
This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

History is the memory of things that have been said and done. —Carl Baker

As the fifteenth grandson of Genghis Khan, he became the second monarch to unify the Mongolian plateau as the "Lord of Zhongxing" for unifying the southern Mongolian region. Today our protagonist is not the Khan King, but the woman behind him, Mandu Heschen.

This great woman is rarely recorded in the annals of history, she was born in 1448, (the thirteenth year of the Ming Dynasty), was a Mongol Wangubu, and her father's name was Luokt Mur Cheng Xiang. When he grew up to be fifteen years old, Mandu Haischen was in the flower season, and he had his own crush in his heart, who was the King of Korqin, Unneboroth. Later, the young man and woman made love on the prairie, however, just a few days before their marriage, Manduru Khan summoned Mandu Heschen to enter the palace as the Khan's wife.

Is it to choose love, or to choose power? In the end, Mandu Heischen gave up love and was destined to embark on an extraordinary path from then on.

At this time, the Mongol ministries were in turmoil and fighting everywhere, and everything stemmed from the vacant position of the Great Khan. Mandu Haischen, who was already the Khan's wife at the time, brought his talents to full play and helped her husband, Manduru Khan, quell the chaotic Mongolian civil strife that had been in chaos for a hundred years.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

In 1475, Manduru Khan stood out among many forces and was able to sit on the throne of the Great Khan. However, less than four years after he was in a high position, he was tragically killed by the conspiracy of the adulterers. Mandu Heschen bore two daughters to Manduru Khan, so they did not have sons to succeed to the Khan's throne. At this time, Bie Gaslan stirred up trouble at the funeral of Manduru Khan and installed troops in the funeral ceremony in a vain attempt to seize power in one fell swoop.

At this critical moment, Mandu Heschen was not afraid, dismantling the enemy's plans one by one in the face of the careful deployment of Therain, and declaring himself the acting khan at the funeral of Manduru Khan. Immediately afterward, she also arrested the troops that Hadesland had planted at the funeral to participate in the usurpation of the throne, and ordered the old Mandullu forces to capture and kill Gaslan, and eventually, to take all the power into her own hands.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

As the nephew of Manduru Khan, Boerjin Batu Mengke had a difficult childhood, and when Manduru Khan died, he was only four years old, and his father was an ally of Manduru Khan, and finally, he died in the wars of various tribes. Not long after his birth, his father died, his mother was taken away by the enemy chieftain, and Batu Monk was exiled to the steppes and raised.

After the death of Manduru Khan, the powerful Mandu Haschen began to search for Batumunk throughout the steppe, and she was deeply aware of the importance of blood for politics after years of wandering in the ocean of power.

At this time, uneboroth, the lover of the once young plum bamboo horse, once again proposed to Mandu Heischen, however, he was decisively rejected by Mandu Heschen. In fact, at that time, from the comprehensive situation of identity and status, Uneboroth was undoubtedly the best choice for Mandu Heschen, but unfortunately, Unebolt was a descendant of Genghis Khan's brother, and if he remarried Uneboroth, the position of the Great Khan might be transferred to other clans, and eventually, the bloodline was no longer pure.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

Mandu Heschen once said: "If Genghis Khan's bloodline is extinct, of course I can marry another tribe." However, there is still a descendant of BatuMunk in the 'Golden Bloodline', and as long as he is not desperate, I will always stay in the royal court and will not remarry. This attitude and choice of Manduhai was approved by the overwhelming majority of the people and was also understood by King Uneboroth.

In the choice of royal bloodline and personal happiness, Mandu Heischen once again gave up love, and for the continuation of Genghis Khan's golden bloodline, she found Batu Mengke, married him, and then assisted her husband to ascend to the position of Great Khan.

In that year, Mandu Heschen was thirty-three years old, while Batumunk (Dayan Khan) was only seven years old.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

Dayan Khan did not begin to personally handle the affairs of the dynasty until he was sixteen years old, and until then he had been the regent of Mandu Heschen. During these nine years, Mandu Heisqin gradually lifted Dayan Khan into a golden saddle and became the second Great Khan to unify the Mongolian steppe.

Mongolian history records that during the regency of Mandu Haischen, he personally led a large army with Dayan Khan to conquer the Wala tribe and personally broke into the enemy camp as a vanguard. Subsequently, she led an army to defeat Dayan Khan's enemy Ismain and rescued Dayan Khan's mother, Who, with the help of Mandu Heschen, not only took revenge, but also established great prestige in Mongolia.

It can be said that Mandu Haisiqin was the mother of Zhongxing Mongolia in the Ming Dynasty.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

After that, Dayan Khan and Mandu Haisiqin had a total of eight children, and in the film and television works, Mandu Haischen still rode on the battlefield even during pregnancy, and even gave birth to twins prematurely after the fall of the horse. However, due to shock and overwork, Heuschen went into shock after childbirth and was treated with a "hot belly therapy" to finally recover a life.

One day at the end of the last century, heavy rain fell in Wulangou in Inner Mongolia, China, and an ancient tomb from hundreds of years ago was washed away by rain. Archaeologists excavated a very luxurious golden saddle in this ancient tomb, although it is wooden, but it is covered with pure gold gold pieces, and people immediately think of Mandu Heisqin.

This woman is called: the mother of The Ming Dynasty Zhongxing Mongolia, 33 years old and married her 7-year-old nephew!

However, in later research, it was confirmed that the tomb owner was a Princess Meng and not a Mandu Haisiqin, and people were very sorry, in fact, this also reflected the feelings of the children of the steppe for this great woman.

From the above historical facts, it can be seen that Mandu Haisiqin is undoubtedly an extraordinary woman in the history of the Mongolian people, and the later "ManJu" chose such a historical theme to create, with unique insight. With its exquisite artistic conception and colorful national song and dance performances, it artistically reproduces a good story in the history of Mongolian ZTE in the 15th century.

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