
This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

Text/Ant-Man YiRen

After raising a baby, it is indispensable to pay attention to a series of problems, including early education enlightenment.

I have to say that the starting line of the rush is getting earlyer and earlier. Parents pay attention to such and such interest classes, compare prices, compare teachers, and compare cost performance.

Of course, it is worth mentioning: is it necessary?

The child's teacher once taught us: education is no small matter, many things, early on.

Regarding the education of children, it is undoubtedly necessary, and the key is to take a suitable form.

Early education classes are convenient, convenient and systematic, which is undoubtedly worth advocating. However, if parents work flexibly and do not have to force clock-in and out of work, they may try another option: family enlightenment.

This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

It may be more general and empty to say, and I don't know how to start.

In fact, to do a good job in family enlightenment, you may try to start with the following "artifacts":

Tmall elves, tableware, toys, picture books.

The general early education enlightenment is from the age of 2-4, this period, the child's language system developed rapidly, during the home period, play more songs, stories, both a reading input, but also a good auxiliary: to assist the further development of the child's language system.

Imagine that children grow up at home and hear cheerful nursery rhymes every day: Mom and Dad go to work, I go to kindergarten... When you enter the kindergarten at the age of 3, will you have less anxiety about entering the kindergarten?

Imagine a child growing up at home, hearing a rhythmic nursery rhyme every day: a small toothbrush, held in the hand. I opened my little mouth. Brush left, brush right. Brush up and down inside and out... Will you still be resistant to brushing your teeth?

Teeth brushed white, eating is fragrant. Some parents are anxious that children will not use spoons, always have to be fed when eating, and feed for half a day and eat badly.

Then create more opportunities to use the toy tableware at home to let the child exercise more hand movements.

This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

These things are ready to use, easy to use, parents and children interact together, is not it fun? In this way, eating has become a game! Kind of interesting!

Speaking of games, where is the god assist of picture books?

Imagine snuggling up with your child, looking at beautiful pictures, telling a story, and playing a game of "hide-and-seek with numbers" while playing? (Pictured)

This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

Can you find out the numbers hidden in the book?

This is both a game and a kind of cognition, the key is interesting, can be repeated, the whole family can participate, is this a kind of benign mathematical enlightenment?

There is much more enlightenment to mathematics, far more than just knowing numbers, knowing graphics, knowing directions, comparing sizes, are common basic knowledge.

At this time, I took out the artifact at home again, and together we came to a wonderful "Qiankun Great Shift". Isn't it also a convenient thing to put on a shape and know the color?

This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

In a few moments, children and parents interact, recognize, and explore, which is both intimate and harmonious.

It is both life and growth.

For older kids, there's more to explore. For example, some parents want their children to write a good hand and send their children to calligraphy classes early.

But the child either can't sit still, or can't write well, and is distressed by the silver and white flowers...

The child is small, the pen is not practiced well, how can writing be done quickly!

As usual, guide yourself at home.

It is nothing more than to prepare some tools: use a tool ruler, white paper, a pen gripper, plus the companionship and patience of parents. At the beginning, you can try to draw some simple shapes, wait for the child not to contradict, and then slowly try the transition, draw some combination graphics, stars and moons, lollipops, etc., and finally ask the child to paint their favorite colors.

This kind of early education enlightenment makes children more interesting!

The picture above is a colorful balloon drawn by the baby, isn't it very beautiful?

Finally, add a sentence: the baby conjures up a colorful balloon, so magical!

An ordinary little thing, a different kind of wonderful journey.

As long as you are a little careful, there are many, many such opportunities, many things, are touch bypass!

Parents are the first teachers of children, you grew up with me, and I thank you for having the opportunity to make me better!

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