
The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Guti, it's a mysterious man. Football talent is outstanding, but has never been able to become a superstar; the appearance is feminine, but the bones are actually full of unruliness and stubbornness, for more than 10 years, willing to let the age grow old on the bench of Real Madrid.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

In 1986, at the age of 10, Guti joined the Real Madrid Junior team. On 2 December 1995, Guti was promoted from the youth team by then Real Madrid manager Baldano and stepped on the Bernabeu lawn as a first-team player for the first time. Since then, Guti has embarked on a long journey at Real Madrid.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Guardian of the Bernabeu

It is always assumed that, without Raul, perhaps, perhaps for more than a decade, Guti would have been the banner of the Bernabeu; if Guti had left the Bernabeu early, the starlight of the Golden Wolf might have been even brighter.

Guti's initial football career began in his hometown of Torrejón, a small satellite town south of Madrid. At the age of 9, he was discovered by Real Madrid scouts and became a player in the real Madrid second team. Because of his admiration for Redondo, the young Guti also wears a flowing blonde hair. At that time, Raúl was still training in atletico Madrid's youth team, and if history continues like this, perhaps all that Raúl has at Real Madrid may belong to Guti. Raúl and Guti are their own masters, and may be enemies for a lifetime, but fate sometimes has so much drama, after Atletico disbanded the youth team, Real Madrid bought Raul, so the two most promising future stars of the same age group in Madrid became teammates of the Real Madrid youth team. Perhaps from that moment on, it was doomed that Guti would not be smooth sailing on the road of football.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

In 1995, Guti was joined by Baldano in the first team along with Raul. In the 95-96 season, Guti played a total of 9 La Liga games, scoring 1 goal. But in the following season, after Capello took charge of the seal, Guti was given 14 league appearances, but failed to score. In Capello's eyes, the young Golden Wolf is not yet a typical center. And at that time, the Real Madrid forward line was full of talents: Raúl, Sukh, Mijatovic. Although Capello also tried to get Guti to change from a striker to a front, he was obviously much more immature compared to Seedorf at the time. However, this does not mean that Capello does not value Guti, the Italians saw his potential at that time, so even when Capello left later, he repeatedly suggested that Guti be well trained, and when he later coached Roma, he repeatedly wanted to bring in this talented player.

In fact, since that era, Guti has faced an embarrassing situation at Real Madrid, and several successive Real Madrid coaches such as Baldano, Capello, Heynckes, Hiddink and so on have not included the young Guti in the main lineup, but they are not willing to resell the highly potential "Golden Wolves", whose professional fate has been intertwined with this embarrassing contradiction from the beginning.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

In November 1999, Bosque became the team's firefighting coach, and the Real Madrid youth godfather knew Guti, who grew up in the Real Madrid academy. In his first year in office, Bosque turned down the offer to buy another center in the face of Morientes' long-term injury, giving Guti full trust, who scored six goals that season. The following season, Morientes continued to recuperate from a long period of injury, and Guti, who played as a center, scored 14 goals that season and was greatly recognized for his ability. However, the superstar policy pursued by Perez, who was elected president of Real Madrid in the summer of 2000, changed the fate of the player who is growing into a first-class center forward.

After the 2002 World Cup, Real Madrid bought Ronaldo, and although Guti still received Bosque's weight, he had to give up the center forward position to Ronaldo. The Wolves themselves retreated into midfield to serve as their front.

Real Madrid sports manager At the time, Baldano once said of Guti: "The goal he scored looked easy, but it was actually a reflection of a real striker's sense of smell in front of goal. Until Guti retired, there were Real Madrid fans who assumed that if he had chosen to leave Real Madrid to join another team that summer, then Guti would have been one of the top centre-forwards.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

The growth of organizational aesthetics

Being in the middle did not make Guti a prison, on the contrary, his innate football talent and creativity were more displayed and enhanced. In the 2-03 season, Guti still got 34 La Liga appearances and scored four goals. A good view of the big picture, dashing dribbling, fluttering running positions, and unexpected short-distance penetration can often achieve a fatal kill of teammates. Although there is no speed or power, the subtlety of the pass is often a surprise. When the Golden Wolf interprets in the midfield with this innate inspiration, you don't doubt that he is a top artist.

Guti's ability to complete short passes, especially between gaps, is a must, whenever there is a fleeting pass space or a pass opportunity is about to be blocked by a defensive player, Guti can handle the passing timing before the passing opportunity disappears, which requires action reaction, speed of action and consciousness, so he can often complete the pass before the defender blocks the pass space.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Although in his career, the physical confrontation aspect is Guti's weakness, afraid of forced grabs, but Guti has a strong stability in passing, and can still accurately complete the pass when he loses balance. This shows his good touch of the ball and a good ability to adjust his steps.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Of course, the straight-forward masters need not only the technique of passing, but also the inspiration for improvisation. And Guti's heel plug at the top of the arc this time is also this hanging, this way of passing reflects a player's improvisation on the spot, the combination of concealment, imagination and ornamentation, is a master's move that can not be sought.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Finally, let's talk about the long-distance sticker. This is one of the most enjoyable performances in the straight ball, bringing fans penetration, visual shock can be described as unique, many players have dedicated incredible ground to the ground in their careers, the most famous of which is Rui Costa's 60m straight plug to break through the Real Madrid defense. And Guti, as a master of straight balls, can definitely play in this aspect, and the pass that opens God's perspective in the picture below is definitely the perfect embodiment of vision and overall view.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

In the summer of 2003, Perez signed Beckham again. Real Madrid's midfield is more luxurious, Zidane, Figo, Beckham, all of them are famous, which also makes Guti's living space in the midfield more and more narrow. Slowly, the Golden Wolves got used to watching their teammates play from the bench, and even if they played, he had to learn to steal and tackle behind Zidane and Figo.

