defensive operations, fighting with the US and Li army more than 400 times, and annihilating nearly 20,000 enemies.

● In October 1952, the 103rd Regiment of the 35th Division launched an attack on the enemy's defensive position of Lidong Dongshan, and he commanded various artillery shells to strike the target in the former enemy, capturing the main peak in only 4 minutes and occupying all the positions in 10 minutes, and was organized by the Chinese People's Volunteer Army as a model for combining our battalion-level infantry tanks with active defensive offensive warfare.

● In 1953, he participated in the summer counterattack. In early November, he was ordered to participate in the Battle of Shangganling, and was seriously wounded, almost fatal, with several shrapnel left on his body, and was a seriously injured cadre of the division level in the Shangganling Campaign.


"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

First from the left: Chief of Staff Zhang Gong axe, second from left: Lu Zhimo, director of the Political Department, third from the left: Division Commander Li Desheng, fourth from left: Political Commissar Liu Chang, phoenix fire in Jinzhou on the way into the DPRK

Feeling that it is impossible to describe zhang's axe in words as "excellent", the 12th Army of the old unit praised him as "a tiger in the army", and in 1961, the Party Committee of the 12th Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army made an "appraisal" for Zhang Sickle Axe:

"He has the determination to fight to the end for the cause of the party and the people, and has withstood the test of a long war; He carried out battle orders resolutely and commanded decisions decisively; Combat mobility is flexible, active, brave and tenacious; Pay close attention to business learning and be good at thinking about problems; Have overall work experience, strong organizational planning; The work style is in-depth and close to the masses; A simple personal life, a warm approach to people..."

I feel that the deeds of Zhang's axe are still to come. "I am a brick of revolution, where it needs to be moved. I am developing a flower, where it can bloom to where to plant. (Chairman Mao's quotation) "After the founding of New China, the party's first generation of central leadership collectives with Mao Zedong as the core judged the hour and sized up the situation, resolutely decided to develop the cutting-edge cause of national defense science and technology marked by the "two bombs and one satellite," and opened up an unprecedented feat of shaking the ancient world and the present in the journey of the Chinese nation toward great rejuvenation.

However, at that time, China was "poor and white", lacking funds, lacking technology, and even more lacking talents! What to do? After careful consideration, the Party Central Committee decided to form a "strange army" -- these strange soldiers are a group of young and promising combat soldiers who have grown up like wolves and tigers and are invincible from the war-torn era.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

China's first imitation of the "1059" missile launch test was successful

Mainly military personnel. Let the "military generals" manage the "show talent" thing, and let the people who are born as soldiers lead the most high-tech personnel, which became the world's strange news at that time. In 1960, Zhang Wasching was ordered to stop studying at the Higher Military Academy, and in April he became the vice president of the First Branch of the Old Fifth Academy and the director of the 211 Factory, assuming the heavy responsibility of the commander-in-chief of The Supporting Command Group of China's first "Dongfeng No. 1" near-earth imitation missile assembly.

The first big problem that Zhang Hashawk faced after taking office was the question of him: "Can he do it?" His "warriors" are no longer just soldiers, but also scientists, engineers, technicians, university students, and nearly 10,000 experienced workers and veterans.

The work is full of problems, no less than a "hundred regiments war". Zhang Hasake took out the "fierce strength" unique to revolutionary soldiers, carried forward the fine work style of the revolutionary ancestors, and adopted the strategy of "leading the face with points" to gradually open up the situation. Let's briefly sort out the "textbook" approach of Zhang Sickle Axe.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

In November 1960, China's first imitation missile, the Dongfeng-1, was successfully launched and tested for the first time and was permanently exhibited at the China Military Museum

● "The division is famous" to boost morale. The mission number of China's first "Dongfeng-1" near-Earth imitation missile is "1059", which means that the imitation task was completed before September 1959, and it was test-fired during the National Day in October to present the tenth anniversary of the founding of New China.

Due to the "stuck neck" of Soviet experts, the task was not completed as scheduled. This is not only a disgrace for the soldiers, but also a shame for all researchers and staff. After the founding of New China, the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese was unprecedentedly high, and the eagerness to build a new China on all fronts and to desire China's strength was also unprecedented. Zhang Gong axe encouraged everyone to "know shame and then be brave", "roll up their sleeves and work hard", do it themselves, fight for the Chinese, and arouse everyone's enthusiasm.

