
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

In the eyes of many people

Traditional chinese painting

It is a serious, atmospheric painting subject

The easiest thing to think of is this

Keywords such as "old man" and "big mountains and rivers"

But in the pen of Zhang Yun, a female painter after the 90s in Qingdao

Chinese painting has a different look

The poetic antique style is perfectly integrated with cute and childlike fun

It's like being in the warm spring sun

Paint like a person

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

Works by Zhang Yun

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

"What a lovely person can paint such a Chinese painting!" This was the first glance at Zhang Yun's work, a sentence that popped up in Xiao Qing's mind.

After seeing the author's buddha-figure, sure enough, the painting was like his own person.

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

Zhang Yun, born in 1990, has been painting for more than 20 years, from the crayon watercolor interest class when she was a child, to the traditional Chinese painting later, and then to the current innovative Chinese painting, painting for her, is an interest, is a profession, but also a fortunate thing in life.

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

Zhang Yun is good at brush strokes, but not limited to traditional techniques and subjects, her painting style is bright and elegant, the rhythm of the picture is relaxed and comfortable, the subject matter is mainly based on the small beauty in life, the hour light, in her own words, called "afternoon tea style".

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

"Afternoon tea between three or five friends laughing and talking, the young shoots that grow quietly in the spring breeze, the sweet floral fragrance in the breeze, the silent and restrained ornaments in the studio, the fish swimming in the water... As long as you have the heart, you will find that you can paint everywhere around you, and inadvertent small touches can become a source of small inspiration. Zhang Yun said.

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

A small cake that I like to eat appears next to the vase in the painting, and the kitten wearing the same clothes as herself... The poetic and cold brush strokes are more lively and cute under Zhang Yun's pen.

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

Search for Qi Feng to hit the draft

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

"Art has to come from life, but you can't copy it."

Zhang Yun likes the painter Shi Tao's saying that "search for Qifeng to make a draft", go to different places, pick different scenes, take the most wonderful parts, paint the same painting, and she can see similar things in her creation. "For example, the lotus leaves in this pond are vivid, the fish in the pond over there are lively, and the water in the other place may feel better, so combine the most favorite and best parts into one painting." Zhang Yun gave an example.

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!
The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

Walk more and see more, and you can always find the surprises in life.

"In addition to observing life, watching more exhibitions is also a good way to learn and accumulate." Zhang Yun said that in recent years, she has not stopped visiting the exhibition. Once, in order to see Gu Kaizhi's "Female History Proverbs", Zhang Yun ran to the British Museum, but unfortunately it was not exhibited at that time. After she left for a few days, she suddenly heard that the exhibition had begun again, so she turned back.

In Zhang Yun's view, painting should learn from the ancients, poetry, books, paintings, printing should be taken into account, the integration of various techniques, innovation does not mean to abandon the tradition: "We come from the tradition, then go out, and then return to the tradition, in fact, is a spiral learning process." Look at the ancient paintings and learn the technique, add your own things, and then learn the technique, so that you can improve. ”

The "afternoon tea" style Chinese painting is also too cute!

She also hopes to better teach students the theoretical knowledge and practice of traditional painting and traditional calligraphy in innovation.

"Climbing mountains, looking at the sea, sketching, feeling nature, the paintings in your pen will be more flexible and realistic."

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