
What is the use of history as a mirror, look at these two lessons of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty

What is the use of history as a mirror, look at these two lessons of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty

The Western Jin Dynasty is a great unified dynasty in Chinese history since the Qin and Han Dynasties, but the Western Jin Dynasty plus the Later Eastern Jin Dynasty, the sense of existence of the two Jin Dynasties can be described as very low in Chinese history, especially when it comes to the Great Unification Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty is ignored by many people.

The Eastern Jin Dynasty is not to say, after all, it is a dynasty in a remote corner, but the Western Jin Dynasty has also unified China, why is the sense of existence so low?

Because the Western Jin Dynasty was founded only 51 years ago, and the great unification of China was only 36 years, it belonged to the dynasty that was the standard of the second death. Moreover, the Western Jin Dynasty was different from other dynasties that died in the second dynasty, such as the Qin Dynasty, although the second dynasty died, but left a unified concept, laying a good foundation for the two Han Dynasties in 405. In addition, although the Sui Dynasty died in the second dynasty, it created many advanced systems and carried out many reforms, so that the Tang Dynasty had 289 years of world in these achievements.

Obviously, the Western Jin Dynasty did not do this, and at the beginning it was somewhat deformed, and did not leave any advanced systems and reforms for future generations, but instead caused the disaster of wuhu chaos. And opened the Eastern Jin Dynasty Five Hu Sixteen Kingdoms, as well as the chaotic world of the Northern and Southern Dynasties for hundreds of years, so the short-lived Western Jin Dynasty was subconsciously ignored by many people.

Just as the so-called history is a mirror, then behind the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty, what kind of lessons have been left for future generations, Song Anzhi said today.

What is the use of history as a mirror, look at these two lessons of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty

The reason for the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty, Song Anzhi believes that there are roughly two points, one is that the distribution of power in the imperial court is unbalanced, the centralization of power is not obvious, and the power of local clan kings is too large, so that civil unrest has arisen. Second, because of the problem of heirs to the throne within the imperial court, the centralization of power in the imperial court collapsed. And the combination of these two drawbacks, the empire is naturally heading for the end of disintegration.

Then Song Anzhi will be specific in two steps.

First, the distribution of power is unbalanced

After Sima Yan founded the country, in view of the fact that the king of Cao Wei had no military power, the kings of Cao Wei were unable to resist when Sima Shi usurped the throne, so he was afraid that this situation would also occur in the Future Jin Dynasty. So the crazy big seal kings, and let them have a lot of military power, in the hope that in the future these clan kings can defend the royal family in the future!

The result?

The result is that the military power of the king of the clan is too large, the central imperial court cannot hold it down, the distribution of power is unbalanced, these clan kings have military power, naturally breeding ambition, so there is a rebellion of the eight kings!

Therefore, the distribution of power should be balanced, and the centralization of power by the central court should be ensured, and the balance and mutual restraint at the local level should be ensured!

What is the use of history as a mirror, look at these two lessons of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty

Second, in the family world, the heir to the throne is very important

In the model of the family world, the emperor's personal ability is the key, and the emperor's personal ability is strong, so just like the Qin Emperor Han Wu, it is generally to expand the territory and bring the country to the peak. If the individual is not strong, then the light will cause the country to decline, and the heavy will cause the country to perish.

In general, the second generation of emperors of the dynasty is crucial. After all, not long after the founding of the country, there are internal and external troubles, and the second generation of emperors must improve the system on the basis of the grass-roots founding of the first generation of founding emperors to eliminate all kinds of internal and external troubles!

But Sima Yan, the Emperor of Jinwu, did not know what to think, perhaps pinning his hopes on his grandson Sima Song, but in any case he passed the throne to his idiot son Sima Zheng.

And Sima Zheng, the Emperor of Jinhui, is an idiot, and the country has no reason to be chaotic?

Coupled with the fact that Sima Yan gave too much military power to the king of the domain, causing the central court to be an idiot of the empty emperor, and there were strong clans outside the country, which eventually led to the rebellion of the eight kings, so the Western Jin Dynasty gave the foreign enemies an opportunity to take advantage of the internal friction, and finally the country was destroyed.

Therefore, the historical lesson of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty tells us that the family (the king of the clan) is good, and indeed can be relied on at a critical moment, but it is necessary to balance and grasp the relationship, and cannot give them too much, otherwise in the end they will ask you for more!

Also don't give the family business to the idiot son, find a reliable son!

The above is Song Anzhi's personal opinion! I also hope that everyone will see the wisdom of the benevolent and the wise.

What is the use of history as a mirror, look at these two lessons of the fall of the Western Jin Dynasty

Thank you for watching Song Anzhi's exclusive original article, focusing on the history of the Ming and Qing dynasties and its great history of China, like to talk about those immutable histories from a different perspective, I think friends can remember to like and pay attention to Ha.

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