
Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

[There is a cold knowledge that everyone does not know]

Spanish is the second language of the world and is one of the 6 world languages recognized by the United Nations

This is beyond everyone's common sense, right?

And then we also think, then the world's first language must be English?

In addition to English, it is absolutely impossible to have other languages to take on this task, after all, we still have to learn and take exams!


It is also understandable that Britain once claimed to be an empire where the sun never sets, so the people who use it must be the most,

But beyond everyone's expectations, Spain was the first country in the world to claim that the sun never sets

The world's first language recognized by the United Nations is our "Chinese"

Alas, there is no way who makes us cows!!

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

In the history of Spain, there have been many forces and civilizations that have fought or coexisted here

The first to bring them into the civilized world was the Roman Republic! Rome brought this part of Spain under their rule very early on, romanization and accelerated the urban process

Two of the most famous later Five Wise Emperors were born in Spain.

This is a remarkable progress, because the previous Roman emperors or rulers were basically born in Italy

And the Romans also brought Spain, a world-famous top food, [Spanish ham]

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

The price of ham like this one is not generally expensive. But it tastes worth paying for him

When it comes to eating, we say that the world is number one, and people who believe that there will be no country to oppose it, and cannot oppose it.

Our traditional dining culture is absolutely not lagging behind anywhere,

The world's three major hams, there are also our Jinhua ham

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, much of Spain later entered a whole new cultural dimension

Even with Islamic culture, Spain is one of the few European powers that has been ruled by Islam

And this reign lasted for more than eight hundred years,

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

After a long period of rule, the Spanish region was baptized by the two major religions and cultures of the world at the same time.

This gave them the opportunity to come first in the primary marine civilization

Soon they took advantage of the advent of the age of navigation.

Colonizing the rest of the world, a large number of colonies allowed Spain to obtain

The title of the first empire on earth that never sets

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

It also forcefully exported their culture to the rest of the world. It is precisely because of this glorious past that their language has become the second language of the world.

Once upon a time, they also wanted to conquer the Chinese Empire, but they came too early, and at that time, they were not at all the opponents of our Ming Empire.

If they came a little later than a hundred years later, by the Qing Dynasty, it is estimated that the chance of their invasion is much greater.

Because after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, it was completely out of touch with the world

All science and technology have begun to lag far behind the world.


There is a more special aspect of Spain, that is, when the European countries were baptized by the Second World War,

With their status as neutral countries, they skillfully escaped the devastation of war.

Characteristics of the ancient empire: the Kingdom of Spain

What's more interesting is that in the Spanish Civil War nearly 100 years ago, there were still many of our Chinese to support and participate in the war.

Fight for the noble ideal of the kingdom of Spain, thousands of miles away!

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