
Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

author:Uncle Li's food diary

Gourmets do not have to be gourmets, and those who make food must have read the tastes of the world, and can return to the basics and return to the food itself.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

Hello, hello everyone, I am a long-winded Uncle Li, welcome to come and exchange food with uncle, if you want to know more about food production, please pay attention to uncle, uncle will share some food making methods with you every day. The food I want to share with you today is: [Black Pepper Chicken Nuggets].

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

Foreign fast food everyone has eaten, in addition to not very healthy, the taste is still very good, especially by the children's love, a few days ago to go to the frozen market to buy ingredients, saw a big brand of fried chicken food in the activity, on a whim to buy a few packs, go home fried for the child to eat, the child said that the taste is not very good, the uncle also tasted a few, found that the original chicken puree starch content is too high, basically eat to the mouth there is no chicken taste, all starch, and in order to increase the aroma of chicken, The additives are also added a little more, so decisively thrown away, this food still feels that eating less is better, not at ease.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

In fact, the fried chicken nuggets of this snack production method is still very simple, the main is the chicken puree with wrapped powder, there is no technical difficulty, this wrapped powder before to help friends study the bridge head ribs when trying to do, so the most important thing is the production of chicken puree, chicken puree seasoning refers to the original seasoning of the fried ribs, although the production is somewhat different from a certain brand, but the taste is absolutely no problem, the child eats it also said that it is delicious, the key is that there is no additive and the ingredients are very assured.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

Do this kind of chicken nuggets are mainly made in two steps, one is the production of flour, one is the production of chicken puree, the following will be this practice of fried chicken nuggets to share with everyone, we can learn from this practice, you can also add some other complementary foods in the chicken puree, such as carrots, dried seaweed, etc., you can also increase some nutrition.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

< h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" > black pepper chicken nuggets:</h1>


Ingredients for chicken puree: 1 piece of chicken breast (about half a catty), 1 egg, salt to taste, corn starch 10 grams, white sugar 5 grams, garlic powder 5 grams, black pepper powder 2 grams, five-spice powder 2 grams, milk 25 grams

Ingredients: corn starch 80 g, low gluten flour 80 g, salt to taste, baking powder (or baking soda) 5 g, water to taste (about 200 g)


Step 1: Wash and cut the chicken breast into large pieces in the blender, add 1 egg, 25 grams of milk, 10 grams of starch, 5 grams of sugar, 5 grams of garlic powder, 2 grams of black pepper and five-spice powder, beat into chicken puree, take out and put it in a large bowl and stir clockwise with chopsticks.

Step 2: Put the chicken puree into plastic wrap, wrap it in plastic wrap, organize it into a coarse sausage type, and put both ends into the refrigerator for freezing.

Step 3: Take out the chicken puree after freezing, tear off the plastic wrap, cut the frozen chicken puree into meat puree pieces about 1 cm thick, lay a layer of plastic wrap in the flat plate, place the meat puree pieces in the plate, and then seal it with plastic wrap to continue to put it in the refrigerator for freezing.

Step 4: Take a large bowl, pour in 80 grams of starch, 80 grams of flour, 5 grams of baking powder and stir well, then add an appropriate amount of water to make a thicker thin batter.

Step 5: Start the pot to burn the oil, when the oil temperature is 50% hot, the frozen chicken puree will be quickly wrapped in a layer of batter, fried in the oil pan, fried until the shape is set, fished out of the oil control, the oil temperature will rise to 70% heat again, and the chicken nuggets after the oil control will be re-fried in the pan again, fried until golden brown and fished out.


The chicken puree must be frozen before it can be cut into shapes, and the batter does not need to be thawed when wrapped, and it can be fried directly when wrapped.

Chicken puree can be added to other complementary foods that you want to add.

When frying, the oil temperature should not be too high the first time, and the temperature of the oil can be higher at low temperature, and the temperature of the oil can be higher in the second time.

The powder is mixed into a thick consistency and has fluidity on it.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

Such a portion of about 15 or so black pepper chicken pieces are made, there is no other messy additives, the chicken puree is tender and juicy, the skin is golden and crispy, dipped in some tomato sauce or sweet and sour sauce, it is more delicious than what is sold outside, and our children still want to eat another one after eating.

Ten yuan can make a large portion of colonel chicken nuggets, the outside is crispy and tender, there is no additive, and the child can't eat enough black pepper chicken nuggets:

For the food shared today: [Black Pepper Chicken Nuggets] Do you have any comments or suggestions? Welcome to leave a message for the uncle in the message area, share with the uncle, and exchange food.

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