
Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Sexy dentist, online flirting.

This joke is the voice of many girls today.

As long as you search a little on the Internet, it is not difficult to find that "how to soak in the dentist" has become a love topic for many girls. The girl who successfully landed even opened an account to record the love process with the dentist's boyfriend, and the voice of envy filled the comment area.

As a member of the urban elite, dentists have always been very popular in the marriage market, but in today's era of elites everywhere, why are dentists who satisfy the love fantasy of many girls and become the object of (sexual) fantasies in their minds?

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

In Little Red Book, countless girls are rushing their own dentists every day.

One girl wrote, "The dentist took away many of my first experiences," including: the first time being watched for a long time by the opposite sex, the first time being touched on the cheek by the opposite sex other than my family, and the first time squirting water onto a person's face. More importantly, "The dentist is so gentle and handsome!" ”

She wasn't the first girl to get excited about dentists, and she wouldn't be the last, as more and more girls were taking the reins of their dentists.

"Seems to have fallen in love with my dentist, how to pursue?!"

"How do you hook up with a dentist?"

"What does the dentist do when he meets a patient of the opposite sex he likes?"

"How do you find a dentist boyfriend?"


In terms of knowledge, you can see that girls who love dentists are racking their brains to attract the attention of dentists.

One world, one dentist in love. On the foreign Q&A website Quora, there are also many obsessive girls who ask, "How can a woman make a dentist fall in love with her?"

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

"Falling in love with a dentist is particularly dreamy, and can fill the heart of a girl," Teresa's friend is a nurse in a dental clinic, once the script killed a shortage of people, she was pulled by a friend, and the result was that a dentist on the bureau fell in love at first sight, and confirmed the relationship in about two or three months.

Focused, rational, gentle, handsome white coat - Teresa's eyes of the dentist boyfriend, almost in line with any novel and TV series of the charismatic persona, let people head, she can't help but sigh, "It turns out that there really is such a 'perfect' love object in the world." ”

For a time, the originally terrifying dental clinic became a love shrine full of pink bubbles, going to see teeth became like going to date, and consulting with doctors on WeChat became like hooking up.

"When I was formally filling my teeth with material, I felt him press my head tightly against his own chest —yes, that kind of tightness, probably to hold my head in place, but it made me feel so tightly wrapped in my arms that even his heartbeat could be heard clearly, and it immediately felt very warm and steady." A female netizen who is gradually gaining the upper hand of dentists said so.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Imagine yourself looking at the teeth

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Of course, this is the real you who look at the teeth

It is also because girls are more and more fond of fantasies and dentists in love, and now the profession of dentist is more frequent in idol dramas.

For example, in "Others are Hell", Li Dongxu played a serial killer demon who appeared to be a dentist, but because his appearance of wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat was too handsome, many female audiences directly followed the facial features.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Other handsome dentist roles include, but are not limited to, Song Weilong, the gentle brother who loves to be a dentist in "In the Name of Family"; Zhang Ruoyun, a delicate and sensitive handsome dentist in "The Evolution of Love"; Jin Dong, who is a gold dentist and a love expert in "Mr. Love"...

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?
Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Young dentists and middle-aged dentists harvest women of all ages

Even in the vegetarian love variety show, the profession of dentist is particularly popular. "Heartbeat Signal 3" male Chen Yandi is a child dentist, but also "West China School of Stomatology doctor", as soon as the identity was announced, the female guests on the scene looked at his eyes and immediately transformed into starry eyes.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?
Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?
Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

The dentist's identity was revealed after the female guests reacted

Under such a strong love filter of girls, dentists have to "prevent fire and theft and prevent patients". So the question is, why are the young girls of this class starting to dokidoki dentist?

Of course, high salaries are also one of the important reasons why dentists become ideal love objects.

There was once a saying in the anecdote, "Golden Eye, Silver Dentistry", which means that in the income level of doctors, ophthalmology and dentistry are ranked high.

So how much money do dentists really make? According to the report of the "Financial Magazine", in public hospitals, "the monthly salary of doctors with four or five years of seniority is about 10,000 yuan", while in private hospitals, it is not a problem to look at personal ability, and doctors who do well are not a problem with a monthly income of 70,000 or 80,000.

According to a job search website on 316 samples, the average monthly salary of dentists nationwide is 16,600 yuan, and a quarter of dentists' monthly income can reach 20,000-30,000. In today's market where high-quality dentists are in short supply, in order to grab high-quality dentists, some private dental clinics even directly offer salaries of 30,000-80,000.

In view of the rapid growth of the domestic oral market, the future and "money path" of dentists are promising. However, what really impresses girls is not only the high salary.

On the one hand, due to the particularity of the way dentists work, patients and doctors need to be in close contact for a long time, unlike other departments with assembly line visits, in the process of treating the dental consultation room, the doctor is focused on serving you alone.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Compared with doctors in other departments, dentists with a more service nature tend to be more gentle, often comforting patients with "don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt" and "soon it will get better, bear with it again.".

