
Three squirrels on the hot search! Mercedes-Benz's new advertisement appears model "squinting" Netizens angrily

Recently, the topic of "three squirrel models" has been on the hot search.

In the advertising poster of three squirrels about a Chongqing sour and spicy powder, the female model's squinting eye shape makes many people feel extremely uncomfortable, and the words "equality" appear in the chest clothes, and the actions of the characters in the advertisement are also very frivolous and exaggerated.

Three squirrels on the hot search! Mercedes-Benz's new advertisement appears model "squinting" Netizens angrily

In this regard, the three squirrels issued a "solemn statement", saying that the netizens reported that the model's makeup did not meet the public aesthetics and caused discomfort, and the three squirrels also apologized and replaced the page for the first time.

However, just when the "model" incident of the three squirrels was fermented, the advertisement of Mercedes-Benz car was also pointed out by netizens as a "squinting eye" model.

A few days ago, some netizens exposed that Mercedes-Benz-Mercedes-Benz promoted the advertising cover in the WeChat circle of friends, and the models in the advertisements were also "squinting" models, and the makeup also made many netizens feel uncomfortable.

Three squirrels on the hot search! Mercedes-Benz's new advertisement appears model "squinting" Netizens angrily

It is reported that the Mercedes-Benz video advertisement has been published on its official Weibo account on December 25, in the video, Mercedes-Benz has adopted a man and a woman to promote the new car, two model partners, and the female protagonist's makeup is slightly suspended.

In this regard, some netizens posted comments on the Internet: We are not criticizing the appearance of the model, but criticizing this deliberate "high-class face" hanging makeup, criticizing this deliberate catering to the Western stereotype of East Asians! So, Mercedes, aren't you sick to give models this makeup? These days the male lion teenager to the three squirrels make such a fierce noise, I do not believe that the Mercedes is not intentional!

In its comment area, some netizens criticized: "Chinese women all look like this? Understand..." And netizens said, "Why don't you choose an eye like that, Chinese women will be targeted by you!" ”

However, some netizens pointed out: "More open-mindedness and tolerance", "less position judgment."

At present, Mercedes-Benz has not responded to this incident, and will maintain its attention in the follow-up.

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