
Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

author:Roam a world of wonders

In other words, the world is so big, there are 7.5 billion people living, there will always be some people or things that shatter your three views! On Ins, there is an account called "Unbelievable Facts", which collects all kinds of strange cold knowledge and facts, or magical, or shocking, or absurd... Let's take a look:

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

During the U.S. ban, the brewing industry created an ingenious way to circumvent the law. They started selling a concentrated grape juice called a "wine brick" with a warning: just dissolve it in one gallon of water to get the grape juice, but be sure to put it in the freezer or it will turn into wine after 21 days...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Beginning in 2001, a male white stork named Klepetan flew from South Africa to Croatia, 13,000 kilometers away, every spring to mate with a female white stork, Malena, who was injured and unable to fly. Traveling tens of thousands of kilometers each year, the couple gave birth to a total of 66 offspring. Unfortunately, in 2021 Malena died of old age...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Amar Bharati, an Indian man who raised his hand for 48 years... In 1973, when he suddenly had an epiphany, he left his family and friends and decided to spend the rest of his life practicing his religious mission, raising his right hand to express his faith and gratitude to Shiva, and this move was never put down...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Everyone knows that Maxine invented the world's first automatic heavy machine gun, but what many people don't know is that his son also invented the silencer. But it was too late, and before his son could invent it, Maxine spent too much time test-firing the machine gun he invented, causing him to become completely deaf...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Send Me to Heaven is a casual sports game with a simple mechanic, the higher the phone is thrown, the higher the score. Unfortunately, the game was banned as soon as it went live on Apple's App Store...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Opponents of early steam trains argued that women's bodies could not stand the 80 km/h high speed, and they feared that such a high speed would have terrible consequences for female body organs, one of which was to cause the womb to fly out of the body...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In the 1880s, American farmers in sparsely populated areas made telephone lines out of steel barbed wire, and in order to get rid of loneliness and boredom, they could even connect up to 20 phones together, which meant that no matter who was calling or who answered the phone, all the phones would ring at the same time, which was the earliest online group chat...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

The young man in the photo, named John Thompson, was torn off in an agricultural machinery failure, and he was in great pain, holding a pencil in his mouth and dialing the distress call... In the end, he not only survived, but also took back his arms.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In September 1966, the Soviets extinguished a gas fire with a nuclear bomb. The incident took place near Utapbulak in Uzbekistan, where in an effort to extinguish a gas fire that had been raging for three years, the Soviets detonated a nuclear bomb underground with twice the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Theodore Hall, one of the youngest scientists in the Manhattan project, graduated from Harvard university at the age of 18 and was recruited to work on the Manhattan nuclear program at the age of 19. And more than 50 years later, a year before his death, he admitted that he had been a bottom-line man in the Soviet Union ... "I decided to give the atomic secrets to the Russians because in my opinion, a nuclear monopoly is a very terrible thing," he said.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In 1976, John Aristotle Phillips, a student at Princeton University, designed a nuclear weapon, all the information was public, and he was suitable to prove that building a nuclear bomb was not as difficult as imagined, and that it could be made using unclassified resources... The FBI then confiscated his academic papers and the models in his dorm room...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

A Hong Kong travel company has launched a service for insomniacs who can't sleep at home at night; sleep bus! The whole journey is about 75 kilometers, the time is 5 hours, the price starts from 129, spend money to go to the car to sleep, do you think it is worth it...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

