
With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

Rolls-Royce is the "ceiling" of luxury cars, the price is expensive, and everyone will stay away when they see this kind of car on the road. Everyone's courtesy has also allowed some car owners to develop bad driving habits and run amok on the road with their own cars. Some people are worried that they can't afford to lose money when they collide with luxury cars, and they will swallow their anger. However, some car owners are very bold, not afraid of car owners at all, seeing the luxury cars that were forcibly inserted into the queue, not only did not flinch but also pressed step by step.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

There was a brief traffic jam on a viaduct in Beijing, and other vehicles were lined up waiting to pass, but one Rolls-Royce saw that the lane next to it was moving faster than its own road and was very adamant about jumping into the line next to it.

There is a Honda car on the left side of the Rolls-Royce, the Owner of the Rolls-Royce feels that his car is expensive, the other party can not afford it, as long as he shows it, the Honda owner should give way to himself. What the Rolls-Royce owner did not expect was that the Honda owner was a "tough guy" and did not eat his set at all. Hearing the Rolls-Royce owner honk its horn, the Honda owner looked at the other side and continued to wait in his place.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

Seeing that the vehicle in front of him moved, the Honda owner also followed suit, and the distance between the car in front of him was very close, and the car next to him had no chance to cut in line. The owner of the Rolls-Royce only looked at the other party and did not give in, and he was also very anxious, he approached the Honda car step by step, and repeatedly honked the horn to make way for him to give way, but the Honda owner did not pay attention to the Rolls-Royce at all.

The Honda owner's behavior infuriated the Rolls-Royce owner, who approached the Honda, rolled down the cab window and began to knock on the window of the Honda co-pilot. The owners of the two sides did not have a pleasant conversation, and there was a fierce quarrel, and the Rolls-Royce owner was so angry that the Honda owner jumped to his feet and kept pointing at the Honda car with his hand.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

Honda owners are not afraid of Rolls-Royce owners, he said: What's wrong with driving a luxury car? What's great about you, I have 2 million of the three risks are not afraid of you, do not accept it and crash it to try. The owner of the Rolls-Royce was completely enraged, and with one foot on the accelerator, the two cars made intimate contact.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

After the incident, the owners of both sides called the police. The owner of the Rolls-Royce is driving a Rolls-Royce Phantom, which costs more than 8 million. Although the damage to Rolls-Royce does not look serious, because the body material is expensive, it is estimated that the repair cost is not cheap.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

But the responsibility for the accident did not lie with the Honda owner, who had been driving in his own lane without violating traffic rules. The owner of the Rolls-Royce forcibly changed lanes and maliciously provoked, so to bear full responsibility for the accident, the maintenance costs had to be paid by the owner himself.

Many people always feel that the people who drive luxury cars should be very qualified, but there are some car owners who are "not worthy of the position", although driving luxury cars, they cannot drive civilized. Everyone is a traffic participant, everyone has equal rights of way, and no one whose car is expensive can run amok.

With the car expensive forced to cut in line, the Honda owner pressed forward step by step, and the Rolls-Royce owner jumped in anger

The act of forcibly plugging the queue on the highway is very dangerous, in case the owner of the car has the wrong operation in the process of congestion, it is easy to lead to a series of accidents. Whether you are driving on the highway or on a city road, you must follow the traffic rules and drive civilized. When encountering traffic jams, queue up in order to avoid causing a larger area of congestion.

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