
No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

The new deal and the new regulations will have various impacts on our use of cars, so what will be different in the upcoming 2022? Today is a quick one for you to sort it out.

Cars are forced to be equipped with "black boxes"

"Accidental loss of control" can no longer be ripped off

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

From January 1 next year, all passenger cars in the country must be equipped with EDR. EDR, or Event Data Recorder, functions like the "black box" on an airplane, and it can fully record all the key data of the car while driving, including speed, braking force, engine parameters, steering angle and even ABS operation. If an accident such as a car accident or loss of control occurs, the data in these EDRs will play a key role. According to the requirements, the data in the EDR cannot be tampered with, and all EDR equipment used in all automakers has a common standard, which is convenient for regulators to read and analyze when needed.

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022
No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

At present, many domestic car brands have reproduced EDR equipment on new cars, and the existence of these functions can play a good role in data analysis to help consumers solve key problems such as so-called "driving data", and it should be pointed out that EDR is not a driving recorder, generally does not include image recording functions, so it is still necessary to buy.

Car new three packs

Important parts with quality issues seven days without reason to return

Also on January 1, 2022, the new version of the "Regulations on the Responsibility for Repair and Replacement of Household Automobile Products" will also be officially implemented, compared with the old "Three Guarantees for Automobiles", which has been modified in the core requirements.

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

The new regulations clearly point out that if a household car needs to replace the engine, transmission, power battery, driving drive motor or its main parts due to quality problems within 7 days from the date of the validity period of the three guarantees, the seller shall replace or return the car free of charge in accordance with the choice of the consumer; when the seller returns the car for the consumer, it shall compensate the consumer for the loss of vehicle registration fee, installation and decoration fee, related service fee, etc.; the quality problem of special components such as power battery and driving drive motor shall be included in the three-pack return and replacement clause Implement three packages for household pickup trucks, and include the main components of household vehicle pollution control devices in the return and replacement clauses for major quality problems.

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

In addition, the new regulations strengthen the quality responsibility of producers, requiring producers not to deliberately delay or refuse the assistance and recovery proposed by sellers and repairers without legitimate reasons; increase the punishment for illegal acts, and explicitly impose penalties in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Law for operators who deliberately delay or refuse to bear the responsibility of the three guarantees without legitimate reasons.

To sum up, the new three guarantees contain more complete content, while the compensation is also greater, and new energy vehicles are also included in the scope of the three guarantees. In the future, if you encounter serious quality problems when buying a car, you can save a lot of time with dealers.

The annual inspection of automobiles increased by four and decreased by three

No more stepping on floor oil

Finally, the part of the annual inspection of the car that everyone is most concerned about has also undergone major adjustments. Starting in 2022, the annual inspection project of automobiles will be "four increases and three decreases".

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

New item 1, tire tire marking detection. The project mainly tests the aging of the tread texture of the tire, most of the vehicle failures and vehicle handling ability decline are caused by tire aging, especially in the old car more than 6 years old, the owner of the tire replacement from time to time is also very large.

New item two, wheelbase detection. Wheelbase detection, as the name suggests, is to detect whether the distance between the center of the front and rear wheels is consistent with the factory, the detection is mainly for modified cars, and the substantial modification of chassis components will change the driving parameters of the vehicle at the factory, resulting in instability.

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

New item three, lifting detection. The same is the literal meaning, increase the vehicle lift to see whether the vehicle chassis and base plate are damaged when driving, and some damage may affect the vehicle suspension structure and cause safety hazards.

Added item four, online appointment. This change mainly improves the experience of car owners during the annual inspection, and it is one of the reasons why most car owners hate car inspection for most of the time. In the future, the appointment can effectively divert the flow of passengers and appropriately reduce the length of the queue.

No need to step on floor oil, cancel power testing next year's annual inspection, and summarize the new policies for cars in 2022

Of course, the subtracted items must also be mentioned. Mainly: dynamic performance testing, suspension testing and noise detection. Among them, the power performance test is what we commonly call "floor oil", which has been criticized by the owner for many years, and the cancellation can be described as conforming to public opinion, and there is no need to hear the shouting of the car in situ in the future.

Write at the end

Obviously, it is unlikely to cancel the annual inspection of the car in a short period of time, but the appropriate optimization project to make the annual inspection more humane is also worthy of recognition.

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