● Lead by example and persist in labor. Faced with unfamiliar fields, difficult industrial technology and aerospace and aviation knowledge, Zhang Made Upcondension: He must make himself an expert. "Walk into the masses and be with the masses, and the masses will trust you and work with you!" Zhang Sickle Axe said to do, he from the next workshop to follow the technical workers and teachers as apprentices, and the workers work together, eat, wear and live the same, the workshop workers do not know that Zhang Axe is the factory director, they all think that he is just an "old apprentice" who is "diligent and inquisitive, down-to-earth and hardworking". No matter how busy the work is, no matter how much socializing. Zhang Scyaky participates in workshop labor every week without moving, resolutely not leaving the front line.

If it is technical work, what the worker does and what he learns; if it is hard work, what does the worker do. At that time, he was an ordinary worker.

As an "apprentice" and a "handyman", he integrated into the masses of workers, and soon mingled with the workers, and after a long time, the workers and masters in the workshop learned that this "apprentice" was actually the director of the factory, and everyone admired it, was deeply infected, and worked overtime.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

Zhang Scythe axe in the United States

● Strict self-discipline and leniency toward others. Whether it is from the style of life or the quality of ability, the standard of Zhang Scyak is higher than others. This enabled Zhang to establish a very high prestige among the masses of workers, cadres and workers, treat people sincerely, do things in a serious and simple manner, care for the masses, and earnestly solve difficulties in their lives and problems in their work. Zhang Sakaky's first-line skill level is no worse than that of any teacher, and his knowledge of missiles, aerospace, etc. has reached the level and level of experts.

At 9:00 a.m. on November 5, 1960, the "1059" missile finally ignited and took off, went straight into the blue sky, and flew according to the predetermined orbit. At 9:10 a.m., the missile hit the predetermined target area, the test was a complete success, and the test site was full of jubilation. Then, on 6 and 16 December, they successfully launched a second and third imitation missile of their own production. So far, the imitation work has been a complete success, and China has its own missiles, which is an important turning point in the history of our military's equipment.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

Comrades of the space system visited Mr. and Mrs. Zhang

After that, Zhang served as the first commander-in-chief of the "Long March II" basic rocket development project and the first commander-in-chief of the "Dongfeng No. 5" intercontinental missile development project. Since 1967, Zhang Has been fully focusing on the scientific research and production of the First Academy (now the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology), and in the special decade, the scientific research and production of missile rockets in the First Academy did not stop in his hands for a moment, until 1984, when it retreated to the second line.

In the past 17 years, he has transformed from an excellent military commander into an outstanding scientific research worker, worthy of the country and the people, during the work, he fainted several times from exhaustion, and suffered from tuberculosis and lung cancer. To make great contributions, Zhang Sickle axe does not want a name, does not want profits, and does not allow the state to publicize itself, is willing to be an "obscure" "screw", bowing down to his beloved motherland and dying.

At the meeting of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, and the Central Military Commission to celebrate the successful launch test of the "Dongfeng No. 5" intercontinental missile into the Pacific, he did not comply with the arrangements of the meeting side and sat in the last row of the rostrum of the conference.

Comrade Zhang Hasehawk has won many awards, and in 1984, he was awarded the first class meritorious award of the Ministry of Aerospace for "Outstanding Contributions in the Development of The Aerospace Industry", ranking first. In 1985, he won the Special Prize for National Science and Technology Progress in strategic weapons and launch vehicles, ranking 14th. Zhang is the only administrative officer to receive the first class merit award and the special prize.

"Cow Man" Zhang Sickle Axe: Wuneng White Blade Blood Battle killed 7 devils, Wen Neng taught himself to make nuclear bombs

During the war years, Zhang Wasching was awarded the Order of Independence and Freedom of the Third Class, the Liberation Medal of the Second Class, and the National Flag Medal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea of the First Class for his military achievements. It's really too cattle, and I worship the old master of Zhang Scythe, who can write and fight.

On June 11, 2011, Zhang died of illness in Beijing at the age of 90. The superstar has fallen, I hope that the spirit of Zhang Sakaky will live forever, and we will always inherit this spiritual wealth!

Reference: "Tianlu Kaiji People - Zhang Axe and His Comrades-

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