
"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

author:Winding month A

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks", a note-taking body spirit strange novel, the author is the Tang Dynasty fierce man Duan Chengshi, the Jianghu people see to call a "Duan Gongzi", not only because of his identity as the prince of the prime minister. Duan Lang's magical brain hole is not comparable to Pu Songling.

This novel can satisfy all your brain holes and curiosities, with elements such as rogue, magic, ghost, literary history, anecdotes, folk customs, monsters, Buddhist tao, medicine, technology, tomb robbery, thriller and emotion... Imagine how many sub-categories are included in the theme of "Liaozhai Zhiyi", and "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" contains hundreds of categories.

If you can understand the meaning of the four words of "unitary yang miscellaneous tricks", you can basically guess the intention and outline of the creation of this strange book. The editor will attach a few thriller stories, and everyone will see the art of Duan's brain hole.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

The title of the book, "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks", is very weird, just like its content, this is not a play of Xuanhu, the four words have connotations and knowledge.

(1) What is "Unitary Yang"?

There are thousands of books in the stone cave on Xiaoyou Mountain, and it is said that the Qin people learned from this and stayed there. 丨 Southern Dynasty Song Dynasty Sheng Hong Jingzhou Chronicle

The "Jingzhou Chronicle" says that there are mountains in the land of Jingzhou, named Xiao You. There is a fairy book cave on Xiaoyou Mountain, and the Legend of the Six Dynasties has many unique secret books hidden here. It is said that during the Qin Dynasty, some people studied in this library cave. This is called "unitary".

The south of the mountain, the north of the water, is called the sun. This is called "yang".

酉阳丨 is said to be on the south side of Xiaoyou Mountain. The King of Xiangdong of southern Liang once called it "The Yidian of Visiting Youyang", so there is an allusion to the "Yidian of Youyang", which usually refers to the secret books hidden in the world. Duan Chengshi takes the word "unitary yang", implying that the book is written as a fantasy book.

Duan Lang's technique was 1200 years earlier than the Ancient Dragon Martial Arts Secret Book.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(2) What is "miscellaneous tricks"?

Trick, the original meaning is the ancient sacrifice or noble banquet, used to hold meat ceremonial vessels. Obviously, the sacrificial vessels are different from ordinary objects, and the meat of the animals they hold is different from the usual taste. Trick by extension "strange taste".

The world is chaotic, and life is full of flavors. Miscellaneous, strange and strange flavors are mixed together, the so-called "miscellaneous tricks". The word "miscellaneous" not only refers to a variety of things, but also implies strange flavors, rather than the right taste of the world.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks", Duan Gongzi is hinting at his book old cattle, wonderful, mysterious and peculiar, complex tastes, heaven and earth natural, earthly mansion, everything. Gongzi really didn't brag, he even guessed that the moon was a bumpy ball...

Cultural people can play, right? Whoever mentions the uselessness of reading again asks him: "Unitary Yang Miscellaneous Tricks" refers to a roast chicken shop or a grocery store?

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

There are 20 volumes in the first half of the book and 10 volumes in the following, for a total of thirty volumes. Most of them are short stories, some are simply recorded, but there is no shortage of wonderful long stories, thousands of strange tastes in one book... Duan Gongzi's mind is boundless, and his world is simply dazzling.

Specific articles include the following:

Zhongzhi, Li Yi, Tianmi, Yu Ge, Hu Shi, Bei Bian, Jing Yi, Xi Zhao, Woe Omen, Wu Ge, Trickster, Strange Technique, Yi Jie, Instrument Qi, Music, Wine, Medicine, Tuo, Lei, Dream, Sense of Events, Rogue, Wu Yi, Guangzhi, Language, Meditation Trace, Corpse, Nogao Ji, Guangdong Zhi, Derogatory, Temple Tower, etc., the content involves immortals, Buddhas, ghosts, monsters, Dao, demons, people, movements, plants, wine, food, dreams, tomb robberies, prophecies, evil omens, Thunder, funerals, tattoos, treasures, politics, court secrets, gossip, science and technology, folk customs, medicine, minerals, biology, paranormal phenomena, murals, astronomy, geography...

