
4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Affected by the epidemic, the impact of lack of cores on the global automotive supply chain has not been interrupted, and many domestic models have also experienced short supply and obvious price increases. The reporter visited many 4S stores and found that multi-purpose cars, MPVs, performance cars, imported cars, etc. have become the key models for car purchases at a higher price.

New car supply was tight at the end of the year

Car 4S shops sell cars at a higher price

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

CCTV Finance "Economic Information Simulcast" column video

Near the end of the year, the two festivals are approaching, the tide of returning home is superimposed on the distribution of year-end benefits, and car purchases have ushered in a peak. The day before yesterday (December 26), the Beijing Municipal Transportation Administration announced the results of the last batch of car license plate lottery in 2021, and the Beijing auto market heated up again. In a number of auto 4S stores in Beijing, the reporter saw that the consumers who came to test and select the car were endless, and the sales price of new cars was rising. Sales staff told reporters that different models of auto products correspond to different additional prices.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Audi 4S store sales staff: all have to book, like RS (model) then have to add money, basically 5 to 100,000 range. The S4 (model) that is often sold plus 50,000 are all fixed, RS4, RS5 (model) plus 8 to 100,000 is also fixed, and 6, 7, 8 (model) plus 300,000 yuan is also fixed. Because it has too few resources, no cars, and not much quota for the whole year.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

After visiting a number of brand car 4S stores, the reporter learned that selling cars at a higher price is a common phenomenon in the industry. Salespeople generally claim that the sales price of cars is determined by the supply and demand relationship of the market, which is the industry practice.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Mercedes-Benz 4S store sales staff: The guidance price of that car is 1.5 million yuan, and the price is 1.8 million yuan.

Reporter: Why 300,000 yuan more?

Mercedes-Benz 4S shop salesman: This car has a premium. The official price has guidance, but the actual price, the price of different models is not the same, the market determines.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Audi 4S store salesman: It's not that our store adds so much, all stores add.

The increase in the price of the car will also be tied to the pick-up time. The salesperson said that if you want to add less money, you can choose to pick up the car late.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Toyota 4S store sales staff: According to the cycle of your car, you can give a corresponding discount, if we do not give you a discount on the basis of 70,000 yuan, you may be able to pick up the car in February and March 2022, I give you a discount of 20,000 yuan, you may be able to mention the car in April.

There are also some mark-up fees, presented in the form of decorations or service charges.

Toyota 4S store sales staff: maintenance service fee, Alpha (model) is three thousand yuan, buy other models is one thousand yuan. For example, if your car comes, wash your car, provide some related services, and our shop rent will be evenly distributed to the price of each car.

The average sales price of the automobile market this year increased by 10,000 yuan year-on-year

Since the beginning of this year, the automobile market has indeed seen a relatively large price increase. However, is it legal to increase the price by hundreds of thousands of dollars? How should consumers respond to such a situation?

Auto industry insiders introduced to reporters that this year, affected by the epidemic, the global shortage of automotive chips has led to an imbalance in automobile production and sales, and some models are seriously out of stock. Among them, the average sales price of traditional fuel vehicles this year reached more than 156,000 yuan, an increase of about 10,000 yuan over the same period last year.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the Automobile Market Research Branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association: Many companies choose to produce more high-priced and high-end models, so as to ensure that the same car and the same chip can obtain greater profits and relative sales. At present, the phenomenon of dealers selling at a higher price is relatively large, which is a serious illegal act.

According to the Administrative Measures for the Sale of Automobiles issued by the Ministry of Commerce, dealers shall expressly indicate the prices of automobiles, accessories and other related products and the charging standards of various services in an appropriate form at the business premises, and shall not increase sales or charge additional fees in addition to the list price. Expenses such as listing, outbound, decoration, insurance, etc., cannot be mandatorily paid by consumers.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Yan Bing, chief lawyer of Beijing Yuntong Law Firm: Consumers have the right to decide whether to accept or not to accept a certain service or purchase or not to buy any kind of product.

Legal sources suggest that when consumers buy a vehicle, they can ask the seller to specify the price, pay attention to the price clause in the sales contract, the delivery cycle, and the product model and configuration of the vehicle.

4S shops sell cars at a higher price and some are 300,000 more expensive, industry insiders: serious violations

Yan Bing, chief lawyer of Beijing Yuntong Law Firm: Including things like decoration and insurance, these are items that consumers can choose to buy or not buy. Don't rely solely on the seller's introduction or verbal promise, the transaction contract is the most powerful evidence for consumers to protect their rights in the later stage.

Source: CCTV Finance

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