
How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

author:Suyu House

Growing delicious, brightly colored green peppers doesn't require extensive gardening experience. All it takes is patience, care and a little knowledge about the correct growing conditions. Like most other varieties, green peppers grow better in hot environments, which is why they have a long history of cultivation in countries with dry climates. With that in mind, you have to know where to breed green pepper seedlings, how often to water them, and when to transplant them outdoors to grow on their own.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > the cultivation of green pepper seeds</h1>

Go to the grocery store or farmer's market to buy green pepper seeds. Go to a local grocery store, farmers' market or seed shop and buy a packet of green pepper seeds. There are many varieties of green peppers, and some varieties of seeds may not be available all year round. Shop around until you've bought quality organic green pepper seeds. If your garden is large, you can make the most of the planting space and find some other peppers that can be grown with green peppers. If you've grown green peppers before, you can also preserve and utilize the seeds harvested last year.

Calculate the date of the last frost in your area. You should sow pepper seeds 8 to 10 weeks before that day. After the last frost day has passed, you can transplant the seeds outdoors.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

Plant three seeds at a depth of 0.5 cm in each container. As long as it's no smaller than a yogurt cup and has a hole in the bottom, any jar or container can be used to grow green pepper seeds. Mixed nursery soil with excellent drainage properties and delicate texture is used. Water the seeds so that they are moist but unsaturated. Do not allow the soil of the seeds to dry thoroughly. If the plant grows slowly and the fruit or leaves droop or dry out, it may absorb too much or too little water.

Place the seeds in a room where the temperature is not less than 21 degrees Celsius. Only in a warm environment can pepper seeds germinate. Find a sunny room in the house with a temperature of not less than 21 degrees Celsius. If the thermostat is unreliable, you can use a wall thermometer to determine the temperature.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

Remove the weakest seedlings. Pepper plants are best grown in pairs because they can shade each other and prevent excessive sunlight. After a few weeks of growth, remove the worst growing one and allow the other two to thrive.

Let the growing plants be exposed to the sun. Place the seedlings you plant on the surface of the pot on the south-facing windowsill and let them soak up the sun and warmth during the day. Sufficient light is very important for the growth of green peppers. After planting seeds indoors, you should gradually expose the green pepper plant to the outdoor environment. You can open the windows and let the sun shine directly and the air circulate. Green peppers have to be exposed to the sun for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. If your home doesn't have well-lit windows, consider using artificial plant growth lights.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" > transplanted green peppers into the garden</h1>

Wait until the right time in the season. You should transplant as soon as the weather starts to warm after the last frost day is over. In areas with hotter climates, this time is usually around March or April. If you live in an area where the winter temperature continues, you may have to wait until close to summer for the plant to produce tender green peppers. In tropical and temperate regions with dry climates, green peppers can basically grow all year round. If you grow green peppers in a hot, dry area, just make sure they get enough moisture. Most people should plan to start indoor nursery in late January or early February, and then transplant after about ten weeks. After transplanting the green pepper plants outside, cover them with a tarp at night to help them keep warm.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

Find an open, sunny place in the garden. Leave enough room in a corner of the garden to continue growing green peppers. You should choose a piece of well-drained black soil with fertile soil. Try to choose a place in direct sunlight to make sure the peppers are away from other lush fruits and vegetables and avoid them competing for nutrients. Green peppers grow best in environments around 21 degrees Celsius or higher temperatures. Do not plant fruity vegetables such as green peppers near leafy plants, as the latter may be eaten by rabbits or other animals that forage.

Dig some holes that are big enough and plant the peppers into them. Use a shovel or hand shovel to dig holes about 15 to 20 cm deep and 25 to 30 cm wide. Turn the surrounding soil over thoroughly and breathe it through. Plant the green pepper seedlings in the hole and bury them in the soil, but don't press too tightly. In order to give the green peppers enough room to grow and prevent them from hindering each other, the planting spacing should be maintained at about 46 to 60 cm.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

Apply some fertilizer to the soil. Apply some organic fertilizer to the soil to ensure that the green pepper plant has sufficient nutrients, such as sprinkling some blood meal or organic compost. Don't sprinkle too much, about 5 ml is enough. Green peppers absorb most of the nutrients from the soil in which they grow, so over-fertilizing can lead to nutrient loss and, in severe cases, death. Some gardeners recommend planting a few matches around the pepper plant to allow the peppers to absorb a little sulfur, a nutrient they need.