Duan Chengshi traveled around with his father (Tang Chancellor Duan Wenchang) since childhood, opening his eyes, perhaps because his head was full of novelties.

When Pu Songling wrote about the chat, he provided tea for free to catch a variety of flavors. Duan Gongzi kept a strong memory, and when he grew up, he personally traveled all over the country to understand and collect local customs, strange things, and strange stories about wild history... The world is in the folk.

Duan Lang is not keen on power and wealth, wandering the rivers and lakes, searching for the world's strange news. This provided rich material for the later creation of "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks".

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

It can be seen that it is not surprising that "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" is all-encompassing, and the most wonderful must be the Xuan fantasy zhiwei signboard.

It should be noted that the history part of the book is a wild history, which is not suitable for rigorous historical reference, but the customs and customs of various places are still worth playing, and the "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" is quoted when writing folk customs.

There was no good sound on the ground. People are about to leave, Wu Ming and go forward, duoxi 丨 Tang Duan Chengshi , Youyang miscellaneous tricks

Duan Gongzi said, "The crows cry, there is no good thing in the world." People were nearing death, and crows were flocking, flying with excitement and noise. "

The crow is the ancient sun god bird, which has been depraved since then, and the crow has become an unpleasant evil bird in the Tang Dynasty, which is a fact.

To say that the biggest highlight of "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" must be the invincible imagination of transcendence! I'll give you a few signature stories.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(1) Flying head beast 丨 realm different chapter

It is said that there are strangers in Lingnan Creek Cave, known as "flying head beasts". Wives often have a ring of red bruises around their necks, and husbands are sick at night. Suddenly, the cargo's head whizzed out of the house, as if it had grown wings. Still lying on the bed...

This flying head is also quite smart, knowing to run to the river to eat fresh shrimp and crab mussels aquatic products. Fly back to the house before dawn, and don't forget to make up for it. Look at his stomach again, it's already full...

Sequel, the wife does not follow the practice of flying head? In the middle of the night, the husband and wife flew together, and in the early morning, the two sides returned home, which was really romantic and dead.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(2) Flying Night Fork 丨 Strange Class

It is said that Wang Shen has a son who is 13 years old. One day, the teenager met a woman begging for water and took her home. The woman said that her husband had died, that the mourning period had just passed, and that she had no children and no one to rely on. Shen's wife saw that the woman was handsome and good at female red, so she recruited a daughter-in-law and became a relative that night.

When night came, the new daughter-in-law said that the robbers had recently appeared, and the little husband obeyed, so he used a large log to strengthen the door of the house.

At midnight, Shen's wife suddenly dreamed that her son was wearing a shawl and crying, "I am about to be eaten." Shen's wife was frightened and prepared to go to the room to see her son, but was stopped by Wang Shen with "happy events rushing to the head".

Shen's wife listened, too, busy and happy during the day, and dreamed confusedly at night. So I went back to bed, but I just lay down, and the horror dream reappeared. The couple felt that something was wrong, and there was no response to the call to their son in the past, and the doors and windows could not be pushed open. I had to smash the door and enter, when I saw a blue monster with huge chiseled teeth rushing out of the house.

Only the remaining brain bones and hairs remained in the house...

The monster flying night fork can transform into a beautiful woman, find someone to marry, and find an opportunity to eat the groom at night. The price of marriage, hey...

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(3) Human tendons are of the suo 丨 ghost class

Wang Geng, a scholar of Luzhou in the Tang Dynasty, met a purple-clad man on his way home in the evening. The scribe had his own insight, guessing that the purple-clad man or the prefectural official, so he hid behind a tree in fright to observe.

The car was parked by the river. Only to hear the groom say, "My lord, the rope is broken, and there is no way to cross the river."

