
Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

There have been many prosperous dynasties in Chinese history, the Tang Dynasty absolutely came out on top, and as a prosperous ancient city, the Tang Dynasty has left many valuable wealth for modern us in terms of politics, economy and culture, so we look back and explore the history of the Tang Dynasty.

You will find that a strong country must have its own unique culture, and today let us unveil the mystery of the Tang Dynasty culture and see how this magical dynasty sowed the seeds of culture.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

At that time, the splendid culture of the Tang Dynasty not only promoted the development of politics and economy from the side, but also had an impact on other countries with its unique charm.

The flourishing of culture must have been consistent with historical trends. The first is the economic factor, the development of social form and the evolution of culture are closely related to the development of the economy.

Since the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, at the beginning of the founding of the country, in order to restore the strength of the country and return the country's development to the track, the land lease system was mainly implemented in agriculture, and the rent system was continuously developed, and most of the income was owned by the people, and the state extracted a certain amount of tax from it.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

This mobilized the enthusiasm of the peasants to a large extent, so that the country's agriculture and handicraft industry made great progress. To compensate for the losses caused by natural disasters to agriculture.

The Tang Dynasty also attached special importance to the construction of water conservancy facilities, and the excavation of canals also played an important role in the history of transportation in the Tang Dynasty, linking trade exchanges between different regions.

In terms of politics, the Tang Dynasty was one of the few dynasties with long-term political stability, and the Tang Dynasty implemented the imperial examination system, selected talents from various regions, and gave the children of the cold door the opportunity to enter the dynasty as officials, and the utilization rate of talents was improved.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

The fairer system of electing officials has also promoted the formation of an atmosphere of eagerness in the whole society, which has further promoted the prosperity of society and culture.

The politics of the Tang Dynasty were more enlightened, so the literati culture of the Tang Dynasty was very developed, and the prosperity of poetry appeared, and it also became the literature of a generation in China.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were many prosperous times, such as the rule of Zhenguan and the prosperous era of Kaiyuan, etc., in which the country was rich and strong, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the spiritual life of the people also became rich, providing cultural needs.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

In terms of ideology, the Tang Dynasty was relatively enlightened and good at absorbing foreign cultures, Buddhist culture and Taoist culture were relatively compatible in the Tang Dynasty, and Buddhism, Taoism, And Confucianism developed with each other.

It occupies an important historical position in China's traditional culture, and the openness of thought has led to the development of religious culture, and people's thinking has also been diversified, which has further promoted the development of multicultural policies.

The Tang Dynasty was an important historical period of ethnic integration, the Tang Dynasty was strong and powerful, which had a deterrent effect on the surrounding ethnic minorities, and the development of trade and transportation made the Tang Dynasty and ethnic minorities closely communicate, and the Tang Dynasty's ethnic policy was also relatively enlightened.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

Not only did it set up a special institution to govern the ethnic minorities, but it also often appeased, en-wei and shi, and reused ethnic minorities in the imperial court, so the integration between ethnic groups made the culture of the Tang Dynasty more compatible and unique.

The culture of ethnic minorities enriched the culture of the Tang Dynasty with its unique colors, especially the influence of music and dance, so that some cultures of the Tang Dynasty have been passed down to this day.

After experiencing the ethnic integration and ethnic conflicts of the Southern and Northern Dynasties of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the ethnic integration of the Tang Dynasty further developed and had its own unique charm due to its enlightened ethnic policies.

Behind the prosperity of a generation and cultural prosperity, the Tang Dynasty was revealed

The cultural prosperity of the Tang Dynasty is also an important point, that is, the development of foreign relations, the Tang Dynasty is a prosperous dynasty, its power has also spread to other countries, from the historical records, the Tang Dynasty maintained diplomatic relations as many as more than seventy countries, and foreign envoys also brought rich cultural assets when they visited the Tang Dynasty, enriching the culture of the Tang Dynasty.

From this we can see that the strength of a country must be composed of many factors such as politics, economic diplomacy, etc., and these factors have promoted the development of culture, and in ancient Chinese history, culture has always influenced the development of history with its unique role.

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