
Lonnick: Cavani started because he was in good shape, and the rest of the adjustments were due to physical problems

Lonnick: Cavani started because he was in good shape, and the rest of the adjustments were due to physical problems

Live on 31 December Manchester United will again line up the 4222 formation in this round of the Premier League, which manager Ronnick explained in an interview before the game.

Lonnick said: "The focus tonight is on showing our energy. We showed that against Crystal Palace and definitely needed it tonight. ”

"We only played away three days ago and it was already midnight back to Manchester. We couldn't do much training, so we had the game plan ready in the dressing room. ”

"When Cavani came out against Newcastle, he not only scored the equaliser but also had two good chances. He's in good shape and I think it's logical to have him and Ronaldo play together. ”

'The rest of the personnel changes are because we only played a game three days ago, it's about fitness.

Burnley enjoyed playing long passes, averaging more than 80 times per game. We need to contain the opponent's long passes as much as possible, but it is impossible to defend them all, so we need to protect the two penalties. ”

"It's tactically the most important thing, a penalty doesn't matter, it's just about air confrontation. It is important to protect the second point and then complete the offensive and defensive conversion. ”


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