The purple-clad man took out the book book (which seemed to be a book of life and death) and turned it over, saying: "Go to a certain place in Luzhou and get the backbone of Zhang Mou's wife!"

Wang Geng was shocked to hear that Zhang Mou's wife was his own aunt...

The groom left, returning a moment later, holding two white tendons several feet long in his hand, and then connected them as ropes, and the carriage immediately stepped through the water. Wang Geng rushed home in a panic and saw his aunt crying out for back pain. After three o'clock, the whole village was ready to open the table.

Novels such as ghosts and monsters are recorded in the volume "Nogao".

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(4) Dead husband robbing marriage 丨 love marriage class

Wei Ying, a man from the Northern Wei Dynasty, had a good family background, but unfortunately died young. His wife Liang Shi ignored the funeral, but was anxious to remarry, and the new husband called Xiang Ziji. Liang Hexiang still lived in Wei Ying's old residence, which was excessive.

On the night of the second wedding, Liang Shihe and Xiang Ziji undressed and prepared to go into the water to play with fish and water, when suddenly Wei Ying appeared in the dark courtyard on horseback and shouted: "Ah Liang! You mother-in-law forgot about me!?

Xiang Ziji was terrified to take the arrow on the biu, and Wei Ying fell. The two of them went out to inspect and saw a little peach tree man on the ground, next to a bouquet of thatch, that is, Wei Ying and his horse.

This ending is a bit disturbing, and it is certainly not the right taste.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

(5) Convex and uneven moon ball 丨 heavenly roll

Wang Xiucai and a cousin You Songshan played too much, got lost at night, and suddenly saw an old man dressed in white, using a burden as a pillow to sleep in the grass. Wang Xiucai went forward to ask for directions, and after asking several times, there was no response.

His people laughed and said, "JunzhiYue is a combination of the Seven Treasures?" The moon is like a pill, its shadow, and the sun shines its convexity also. There are often 82,000 households that cultivate it, and give it is a number. "丨酉阳杂俎 ·天咫."

The old man suddenly asked, "The moon is a round ball made of seven treasures, do you know?" The moon is shining brightly, because of the sun's illumination, you know? It is rumored that 82,000 households have repaired the rugged moon, and I am one of them! "

Wang Xiucai and the two were directly asked to be blindfolded. The old man opened the bag, which did have axe chisels and other tools, and also gave the two people jade crumb rice, saying that after eating, they would cure all diseases... The old man finished pointing the way and disappeared.

The moon is a ball, glowing with the help of the sun, and its surface is rugged. Tang Dynasty Duan Cheng style Duan Gongzi this nonsense...

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

Duan Chengshi has a wide range of knowledge, a strange brain hole, hundreds of categories in the book, so miscellaneous, only you can't think of it, no Duan Gongzi can't think of it. "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" also records a satirical and humorous passage, which is not inferior to your paragraph today.

The story says that when Zheng Zhu was appointed as the envoy of Fengxiang Festival, he led more than 100 wives and concubines with heavy makeup and bright makeup all the way, "the aroma is several miles, against the nose of the person". Unfortunately a great tragedy occurred... The melons on both sides of the road were all smoked to death by the aroma of these more than 100 women...

Although "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" is wonderful, it is a pity that the popularity is not enough, and the Tang and Song Dynasties are the world of elegant literature. "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks", Shi Fei Zhengshi, taste non-orthodox taste, Wen Nai is a minority, the body is a partial door, under the peak of Tang and Song Dynasty literature, it is just a small talk after tea and dinner.

"Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks" 丨 Tang Dynasty Zhi Wei Fierce Book, challenge your brain hole limit

Duan Chengshi Duan Lang, a native of Zouping County, Shandong, the second generation of top officials of the Tang Dynasty, was on a par with Du Mu, Li Shangyin, Wen Tingjun and other prodigal princes, and later became idle and self-satisfied, deep in Buddhist books, drinking and singing poetry, and living was also extraordinary.

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