
Dried meat with sake is not fun

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Dried meat with sake is not fun

The people take food as the sky, and the Chinese community in the small city is more and more enthusiastic about the enjoyment of the tip of the tongue.

At first, I was a guest at home, and I found that there were more plum wines and wines produced by myself on the table. Once, after drinking the owner's self-brewed wine, I visited their vines and large glass bottles that I bought at a high price, and suddenly remembered that many years ago, there was also a vine in my backyard, this old tree vine branch is thick and strong, but unfortunately it is juicy and sour, and the taste is very poor. Every autumn, the ripe grapes shed on their own, and the sap on the ground is colorful and a mess, attracting swarms of bees and ants. We cut it off in a fit of rage. Cleaning the storage room, found a lot of glass bottles, do not know what to do, we casually threw into the trash can. It dawned on me that the former Italian homeowner was making wine! It is a pity that the former homeowner's meticulously accumulated belongings have been destroyed by our ignorance.

Later, I don't know when, the pictures of the mansion in the WeChat group were gradually replaced by strips of dried meat on the wooden shelf in the backyard. I learned that many capable housewives are making their own bacon and sausages. These slag-dregs, once hanging under the eaves of the farmer's house, have drifted across the sea, and have appeared in the large backyard of the Canadian Independent House, becoming the new favorite of the owner.

The Chinese people who are accustomed to using the US group and are hungry probably will not know what kind of life overseas compatriots are living. Not only do these people not enjoy such a fast and thoughtful delivery service, because the work unit does not have a canteen, and they are not used to eating weak sandwiches, even lunch is served overnight from the previous day's dinner. Spending money to go to restaurants can only eat "improved Chinese food" that suits the appetite of the locals. Cantonese mooncakes, Cantonese sausages, and sky-high bacon in Chinese supermarkets are gradually drifting away from Chinese compatriots with different tastes. Compared with the convenience of domestic people, overseas Chinese are probably more than 30 years behind. Unable to bear it, the housewives struck.

Eating is not boring, eating this thing can be exquisite without restrictions. Fueled by WeChat videos, the Small City Chinese started from dumplings, wontons, spring rolls, and rice cakes to some technical steamed buns, buns, fried fritters, Su-style mooncakes, and ice skin mooncakes, and soon transitioned to bacon and sausages with a high degree of specialization. People have personally experienced and carefully made all kinds of flavor snacks to please their taste buds and satisfy their appetites. Especially the wax flavor, not only in their own backyard, but also in the WeChat circle of friends. Those unassuming strips of air-dried meat, wrapped in casings of pig hind legs, bathed in the warm winter sun of Canada, look proud and delicate, and greet the wind in the greedy or muran eyes of their neighbors.

My training in cooking is extremely limited, and I have been eating three meals a day. For these kinds of show-off behavior, at first I just admired it. Until last year, the new crown pneumonia epidemic fell from the sky, poetry and distant disappeared out of thin air, and only chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea was left. One day at home, my husband, who has always cooked super hard to eat, suddenly announced: I am going to study cooking. What surprised me was that the first challenge this man was to make bacon and try it out!

Eating the results of her husband's experiments, Fang remembered that the ancients also made their own wine and made their own bacon. Bai Juyi", "Ask Liu Nineteen": "Green ants are newly brewed wine, and the red clay small stove is cooked." Late to the day want snow, can you drink a cup of nothing? Du Fu wrote in "Kezhi": "Panyi City is far from having a taste, and the bottle restaurant is poor and only old. Ken drank opposite his neighbor and called out the rest of the cup from the fence. Du Fu lived a long life of chaos, and at the age of 50, he built a grass hall in Huanhuaxitou, a western suburb of Chengdu, and settled down. After the completion of the caotang, Du Fu invited his friends to drink, and said politely: It is inconvenient to buy things away from the street market, the dishes are simple, and you can't afford to buy high-end wine, so you have to use home-brewed aged wine to entertain you. Or do we call the neighbor over and get drunk? What a hearty scene! Think about it all drunk.

Confucius was even more excessive, and he once said categorically in the Analects of the Township Party: "Selling wine and eating it." "It means that the wine and jerky bought in the market are not eaten. Some people question that Kong Qiu was born into poverty, and he also suffered a lot when he traveled around the world, so he wouldn't be so exquisite, right? Moreover, the sentence "No wine and me" has already appeared in the "Book of Poetry, Xiaoya Logging", why can't you eat the wine you bought alone? The Book of Han and the Chronicle of Food and Goods contains Xi and Lu Kuang's words: "In the Analects, Confucius was in turmoil during the week, drunk in the people, thin and evil, and insincere, and was fed with doubt. "It turned out that in the era when Old Master Kong lived, the wine on the market was no longer officially made like the Zhou Dynasty, the ceremony was broken, the people were not sincere, the wine bought was adulterated, and the meat bought was not sure what kind of meat it was, so he asked the students not to eat it, especially not to use it for sacrifice.

In this way, making bacon by yourself is a bit like hand-polishing in the machine industry era. In modern society, such personalized products on the market, because of the labor and time-consuming, but also the temperature and sense of substitution, compared to the factory mass production of products, the price is much more expensive. Overseas Chinese people who "panpiao city is far from having a taste", yin and yang mistakenly live a "special customization".