
The legend of Wujiapi wine

author:Senka Trade

The famous Wujia beer is prepared from a variety of Chinese medicinal materials, also known as Wujiapi wine, Zhizhong and Wujiapi wine, is a famous wine in Zhejiang with a long history. There is also a beautiful legend about the preparation of Wujiapi.

The legend of Wujiapi wine

Legend has it that Zhi Zhonghe was a young man who bought wine, one day, he carried the wine burden on the riverside to sell, suddenly the sky was rolling with dark clouds, the wind was fierce, the water of the Xin'an River was turbulent, only to see a huge oolong with its teeth and claws leaping towards the river, grabbing a golden and beautiful little dragon, the little dragon struggling in mid-air, issuing a terrible scream. In the end, the little dragon finally broke free of the dragon and fell to Zhi Zhonghe's side exhaustedly, and was caught by Zhi Zhonghe and turned into a handsome girl.

The legend of Wujiapi wine

Zhi Zhonghe was stunned, and hurriedly put down the girl, not knowing how to be good, only to see that the evil dragon also followed closely, turning into a thick snake with a thick bowl, and pounced on them with its mouth open. Zhi Zhonghe and Zhongzhong Shengzhi immediately picked up the flat burden and hit it, just seven inches on the snake, and the girl also hit it with a string of one hundred and one pearls, and the two of them worked together to beat the snake to death. The snake regained its oolong body and extended for hundreds of miles to form a big mountain, becoming today's Oolong Mountain. Pearls also became a pond pool on the mountain del one hundred and one. The pearl-like spring water in the pool flows slowly, all of which converge on the Xin'an River, making the water of the Xin'an River more sweet and clear.

The legend of Wujiapi wine

When the danger passed, the girl shyly thanked Zhizhong and Shi Li, and said with affection, "I was originally the fifth princess of the East Sea Dragon King, and my name was Jiayi." Thank you very much for your rescue today, we..." The face of the fifth princess turned red before she finished speaking. It turned out that the fifth princess was at a wonderful age and fell in love with the young man who was partial in demeanor and brave in righteousness. After the two got married, life was very happy. Only love is not enough, to live a life of chai rice oil and salt, but also to have a healthy body, the five princesses who like to drink alcohol proposed to brew a kind of wine that can be both healthy and curative.

The legend of Wujiapi wine

Zhi Zhonghe felt very embarrassed, and the five princesses let ZhiZhonghe do it according to their own methods. Zhi Zhonghe was very happy, so he obeyed his wife's orders, and when he threw Chinese medicine, the five princesses sang a song: "Taste angelica to replenish the heart, bruise wet with concubine yellow." Gansong awakening spleen can remove evil, stagnation and stomach broad wood incense. Peppermint cool clean leader, papaya soothing spirit refreshing. The solitary hawthorn town is wet and evil, and the wind and cold are stubborn and stubborn. Wujia bark has a strange fragrance, nourishing the liver and kidneys. Blend the herbs to add licorice, and the guizhi jade bamboo cannot be forgotten. Twelve numbers are enough to increase and decrease. It turned out that the content of this song was the brewing recipe of the father of the Dragon King in the Dragon Palace of the Fifth Princess East Sea Dragon King, containing twelve kinds of Chinese medicine. The fifth princess Aifujun, also in order to avoid suspicion, named the wine "Zhizhonghe Wujiapi Wine". After the advent of this wine, because of the good taste, it can also be healthy, killing two birds with one stone, so that the dawn people, high-ranking officials and nobles have flocked to taste the bowl, and the business is getting better and better.

The legend of Wujiapi wine

It is said that today's Wujiapi wine has formulated as many as twenty kinds of Chinese medicinal herbs.