
In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

author:Tang poems, Song poems, ancient poems
In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

Chinese people love tea and taste tea, which has a thousand-year tradition. Tea is not only to quench thirst, but also to clear the heat, meditation, drive away the troubles, to get restless, and to smell the leisurely fragrance, it can make people forget their worries. Whether it is crude tea or tender tea, tea has long been an essential drink for thousands of households. Tea, which is closely related to life, has an intoxicating Zen meaning.

The sound of Banqiao people crossing the spring, the sound of chickens chirping in the afternoon of the day.

Mo qi roasted tea smoke dark, but like to sunshine valley sky.

——Tang Gu Quan, "Over the Mountain Farmer"

The poet walked across the mountain creek bridge, and the sound of running water babbled. The weather was clear, it was already noon, and there was a sound of chickens outside the hut. Don't blame the smoke when drying tea, but the farmers are rejoicing, this is a good sunny day to dry the grain! The joy of the peasants is so simple, and there is naturally no lack of joy in life.

Tea adds a lot of flavor to the lives of ordinary people.

Yang cliff pillow white house, a few mouths frolicking.

Red springs are drawn on the shed and steamed purple ferns before roasting.

After Nai Weng studied tea, the middle woman took a tea break.

Facing each other to cover the firewood, the fragrance is full of mountains and moons.

--Don Pi RiXiu, "Tea House in Tea"

The hut leans against the sunny cliff, and the family rejoices. Draw spring water from the shed and steam the purple bracken before baking. After the father opened the tea leaves, the woman slapped the tea leaves from time to time. It was getting late, and the fragrance was already wafting down the hillside, intoxicating in the moonlight. Days like this, simple and happy.

In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

Drinking tea, pay attention to simplicity, life and life should not be the same?

One re-education and one Yang, can emit a floral fragrance from the grassy.

Magical and ingenious, easy to jane without physical injury.

--Ming Zhu Sheng, "Ming Li"

What is the way of tea? The fresh tea leaves are pressed together and then bumped up, and so on, so that the grassy smell of the tea itself is transformed into a charming floral fragrance. The reason for this is that in the production process, following the heavenly work, simply killing the green, but will not damage the natural nature of things, because the intoxicating tea aroma wafts out. Jane is the way to make tea. There is a deep Zen in this.

Tea, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is both ancient and youthful, and with the passage of time, the tea aroma is as new as new.

The tea cooker is reincarnated, leaving the stove in the center of the water.

Senzai Gong is still there, and the tea is fragrant with water.

- Southern Song Dynasty Qiu Chong, "Wuyi Tea"

Time is rising, the years are like songs, the person who cooks tea has changed generation after generation, and the stove for making tea is still visible. The time of a thousand years is not short, and Wuyi tea is still there, boiled tea, tea is fragrant, let people feel that this moment in front of them, both ordinary and rare, should be cherished.

In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

The world is disturbed, but drinking tea can make people rest well, not only to relieve the fatigue of the body, but also to soothe the soul and dust that accumulates at an unknown time.

Takeshita forgot to say to the purple tea, Quansheng Yuke drunk Liu Xia.

The dust washed away, and the sound of a tree cicada was oblique.

--Tang Qianqi, "Tea Party with Zhao Ju"

In the summer, in the verdant bamboo forest, drinking purple tea together, the luscious taste is better than the flowing Xiaxian wine. Wash away the red dust and miscellaneous tea is more intense, the sound of cicadas, unconsciously it has reached the evening, the sunset is setting, the shadows of the trees are oblique, but I am reluctant to go back! Let go of distractions, and when there are no worries in the mind, people will be much more comfortable.

In fact, the gentleman's friendship can also be as clear as tea, with aroma and warmth.

Cold night guests come to tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling fire first red.

Usually the same window before the month, only plum blossoms are different.

- Song Dulei, "Cold Night"

On a cold winter night, when a guest comes, he uses tea as a bar. The bamboo stove burned, the flames were red, and the fragrant tea soup had been boiled. The window was still as bright as before, but surprisingly, the plum blossoms had just bloomed. Under the bright moonlight, the fragrance of tea and plum blend and float, and the poet and his friends drink tea while talking with their hearts, is this not the best way to look at friendship? There is no noise, no big fish and big meat, pushing cups and placing cups, but such friendship is the most rare in the world.

In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

Tea, not warm enough, not exciting enough, its plain and long-distance disposition, but can accompany people for a long time. When you are alone, if you smell tea, you will not feel too lonely in your heart, right?

Yunfu Mountain Hidden Zen Temple, Moon Surge Heavenly Heart Through the Guest Residence.

Under the shadow of the cold bamboo of the stone, the red robe smells of the night?

--Ming Hu Ying, "Overnight In Tianxin"

Clouds and mist floated across the mountains, obscuring the Zen temple, and the moon rose to Tianxin Rock, and the moonlight reflected the people living in the guest house. The rocks are cold, and the rocks reflect the shadow of bamboo, and the night is extremely quiet. And the long-standing fragrance of the big red robe, can't you smell it in the middle of the night? Nature can smell, for travelers, it should be more smellable. Although everything may not go well on a day when you go out, the smell of tea in this night is enough to comfort the lonely heart. A person, tasting the aroma of tea, without saying a word, this is Zen. Even if he realized something, only he knew.