Teresa shared with us a moment when her dentist boyfriend was particularly touching to her: the boyfriend showed the child's teeth, took the little boy's hand to the front desk to register, coaxed him the whole time, told him to brush his teeth instead of sugar, and touched the little boy's head like a big brother.

"As soon as the little boy left, he looked back and saw me leaning against the front desk, and immediately switched modes, from the cheerful big brother who coaxed the child to the mature and reliable uncle, which was really irresistible."

On the other hand, the process of fillings, root canal treatment, tooth extraction and scaling is really grinding. Amid the sound of the electric drill and the smell of disinfectant water, no one can calm down and completely overcome the tension. At this time, a "suspension bridge effect" psychology suddenly emerged.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

The so-called "suspension bridge effect" refers to the fact that when a person crosses the suspension bridge in fear, his heart will involuntarily beat faster. If at this time, you happen to meet another person, then you will mistakenly understand the rapid heartbeat caused by this situation as the physiological reaction of the other party to make your heart move, so you will breed love feelings for each other.

In the tension of looking at the teeth, your heart beats faster. The dentist is skillfully manipulating the instrument in your mouth, and his face is less than 30cm away from you. Under the halo of the surgical lamp and the blessing of the mask, the dentist's focused eyebrows look particularly good and sexy. He gently instructs you, "Mouth open a little wider," and you think, oops, it's a heart-pounding feeling.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

For some patients who are single, this is one of the few opportunities for them to have intimate contact with the opposite sex.

A female netizen recalled her experience of looking at teeth, "That was the first time she was touched by the opposite sex to touch her lips brightly" - it is difficult not to have some non-division thoughts outside of looking at teeth.

Coupled with the fact that although it is uncomfortable to see teeth, it is not a major disease that causes death and disability, and it is inevitable that the girls will have a dream feeling of "my little tooth occupies all his attention".

So, what is it like to fall in love with a dentist?

"He's a dentist, so the level of attention to teeth is a little too much to be intimidating." Teresa told us that she once bought a new lipstick to apply to her boyfriend, and the boyfriend made her teeth goug, "I thought he was making me laugh, or wanted to help me check that the lipstick was not applied to the teeth, it turned out not, he said, I didn't find it before, your teeth are not aligned." 」 ”

Falling in love with a dentist means that oral health becomes a top priority in life.

After living with the dentist, Teresa began to carry some KPIs for caring for her teeth. Every night before going to sleep, her boyfriend would watch her brush her teeth like a supervisor, and there was a timer on the mirror of the toilet, and the boyfriend was responsible for supervising the length of her brush. Other KPIs include, but are not limited to, taking mouthwashes and doing regular oral examinations.

"This can be said to be mixed, in the words of the older generation, there is a doctor in the family who steals the fun, and it is true that my teeth have become a lot whiter since I was with him." I have not washed my teeth before, and now I have made it a habit to wash my teeth. Teresa said.

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

Xiao Tao, another girl who was in love with a dentist, recalled that when other friends came to eat at home, her boyfriend would greet everyone to clean their teeth after cooking together, "Some people think it is quite perverted, but under the love filter, I think this order has become a kind of sexiness brought by male rigor." ”

The rhythm of dentists' work determines that they are often in a state of disconnection. Messages sent in the morning may not get a reply until the evening. "When he wakes up in the morning, he will care about the teeth of patients, and he will discuss cases with colleagues late at night, and he will basically not be able to catch his people during the daytime visits." Many people think that dentists are well paid and earn money while sitting, but they are very hard. Xiao Tao said.

Whether it is Teresa or Xiao Tao, after falling in love with the dentist for a long time, they all find that falling in love with the dentist is actually not as different from other people's love.

Teresa's boyfriend once told her that because she was the dentist's girlfriend, "your teeth can't be too bad", although she knew that her boyfriend was also good for herself, but Teresa was very uncomfortable inside.

In addition, there are more moments that disillusion her, "some of the shortcomings in life and personality, put on boys in other professions may be acceptable, but not on him," Teresa said, after living together, she found that her boyfriend's pants and socks were littered and a little sloppy, "I also understand, may indeed be tired at work." But just like a painter has no aesthetic, so a dentist doesn't like to be clean, I can't accept it. ”

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

"I think a lot of the problems of falling in love with dentists are the problems that people in love in this era need to face." Xiao Tao said, "Whether it is the convenience that career brings to life, the fantasy that career brings to love, in the end, the important thing is the specific person who is in love with you." ”

Teresa eventually broke up peacefully with her dentist boyfriend, who initially thought was "dreamy and perfect."

Now, she will still go to his side to see the teeth, one will be discounted, and the other, even if there is no romantic relationship, the ex is a professional and reliable doctor in her eyes, and she knows the roots, "is the kind of person who you lie in the chair and open your mouth, you can close your eyes and give his teeth to him." ”

You've also had your own dentist

Ever had fantasies?

Interview: PP

Written & Edited by: Leslie

Serious research: Why did the dentist become the new fantasy object of girls?

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