
The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Since the 21st century, sustainable development has become the most important development model in all countries in the world. How to vigorously develop their own military, economic, and people's livelihood while ensuring that the environment is not affected has also become a problem that all countries urgently need to solve. What people do not expect is that in the context of such an era, there are still some countries that have seriously affected the environment due to the impact of their own development.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Of these countries, Mongolia bore the brunt of it. According to old photos of the Mongolian army taken by reporters from other countries in the past, the mongolian grass was green and the sky was blue. But after only a few decades, Mongolia has become yellow and sandy. The steppes, which the Mongols are proud of, are also developing step by step in the direction of land desertification. If changes are not made in time, the situation of desertification in the Mongolian steppe is bound to become more and more serious.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Current state of Mongolia

When it comes to Mongolia, the first reaction in everyone's mind must be the endless steppe. As long as people who have been to Inner Mongolia know that the beauty of the grassland scenery is by no means indescribable in three words. As a country with a much larger land area than Inner Mongolia, the scenery of the Mongolian steppe should also be expected. Unfortunately, in today's situation, the beautiful scenery of Mongolia's pristine ecology has gradually disappeared.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

The main reason for this situation is that Mongolia's main economic support is still livestock and mining. Apart from these two industries, Mongolia has no industry that can be the pillar of national development. That is why Mongolia's environment is seriously affected at the same time as the country develops.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Animal husbandry and mining

First of all, in terms of animal husbandry, the number of livestock in Mongolia has reached 66.2 million, and when the number of livestock is all fed on the grassland, the damage caused to the grassland is irreparable. Unfortunately, even if the Mongols wanted to change this situation, they should be powerless.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

The second is in the mining industry, which also uses the environment in exchange for economic benefits. For the world's major developed countries, this approach is absolutely undesirable. However, for a relatively pristine country like Mongolia, in addition to relying on mining to support national development, there is really no good solution to other aspects.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Modern Mongol army

Many of the Mongol armies may have stayed during the Mongol Empire established by Genghis Khan. As the largest country in the world, the combat effectiveness of the Mongol army is absolutely unquestionable. But now that more than hundreds of years have passed, why do people still choose to remember the Mongol army? In fact, this is mainly because there are too many places in the modern Mongolian army that still imitate the model of the former Soviet Union, giving people too few memory points. Not only that, but because Mongolia's own population is too small, the number of troops in the whole country will naturally be affected to a certain extent.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

According to the data, the Soviet Union stationed only one army group in Mongolia, and its number has reached 8% of the Mongolian population. This numerical comparison also meant that it would not take much time for the Soviets to completely occupy Mongolia. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Mongolia still chose to continue the military training model of the former Soviet Union. It is just that although the two armies are exactly the same in terms of appearance in terms of organization and uniforms, the actual combat effectiveness is completely incomparable.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

Of course, this is not to say that there is much difference in the combat quality of individual soldiers, but the gap between the equipment ratio of the two countries is too large. In the event of a war, Mongolia could rely only on a slightly more capable army. However, compared with the development of Mongolia's army, Mongolia still needs to return the focus of development to sustainable development. In a short period of time, Mongolia may be able to maintain a stable state of development, but as the situation of land desertification becomes more and more serious, it may be too late to regret it.

The environment of the Mongol army: once the grass was green and the sky was blue, and now, decades later, the wind and sand have spread

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