
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

The pace of automobile intelligence and networking is moving forward rapidly, and the multimedia system in the car has become an important configuration to complete the interaction between users and vehicles. At the 2022 pickup truck annual model event held at the end of the year, a variety of commercially available mainstream pickup truck products were brought together, and then, we explored the multi-internal system of each pickup truck to see how they perform to cope with the current user demand for intelligence and interconnection.

Affordable Group

Wuling Journey

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

Among the three models of the affordable group, the car provided by Wuling Zhengtu is the only one equipped with a central control screen. Wuling Zhengtu is equipped with an 8-inch touch screen, the internal functions are relatively simple, mainly support radio, Bluetooth phone, USB expansion function, can meet the user's basic multimedia needs. In terms of operation, this screen is basically quite smooth, and the fluency of use is still good.

Jiangxi Isuzu classic Ruimai

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

Fukuda Conqueror 5

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

Among the models participating in this election, Jiangxi Isuzu Classic Ruimai and Futian Conqueror 5 are not equipped with central control screens. Classic Reimer's high-end models are equipped with an 8-inch central control screen and integrate a relatively rich set of features. The specific model configuration of the Futian Conqueror 5 has not yet been specifically announced, but as the main economic tool pickup product, it is not unacceptable to not be equipped with a central control screen.


Zhengzhou Nissan Ruiqi 6 flat box version

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

Ruiqi 6 is equipped with a 9-inch central control screen, which supports CarLife, Bluetooth, simple voice control and multimedia expansion and other functions, from the perspective of functional items, the vehicle can provide users with a more comprehensive service experience. From the perspective of actual operation and use, the picture quality of this screen is relatively ordinary, and the performance of the smooth operation is basically qualified.

Jiangxi Isuzu Suzuto

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

Suzuto is equipped with an 8-inch central control screen and adopts a semi-suspended installation method, which looks more refined. The screen has built-in functions such as regular multimedia, Bluetooth telephony and navigation, as well as voice control functions. Although the display color of the screen is relatively simple, the operation feel and smooth performance of the central control screen are remarkable.

Jiangling Domain Tiger 7

2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group
2022 model central control screen competition - affordable group, IKEA IKEA business group

This year, the Domain Tiger 7 ushered in a model change, and after the upgrade, the interior of the vehicle has undergone earth-shaking changes. In the current IKEA IKEA market, the overall design of the new Domain Tiger 7 is at an absolutely leading level. Yuhu 7 is equipped with a 10-inch multimedia screen, the display effect is very delicate, in addition to the conventional audio navigation and other functions, but also joined the Companion 4.0 car machine system, can complete voice interaction with users through intelligent AI.


For pickup products with different use attributes and emphases, there is a certain gap in the central control screen configuration of the vehicle. It can be clearly seen that the pickup truck models of the affordable group do not take the central control screen as the key configuration of the vehicle, and the price is close to the people and the practicality is the main appeal of this group of pickup trucks. In the IKEA IKEA business group, the multimedia system of the vehicle is obviously more complete, and the configuration of the central control screen is significantly improved, and even has reached the mainstream passenger car level. Next, we will continue to explore the central control screen configuration of the pickup truck of the high-end driving fun group in the next issue, and I believe that the multimedia system in this group will bring higher playability and richer functionality.

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