
In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat

In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat

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By 1949, it was difficult to find traces of the Kuomintang troops in the Chinese mainland.

At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's plan to withdraw to Taiwan was also implemented, and only some neighboring islands along the southeast coast were stationed with Kuomintang troops.

On the Xiangshan Peninsula were 20,000 Kuomintang soldiers, headed by Chiang Kai-shek's concubine: Tang Enbo.

In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat
In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat



Why have all the high-level military and political personnel of the Kuomintang troops withdrawn to Taiwan, but there are still a large number of troops and soldiers stationed on the islands near the southeast coast?

This was a huge fantasy and strategic plan of Chiang Kai-shek, who wanted to use all these islands as a springboard and wait until the time came to be strong.

Chiang Kai-shek could use these islands as a springboard for counterattacking the mainland and achieve his own "Chiang Kai-shek.".

In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat
In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat



Obviously, for the PLA troops, these islands are actually the thorns in the eyes of the PLA troops, and the tumors on the skin.

The Nationalist forces stationed on these islands would harass the fishermen at any time, posing a significant threat, so they must all be beaten down.

The commanders of the People's Liberation Army gathered a large number of troops and almost surrounded the Xiangshan Peninsula.

With an order from the commander, the warriors launched an attack.

The first line of defense was the defensive line established by the Kuomintang troops on the shore, and the PLA soldiers sat on the ferry boat and began to charge against the dense enemy fire.

Some ships were destroyed, and the warriors fell into the sea, while more soldiers were getting closer and closer to the Xiangshan Peninsula.

There were also heavy machine guns on the ferry, and the warriors drove heavy machine guns to collect fire in the direction of the enemy, and finally succeeded in suppressing the enemy's fire when they were close to the Xiangshan Peninsula.

"Kill!" The warriors rolled over and disembarked, and as soon as they landed, they began to charge.

Tang Enbo's troops were not soft eggs, and they opened fire on the PLA fighters with dense fire, and casualties on both sides were heavy.

Finally, the ferocity of the will to fight of the PLA soldiers was even greater than that of the Kuomintang troops, and they soon rushed into the positions of the Kuomintang troops and fought with them.

The Kuomintang troops were small in number, and they had the upper hand in the white-knife battle, and quickly retreated under the orders of their own commanders.

In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat



Tang Enbo concentrated all his troops in Ninghai County, which was their last line of defense.

But he knew that defeat was inevitable, and if they failed to control the coastline, their 20,000 troops would not be able to withstand the attack of the People's Liberation Army.

So he immediately sent a telegram to Chiang Kai-shek, asking for a retreat.

After a short rest, the landing troops of the People's Liberation Army immediately launched an attack on the county seat of Ninghai County.

Heavy artillery fire exploded at the head of the county seat of Ninghai County, and Tang Enbo operated here for a short time, and did not establish a strong defensive line.

Seeing that the offensive of the PLA troops was getting fiercer and fiercer, Tang Enbo finally waited for Chiang Kai-shek's telegram and demanded that they immediately retreat and abandon the Xiangshan Peninsula.

Also, Tang Enbo was a concubine of Chiang Kai-shek, and they could not be allowed to fall on the Xiangshan Peninsula.

Therefore, the navy of the Kuomintang troops opened up, and Tang Enbo left a part of the soldiers to break off, leading a large number of troops and a large number of materials on the Xiangshan Peninsula on the ship back to Taiwan.

The Xiangshan Peninsula was liberated.

In the 1949 battle to seize the island, Chiang Kai-shek pitied his concubine Tang Enbo, and finally let them retreat


"The Battle of Ningxiang", "Famous Battles of the People's Liberation Army Series", "Documentary of the Battle of Zhoushan"

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