
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

On December 27, the third match of the first day of the 2022 KPL Spring Games Provisional Qualifying Tournament, by HI against MTG, the following is the game news

First innings

Blue: MTG Red: HI

MTG Disabled: Big Joe Ma Chao East Emperor Taiichi Marco Polo

MTG Selection: Xiahou HuanLan Zhou Yu Li Yuanfang Master Lu Ban

HI disabled: Unknown Fire Dance Gongsun away from Jiang Ziya Luban No. 7

HI Selection: Lü Bu Na Ke Lulu Shen Mengxi Garo Tai Yi Zhenren

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

The two sides started in peace. 2 minutes 13 seconds MTG won the head to strengthen the tyrant. 2 minutes and 15 seconds HI won the Prophet Dominion. 3 minutes and 37 seconds MTG down the road to open 1 for 1. 4 minutes 58 seconds MTG River Lane kills Nakorulu. 5 minutes and 43 seconds MTG down the road to open 2 for 3. 7 minutes and 18 seconds MTG pushed off a tower on the hi road. 10 minutes 10 seconds HI River Channel Open Group 0 for 2. 10 minutes and 38 seconds HI takes down the Shadow Tyrant. 13 minutes 35 seconds HI Wild Zone kill Lan. 13 minutes and 46 seconds HI takes the lead. 15 minutes and 42 seconds HI takes down the Shadow Tyrant. 17 minutes and 06 seconds HI middle road killed Master Luban. At 19:04 HI pushed off mtg down the road to the highland tower. 19 minutes and 44 seconds MTG on the road to open 2 for 3. 20 minutes and 30 seconds MTG to win the Storm Dragon King. 22 minutes and 18 seconds MTG on the road to open the group 1 for 3 push off the crystal to win.

Post-match stats

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

MVP of the Bureau

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

Second inning

Blue: HI Red: MTG

HI Disabled: Lü Bu Lanling King Shield Mountain Shen Mengxi

HI Selection: Dry General Mo Evil Mirror Pig Eight Precepts Gongsun Away Ghost Valley

MTG Disabled: Big Joe Ma Chao Zhou Yu Jiang Ziya

MTG Selection: Yu Ji Agudo Old Master Yin Zheng Taiyi Zhenren

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

The two sides started in peace. 2 minutes 07 seconds HI takes down the torso to strengthen the tyrant. 2 minutes and 24 seconds MTG to take down the Prophet Domination. 5 minutes and 54 seconds HI pushed off MTG down the road to a tower. 7 minutes and 43 seconds HI wild area killed the old master to take a blood. 10 minutes and 06 seconds MTG went down the road to kill the dry general Mo Evil. 10 minutes 50 seconds MTG River Channel Open Group 1 for 3. 13 minutes 03 seconds MTG field open group 1 for 2. At 13 minutes and 37 seconds HI Gan snatched Mo Xie down from the Shadow Tyrant. 16 minutes 59 seconds MTG Wild Zone kills the Eight Commandments of Pigs. 18 minutes and 04 seconds MTG middle road to kill the eight precepts of the pig. 20 minutes and 46 seconds MTG on the road to open 0 for 2. 21 minutes and 34 seconds MTG pushed off the crystal to win.

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

Third inning

MTG disabled: Ma Chao Big Qiao Yao Zhou Yu

MTG Selection: Lü Bu Na Ke Lulu Lan Ling Wang Di RenJie YiXing

HI disabled: Gongsun away from the mirror Garo Shen Mengxi

HI Selection: Xiahou Huan Marco Polo Lan Liu Bang Ying Zheng

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

The two sides started in peace. 2 minutes 18 seconds MTG took down the arm to strengthen the tyrant. 3 minutes 58 seconds MTG middle road killed Liu Bang. 4 minutes and 56 seconds MTG won the Prophet Domination. 5 minutes and 43 seconds MTG pushed off a tower under hi. 6 minutes and 35 seconds MTG middle road open 0 for 2. 9 minutes and 13 seconds MTG snatched the Prophet dominated the trend to open the group 1 for 3. 10 minutes and 28 seconds MTG to take down the Shadow Tyrant. The 11-point MTG stretches the economy gap to 4k. 11 minutes and 10 seconds MTG to win the domination. 14 minutes and 35 seconds MTG down the road to open 0 to 2. 16 minutes and 36 seconds HI on the road to open the group 2 for 3. 18 minutes 35 seconds MTG River Channel kills Lan. 20 minutes 11 seconds HI middle road open group 2 for 2. At 21 minutes and 09 seconds, MTG won the Storm Dragon King, and HI Lan pushed off mtg on the road highland tower. 22 minutes and 15 seconds MTG down the road to kill Gongsun away from the trend to push off the HI lower road highland tower. 22 minutes and 38 seconds MTG Crystal opens 4 for 5. 26 minutes and 28 seconds MTG middle road to kill Marco Polo. 27 points MTG won the Storm Dragon King. 32 minutes and 31 seconds MTG won the Storm Dragon King. 33 minutes and 17 seconds MTG pushed off the HI Three Road Highland Tower to kill Liu Bang. 33 minutes 58 seconds MTG Crystal at the mass annihilation HI pushed off the crystal to win.

KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL
KPL Qualifying News: MTG clean sheet HI, Tigers won another temporary seat in the KPL

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