In the shadow of the superstar policy, Guti became the biggest victim of Real Madrid in those years. Striker, front waist, back waist, he is like a patch, which position needs, he must be obliged to fill. The role of The Golden Oil is not an honor for Guti, but a helplessness. In particular, the 04-05 season, one of the most turbulent seasons in Real Madrid's history, saw changes in the managers of Camacho, Raymond and Rosenborg, with Guti playing just over 2,000 minutes in that season.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Thankfully, in the post-Zidane era, Guti finally ushered in a wider sky. Manager Capello has always trusted the Golden Wolves, and in the 06-07 season, Guti re-assumed the role of Real Madrid midfield commander, repeatedly passing fatal balls for Van Nicholas and Raul on the front line, recreating the true color of the Golden Wolves in the past. In the 33rd round of La Liga that season against the powerhouse Sevilla, Guti used a perfect performance to make all Real Madrid fans marvel at the beating.

In this game, Real Madrid encountered a lot of difficulties, in the first half Maresca pushed Real Madrid to the edge of the cliff with a beautiful free kick, if this battle is lost, the team is likely to be empty again this season. Real Madrid's backwardness was maintained until Guti came on as a substitute, and it was Guti who planned Real Madrid's reversal to win. Just two minutes after Guti came on, he found Van Nistelroe with a precise direct pass, and the Dutchman won the ball past Palop and pushed the empty goal into the net on the right side of the penalty area. In the 78th minute, it was Guti's direct pass from the middle that tore through Sevilla's defence and helped Robinho score to take the lead. Guti's inspiration was still thin, and in the 86th minute, Guti's pass was handed to Ramos, who received the ball and burst into the right side of the box to shoot and Van Nistelrooy followed up with a header to score twice. Throughout the game, real madrid has lacked effective organization, and Guti has helped real madrid open the door to victory with accurate scheduling and straight plugs after coming on the stage.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

That season, Real Madrid also won la Liga in the final round.

In the summer of 2007, the german Schuster, who advocated attack, succeeded Capello as the head coach of Real Madrid. Under Schuster, Guti became the main force of the team, and together with Sneijder he served as the commander of the Real Madrid attack. On 11 February 2008, in Real Madrid's 7-0 win over Valladolid in La Liga, Guti scored two goals in the match and scored a hat-trick for assists. In the 07-08 season, Guti made 32 appearances for Real Madrid in La Liga, scoring 3 goals and delivering 15 assists, becoming the assist king of real madrid and La Liga that season, and helping Real Madrid defend the league title. It is worth mentioning that this season is also the season with the fewest number of substitutes in Guti's career.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

But the good times did not last long, and in the 08-09 season, Schuster was dismissed in the middle of the season and replaced by Juan de Ramos. During Ramos' tenure, Guti was completely abandoned. In the summer of 2009, Florentino took up his new job and bought Kaka, C Ronaldo, Benzema and Alonso, creating the star-studded Galactic Battleship 2nd Generation. Guti had fewer chances. On 9 May 2010, Real Madrid's 5-1 victory over Athletic Bilbao in the 37th round of La Liga became Guti's last match at home to the Real Madrid Bernabeu.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Guti, who left Real Madrid, came to Besiktas, but did not play for 2 years. On September 22, 2012, the 35-year-old Guti officially announced his retirement

In the final analysis, Guti is tragic not because of how "omnipotent" he is, but because of the contradiction between his omnipotence and inability. Guti's inspiration on the pitch is breathtaking, but he relies too much on this flash of inspiration. When his creativity hits a low ebb at some point, he appears to be doing nothing on the field. Because of this, Guti is not the kind of person who can stand up and turn the tide at any time.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

People who are inspired seem to be more accustomed to experiencing all kinds of sadness, and Guti is no exception. For more than 10 years, this has been the case at the club and even more so at the national team. It is undeniable that Guti's temper, although stubborn and fiery, lacks true bloodiness, which is also the epitome of the character of the Spanish national team at that time. That Matador Legion has too many tragic players, and Guti should be a typical example. Among Spain's technical peers, Valerón, who is only a year older than Guti, is the representative and a sad player, but at least he has been alone in the national team. Correspondingly, Guti, whose technical characteristics and creativity are similar to Valerón's, has less than 1/10 chances in the national team.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

Indeed, when Guti erupts, he can make you worship him, and when he falls into a low tide, it will disappoint you. This is the biggest reason why many coaches are afraid to fully trust Guti. When Guti will be inspired, this is full of uncertainty, which determines that most coaches often choose to send him in the passive situation, hoping to use his inspiration to turn the situation around, so Guti has never been able to become a stable trump card in the hands of coaches.

And despite the bustling real madrid stadium and superstars, he still played for 15 seasons, even if there are foreign giants with heavy money, Guti is not moved, he has 100% loyalty to the Santiago Bernabeu stadium. His feelings for Real Madrid, almost beyond all the definitions of love in the world, his persistence, his pure heart, and dedication to Real Madrid, will also become an eternal monument in the hearts of all Mei Linger.

The essence of human straight plugs - Guti

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