
History | Fried chicken fried well can still be a colonel?

author:Interspersed with guerrillas

#肯德基 #

There's a snack inside KFC called Colonel Chicken Nuggets. Hearing the Colonel, you might think that the KFC grandpa on the sign in front of the store was once an army commander, right? In fact, no, he, the colonel, has not brought soldiers or fought, and yes, grandpa's real name is not KFC, but Sanders.

This year's September 9th, which is today, coincides with the 130th anniversary of the birth of Grandpa Sandoz. I'll take this opportunity to tell you his story.

When Grandpa Sanders was young, his family was quite poor. From an early age, he learned to cook for himself. No wonder the fried chicken he made later was so delicious. However, Sandoz did not open a shop to sell fried chicken since he was a child, he did a lot of work in order to make a living, helped people farm, worked as a firefighter, a conductor, a lawyer, etc., and also worked as a truck driver in the army.

History | Fried chicken fried well can still be a colonel?

Sanders in the café

Eh, you must have to ask when you hear this, no, isn't Sanders a colonel? How did you become a truck driver in the military?

In fact, the colonel Sanders had nothing to do with the colonel in the army. He, the colonel, got his way by selling fried chicken. What's going on?

It turned out that Sandoz finally found a job at a gas station, in addition to fueling the car, he also made all kinds of delicious food for people who came and went, including, of course, his fried chicken. Later, he simply opened a restaurant next to the gas station and concentrated on how to make fried chicken the best.

The result? His restaurant became increasingly popular and particularly effective, and kentucky's state government decided to award Sandoz the honorary title of "Colonel of Kentucky." You see, fried chicken can be a colonel even if it is fried well.

However, Sanders' good fortune did not last forever. At the age of 65, the restaurant was getting worse and worse and was about to go out of business. Fortunately, Grandpa Sandoz did not give up, but took his exclusive recipe, sold it in various restaurants, and finally became popular all over the world. The name of this recipe is very familiar to you, which is KFC fried chicken.

At that time, Grandpa Sandoz was wearing a white suit to sell exclusive recipes, and this image became the logo of KFC, printed on the signs of each store.

History | Fried chicken fried well can still be a colonel?

What do you think? I didn't expect that there was such a story behind the KFC grandfather, right? If you have a classmate who likes to eat KFC, you can share this audio with him. You are also welcome to discuss with you in the message area which dish you like to eat the most from KFC.