The woman in the photo is Julia Bert Fry Hill, a prominent American environmental activist who lived for 738 days on a 54-meter-tall, 1,500-year-old California mahogany tree (from December 10, 1997 to December 18, 1999). The aim was to stop pacific timber from cutting it down. She succeeded in saving the tree.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In 1997, a Danish couple left their baby in a stroller outside the restaurant while eating at a restaurant in New York (a common situation in Denmark), and the couple was stripped and searched by New York police, who later sued the city for $66,000 in damages.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In the 2002 Uberlingen air disaster, a Russian Tu-154M airliner collided with a Boeing 757-200SF freighter due to a mishandling of the air traffic control system, and no one survived. Later, a Russian who lost his wife and two children in the air crash: Karoyev, murdered Peter Nelson, a Danish air traffic controller on duty that day, was convicted of manslaughter in 2002, imprisoned for 8 years, and returned home on parole for good performance in 2007, and was regarded as a hero by the Russians.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Soviet Civil Aviation Flight 6502: On October 20, 1986, Captain Kliuyev, on the way from Yekaterinburg to Grozny, made a bet with co-pilot Jirnov that he could close the curtains and just look at the instruments for a blind descent, and the tragedy happened... Only 24 of the 94 passengers survived, and the co-pilot, although not dead on the spot, died of cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital, and the captain was later sentenced to 15 years in prison, which was later reduced to six years.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Medical miracle: This man named Stan Larkin survived for 555 days without an artificial heart, waiting until the heart donor threw away the equipment, wearing it and even playing basketball... Interestingly, because the machine doesn't contract and relax like a heart, he has no pulse...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Keith Sapsford, a 14-year-old Australian boy with a curiosity to explore the world, sneaks into the landing gear of the plane. When the plane landed in mid-air to open the landing gear, he fell down... And the photographer who took this picture, who was just testing his new lens at the time, was shocked to see this scene after rinsing the film...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In 1996, during a flight, due to the rupture of the aircraft's windshield, British Airways pilot Tim Lancaster was instantly sucked out of the cabin, although the crew pulled him in time, but could not pull him back into the cabin, so he was "pasted" on the plane for 20 minutes, although he suffered severe frostbite and fractures, he finally recovered completely.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In 1988, when the American restaurant chain Grand Slam decided to close its doors for Christmas and give employees a holiday, an awkward situation arose when they found that many of their restaurants did not have keys or even locks, because the chain was open 24 hours a year, and 700 of the last 1220 restaurants had to install new locks.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

In 2010, the famous actress Sandra Bullock for her role in "All About Steve" was awarded the Siskin Plum Award for Worst Actress. Unexpectedly, the next night, she won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in this movie, becoming the first person to win both the Academy Award and the Golden Plum Award...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

Jobs never wrote code for Apple, and according to Apple co-founder Wozniak in His Biography, he didn't do any original designs, he wasn't an engineer, he was always good at reworking the results of his employees' work. One of Apple's earliest employees also said that Woz was the real creator, and Jobs was just a businessman.

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

The two nurses worked on the same floor of a Florida hospital, but one during the day and one at night, until a patient informed one of them that there was another Korean nurse in the hospital that they were adopted separately and had been separated from their sisters for 40 years... Fate, it is really wonderful ah...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

On October 6, 1909, Vancouver welcomed the city's first ambulance, which was rare in those days, and people were very excited, ready to take a walk around the city, did not expect... I don't know if it was too much excitement or a vehicle problem, I crashed and killed a pedestrian during the test drive... The first task of this ambulance is to send this unlucky guy to the funeral home...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

The woman in the photo is a waiter at a restaurant in Florida, USA, and in 1999, she received a lottery ticket from a guest as a tip and won $10 million... She was then sued by her colleagues and asked to share the prize money equally with her, because at the time she jokingly said: If you win the lottery, you will divide it equally!

At first the court thought it was a verbal agreement and awarded $3 million to her colleagues... Later, the Supreme Court rejected the verdict, holding that the "oral agreement" was suspected of gambling...

Destroy the three views! 25 unbelievable facts, one more bizarre than the other...

It wasn't over, not surprisingly, after which she was sued by the guest who gave her the lottery ticket... Even more tragic is still behind, before she was born for a few days, she was kidnapped by her ex-husband with a gun, and in the process of self-defense, she broke down her ex-husband's shot, fortunately, her ex-husband had a previous conviction and was identified as legitimate defense...

The nightmare was not over, and then she was targeted by the IRS again, and she fought with them for 10 years...

After reading these, I can only say that the world is big, there is no wonder...

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