When the weather is cold, cover the plants with a shed cloth. To make green peppers healthy and strong, you have to keep them warm. On particularly cold nights or when frost may occur, protect the plants with insulated shed cloths. Shed cloth preserves the heat needed for peppers while also preventing precipitation, runoff and nibbling. In milder climates, it doesn't matter if you continue to cover heat-loving plants like green peppers with a shed cloth. Be sure to wait until early spring to plant green peppers. Cold weather can freeze green peppers to death or seriously hinder their growth.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="19" > grow healthy green peppers</h1>

Frequently water the green pepper plants. Depending on the weather, water the green pepper plants every 1 to 2 days to keep them healthy. As the plant matures and the root system grows stronger, you can reduce the frequency of watering. Green peppers grown in hot climates may require more moisture. Under moderate growing conditions, when growing most of the average size of green peppers, it is best to pour 3 to 5 cm of water per week. Do not water too much, otherwise the plant may die or be susceptible to disease. Make sure the plot you choose is well drained so that water doesn't build up around the plants and leaves the soil soft and moist.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

Mix the organic matter into the soil around the plant. Turn over the soil around the plant every few weeks and add a shovel of root protector or compost. If green peppers can absorb nutrients from organic matter, they will grow more efficiently. If you add a little compost to the soil every once in a while, some pepper plants don't even need separate fertilizer. Organic materials such as root protectors also help retain moisture in the soil, which can play a role in preventing green peppers from running out of water in hot weather. Since calcium deficiency can cause the ends of the green peppers to rot, you can grind the eggshells and mix them into the soil to increase the calcium content of the soil. Eggshells can also be replaced with lime. If you fertilize, make sure the fertilizer has a low nitrogen content and is not an ammonium fertilizer. Excess nitrogen and ammonium may cause calcium deficiency.

When the plant grows large enough, support the plant with a scaffold. As the pepper grows, the fruit becomes heavier and heavier, putting pressure on the stems. You can solve this problem by tying pepper stalks to wooden scaffolds to support the weight of the plant itself. Most gardening stores have scaffolds for sale, and they are not expensive. [20] Use pantyhose or rubber bands to secure the stems of the plant to the scaffold, without using ordinary plastic cable ties. The extra elasticity ensures that the straps do not limit the growth of the plant and do not create pressure on the stems or cause the stems to break.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

The green peppers are picked when they are ripe. You can pick green peppers when they reach a certain size, usually waiting for them to reach 8 to 10 centimeters in length. In most cases, though, chili peppers are judged to be ripe based on their color. Mature green peppers will be dark green in color, darker than the stems of the plant. Using a sharp knife or gardening scissors, cut or cut the ripe pepper off the stem. Wash and dry the peppers before stir-frying, or store them in the refrigerator before they are ready for use. Most varieties of green peppers can be picked after 60 to 90 days outside the transplant. Green peppers can be kept fresh for up to two weeks in the refrigerator.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="24" > tips</h1>

When growing peppers, do not rely on chemical fertilizers. Nitrogen in most chemical additives is too irritating, and many times, it can promote the growth of plant branches and leaves, but it will affect the development of fruits. You should use organic matter such as compost or rootguard instead of fertilizers.

Plant leaves wilt probably because it's too hot. Try moving them to a cool place, or pouring more cool water.

During growth and development, the color of peppers changes. Once the green peppers are dark green, you can pick them. However, you can leave them on the plant and make them a little more ripe. Turning red indicates that they are ripe, when green peppers have the most delicious taste and the highest vitamin content, but they are also more susceptible to insects.

If you don't want brown or red "sun spots" on your peppers, don't let them sun out for too long. Even if it is only dried for a few hours, the bright green color of the green pepper will begin to turn red. If you grow red peppers, you can ignore this tip.

When touching green pepper and pepper plants, the movement is lighter because they can easily be bruised. If you pick carefully and don't kill the plant, as long as the temperature is warm enough, new peppers will grow on it.

Be sure to remove weeds from the soil surrounding the pepper plant, as their presence can cause the plant to die or hinder the full growth of the pepper. You should uproot all the weeds, but be careful not to hurt the pepper plant.

You can use a pruner to avoid breaking branches or stems.

How to grow green peppercorn seeds For the cultivation of green peppers, transplant green peppers to the garden to grow healthy green pepper tips warning

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="32" > warning</h1>

When the outdoor night temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius, plant green peppers. Otherwise, the cold can cause plant death.

Do not grow green peppers near vegetables such as fennel or brussels sprouts, as they are not conducive to the growth of other vegetables.

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