
"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

On December 24th, with the love for the popular T5 EVO, EVO fans from Tiannanhaibei gathered together with their wonderful car life to celebrate this warm and romantic, trendy and cool T5 fan feast. Test drive punch card "the most beautiful coastal road", held a beach BBQ carnival night, and fan song concert and other new ways to play, but also attracted a large number of T5 loyal fans to perform on stage. At the event site, it also unlocked the fan tide play plan for the new year, and announced the establishment of the EVO fan club - EVO Tide Sharing Club, which set the main tone of "tide fun" for the T5 EVO fan activity in the coming year.

The reason why the popular T5 EVO can stand firm in the SUV market in the price range of 100,000 to 150,000, the excellent product strength and the marketing means to attract young people are inseparable from the two "artifacts". Especially in terms of marketing means, we should grasp the life and consumption mentality of Z generation young people, pay attention to the pursuit of their own inner "untamed", not only to have good products, but also to be hip enough to be personality.

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

Compared with the various fan festivals in the industry in the past, the T5 EVO moved the event venue to the beach at one time in this fan anniversary celebration, and in front of the wide sea, it was free to express the dream of freedom. It creates a relaxed and pleasant sense of beach atmosphere, while at the same time creating units that are in line with the current trend of young people in the activities, and exploring new ways of playing across young trends.

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

Wind tide motorcade punch card "the most beautiful coastal road"

The team of T5 EVO waited for fans, blowing the cool sea breeze and under the blue sky, enjoying the beautiful sea view of "Oriental Hawaii". As night gets darker, campfires light up the beach and the cool revelry begins. The music came with the tide, and the 4 owners and the lead singer of the band sang the very trendy "Together to the Future", which pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax and completely awakened the love in the hearts of the fans present.

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

The activity elements are rich and diverse

As with the product strength shown by the popular T5 EVO, there will always be more than one heartwarming point. Popular T5 EVO "Pet Powder Day" activity, in addition to the hot song and dance, the event also specially set up a cocktail performance area, painted nail art area, owners can not only enjoy the pleasure of the tip of the tongue brought by fine wine on the spot, but also the female fans present can also get the most beautiful makeup made by private! The event was interspersed with multiple rounds of lottery activities, users grabbing wheat answer questions and other interactive game links, driving the rhythm of the scene, so that the owners felt the true attitude of Dongfeng Fengxing's "heart pet powder"! That is, whether in the popular T5 EVO car, or on the beach, the stage, the user will always be the C-bit main coffee.

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

TideShare Club was officially established

At the event site, Dongfeng Fengxing also officially announced the establishment of the "EVO Tide Sharing Club", Dongfeng Fengxing will continue to focus on the concept of "intentions, let users enjoy travel", so that more users can experience the highest standard of care services of New Fengxing. Since then, Dongfeng Has allowed fans to have their own activity "organization", the sense of belonging of fans has become stronger, and the products and brands have a warmer temperature in the minds of users. At the scene, the typical owners of Dongfeng Wind behavior were awarded a club medal.

In the scene of intertwining light and shadow and unlimited chaole, Dongfeng Fengxing also revealed the fan plan for the new year: Dongfeng Fengxing will focus on the user's interests and scenes to create excellent plans, youth plans and fan plans for fans in the new year. In the "Excellent Plan", Dongfeng Fengxing will establish a tide reform alliance to create excellence with car riders, and launch the four seasons of car colors such as Scorching Sun Yellow, Ranger Green, Lingxiao Blue, and Wind Chasing Orange; in the "Youth Plan", Dongfeng Fengxing will carry out activities such as the Tide Enjoy Life Design Competition, the Youth E-sports Masters, and the National Comic Tide PK Competition; in the "Fan Plan", Dongfeng Fengxing will create the "EVO Fan Anniversary" activity for the continuous tide enjoy officials, and hold city walk-city tour, EVO tide festival, tide play co-creation day and other activities. Bring more diversified fan community activities to help young consumers explore more possibilities for fashion car life.

"Pet powder" has strength, and the popular T5 EVO fan anniversary ceremony is opened

Keeping up with the pace of young people in the new era and in line with the trend thinking, Dongfeng Fengxing continues to consolidate the emotional bond between users and brands, and brings users a sense of spiritual pleasure and identification with the brand in a higher dimension. In the future, Fengxing T5 EVO will continue to practice user thinking and continue to promote the co-creation and co-creation of users and brands, all the way to the tide.

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