There are always undesirable things in the world, don't take them to heart, remember to look elsewhere.

Shi Wei has been thin as yarn for many years, who makes the horse rider Jinghua.

Xiao Lou listened to the spring rain one night, and the deep alleys sold apricot blossoms in the Ming Dynasty.

Low paper diagonally idle grass, clear window fine milk play tea.

Plain clothes do not rise from the wind and dust sigh, just like qingming can go home.

——Song Luyou, "Lin'an Spring Rain First Rain"

In recent years, I have only felt that the world is as thin and cold as yarn, who let me ride a horse to Kyoto to get rich and prosperous? Late at night, I listened to the spring rain on the small building, and tomorrow morning, there will be a sound of selling apricot blossoms in the depths of the alley. In the midst of boredom, find something to do, spread out a small paper to write cursive, under the sunny window, carefully boil tea, divide tea, taste tea. Don't sigh that the dust of the capital will stain the white clothes, before the Qingming Dynasty, there is still time to return to the old home, it is time to drink tea and drink tea, do not disturb yourself.

In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

The world is troubled, and it often makes us feel helpless. However, as long as you are open-minded, you can still live a free look.

Spring is not old, and the wind is fine and the willows are oblique.

Try to watch on the transcendent stage, half a trench spring water a city of flowers.

Smoke and rain are dark, and after the cold food, the wine wakes up but consults.

Hugh thinks of his homeland and tries new tea with a new fire.

Poetry and wine take advantage of the years.

--Song Sushi, "Wangjiangnan ChaoranTaizuo"

Spring has not yet passed, and willow branches are gently swaying in the breeze. The writer tried to climb the transcendent platform and look out, only to see that in the moat, the half-full spring water flashed, and the city was full of bright spring flowers. Smoke and rain covered thousands of households. After the Cold Food Festival, after waking up drunk, he sighed because of homesickness. Or look at it, don't miss your hometown to your old friends, but better light a new fire to cook a new pot of tea, write poetry and drink, don't live up to the good spring light. People who are good at self-adjustment will not be too bad.

Tea is like life, there is bitterness, but there is sweetness in bitterness.

On a cold day, Xiao Xiao went to the window, and the sycamore should hate the night frost.

The wine is more like the bitterness of the tea, and the dream is more suitable for Rui's brain fragrance.

Autumn is over, the days are still long, and Zhongxuanhuai is far more desolate.

It is better to get drunk with the sub-respect, and the east hedge chrysanthemum is yellow.

--Song Li Qingzhao, "Partridge Day, Cold Day, Xiao Xiao on the Window"

The bleak sunlight shines on the carved windows, the plane trees are yellow, and you should resent the frost in the night, right? After getting drunk, I prefer the bitter taste of tuancha, and when I wake up in my dream, it is more suitable for the smell of ambergris. Autumn is almost over, the weather is still long, and the desolation of the writer is even worse than that of Wang Cang. It is better to learn Tao Yuanming, get rid of sorrow in drunkenness, and do not live up to the chrysanthemums blooming in the east hedge. Wine actually can not relieve sorrow, but a cup of tea, but can make people become calm, the bitterness and fragrance between the lips and teeth, just like the past ah. All we have to do is swallow the bitterness and retain the aroma.

In ancient poetry, tea and Zen

Life is alive, hurried by, there is always some emotion, but there is no need to be sad.

The boat is empty, and the ten-year-old youth does not live up to the public.

Today, by the sideburns of the Zen bed, tea smoke gently falls on the flower wind.

- Tang Dumu, "Inscription Zen Temple"

After drinking a ship of wine, ten years of youth, finally did not live up to it. Today I have two silver sideburns, lying on the bed of the Zen room, the wind blowing the falling flowers, and the tea smoke gently fluttering. At this time, there is nothing to regret, just smell the tea, look at the falling flowers, everything goes with the fate.

The world is complex and cumbersome, but life can choose to be simple, and the root of happiness is not how much to get, but to know how to be satisfied.

Eat and sleep, get up two bowls of tea.

Looking up at the shadow of the sun, it has returned to the southwest slope.

Happy people cherish the day, worry people hate the year on credit.

Carefree person, long and short career.

--Don Bai Juyi, "Two Bowls of Tea"

After eating, I slept and drank two bowls of tea when I got up. Looking up at the shadow of the sun, it was already tilting to the southwest. The happy man in his heart feels that the days pass too quickly, while the sad man is pessimistic and world-weary, and lives like a year. There is no sorrow, naturally do not care about the speed of time, everything as usual.

Chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, tea, is the embellishment of secular life, in the days of slender flowing water, a wisp of tea fragrance, can make people get a lot of inspiration. It's both ordinary and unusual, and perhaps, this is the real Zen. There is no big truth, but it will always subtly affect a person's life.


Heyu, a woman who likes poetry, looks for beautiful details in the four seasons, and may time leave warm memories.