
KPL: TES contradiction broke out, Su Mo sent a text: not worthy to stay in the battle, pointing directly to the "Xiangjun PC" incident

To say that the circle of the king glory professional players is not harmonious for everyone, even in the same team there are still various contradictions. TES's Su Mo, who has a good reputation among professional e-sports players, is also quite skilled in technology, and is good at fighting against the road hero.

However, just recently, Su Mo actually publicly developed a "disgusting people engaged in mentality is really a set of sets, I don't deserve to stay in The Fight."

KPL: TES contradiction broke out, Su Mo sent a text: not worthy to stay in the battle, pointing directly to the "Xiangjun PC" incident

This dynamic directly caused a lot of netizens to discuss. Everyone began to speculate about who the so-called disgusting person in Su Mo's dynamics was, and whether he treated Su Mo differently from the other disgusting person. Otherwise, why would Su Mo directly burst out the contradiction? And soon after this dynamic was sent out, netizens soon found that it was deleted. I don't know if it is the pressure exerted by the esports.

KPL: TES contradiction broke out, Su Mo sent a text: not worthy to stay in the battle, pointing directly to the "Xiangjun PC" incident

As for the reason why Su Mo sent this, many netizens speculated that it was the incident with xiangjun at the beginning. Remember when Su Mo's girlfriend publicly exposed Xiang Jun's "PC" behavior on the Internet.

As a result, xiangjun was suspended, indirectly ruining xiangjun's image and punishing him for several months of salary. Although in the end it was proved that Xiangjun was innocent, Su Mo, who was mixed between his girlfriend and teammates, seemed to be difficult to be a person, and Su Mo was also insulted by many Xiangjun fans.

KPL: TES contradiction broke out, Su Mo sent a text: not worthy to stay in the battle, pointing directly to the "Xiangjun PC" incident

The liangzi of the two people was also formed at the beginning, so many people speculated that this so-called "people mentality" was Xiang Jun, which made Su Mo break the anti-hair dynamic condemnation. As for who the club will stand on when Xiang Jun and Su Mo have a conflict, it can be seen from the comments of netizens. The netizen bluntly said that the command type of Xiangjun is the talent that the club lacks, as for su Mo' biantan in the team, it is not as important as the Xiangjun.

KPL: TES contradiction broke out, Su Mo sent a text: not worthy to stay in the battle, pointing directly to the "Xiangjun PC" incident

It can be seen that the circle of the king glory professional players is not harmonious, and the teammates of the same team are likely to have conflicts because of various things. As for whether the guy who "disgusts people with a mentality" that Su Mofa dynamically said was Xiang Jun, he could only wait for the parties to speak again. I don't know what the little friends think about Su Mofa's dynamic condemnation of teammates and clubs?

Note: This article is submitted by game daily readers "coconut juice with coke", does not represent the views of game daily, and others are welcome to submit articles.

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