
7 hidden dangers affecting egg quality


A single miscarriage increases the probability of infertility by 3% to 5%. Miscarriage can easily cause endometrial damage, making it difficult for the fertilized egg to "take root". In addition, improper surgery can also cause infection or poor rest after surgery, which are some complications caused by abortion.

Complications of abortion mainly include: incomplete abortion, reproductive system infection, uterine perforation, uterine cavity adhesions, abortion syndrome, amniotic fluid embolism, etc. The most dangerous is amniotic fluid embolism, which can cause maternal death in severe cases, but the incidence of this complication is very low.

The larger the fetus, the greater the damage that miscarriage can cause to the mother. For example, the greater the chance of uterine bleeding, cervical laceration, uterine perforation, incomplete miscarriage, etc., the greater the impact on the mother's future pregnancy.

The World Health Organization has done relevant surveys and statistics in China, and the incidence of infertility in Chinese reproductive age population is as high as 10% to 15%, especially secondary infertility. Secondary infertility refers to having been pregnant before, and now without contraception and regular intercourse for 1 year, she has not become pregnant. Secondary infertility accounts for about 65% after abortion.

Induced abortion still has a great impact on pregnancy to a certain extent.


A woman's fertility after the age of 30 is inversely proportional to age. 23 to 29 years old is the best childbearing age for women, and after the age of 30, women's fertility will gradually decline. It is generally believed that the chance of pregnancy after the age of 45 will be smaller. Age is crucial to a woman's fertility.

Don't miss the optimal age for childbearing.

Gynecological diseases

A variety of gynecological diseases or lesions such as reproductive tract infections can affect conception. In addition to pathologies such as blocked fallopian tubes and endometriosis, improper use of contraceptives can also cause endocrine disorders and cause infertility.

Infectious diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease, y-doxitis, and cervicitis induced by gonococcal, chlamydia, and mycoplasma infection can also lead to local leukocytosis, affecting the normal activity of sperm and normal conception.

Mental stress

Conception is a systematic process that requires the joint cooperation of the various organs of the body, and hormones in the body can only work properly under the control of the cerebral cortex. In a state of stress, so that the spirit is always in a state of anxiety, the cerebral cortex can not make the hormone normal secretion, inhibit the normal ovulation function of the ovary, conception will become a luxury. This is also one of the reasons why many people are very concerned about the creation of man in a very tense state and have no results.

Relax, relax, relax, go with the flow.

Bad habits

The "three killers" of conception: smoking, alcoholism, and staying up late. Smoking seriously affects the secretion of sex hormones, which is easy to cause irregularities in the great aunt; alcoholism can lead to irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, egg production variation, cessation of ovulation, etc.; long-term staying up late, reducing the immune function in the body, affecting the secretion of hormones in the body and the quality of eggs.

Adjust your living habits, balance work and life, and don't let the bad habit of staying up late become a habit.

Blind weight loss

Women love beauty, love beauty must be keen on weight loss, but must be scientific exercise to lose weight, random diet pills, will lead to endocrine disorders, affecting conception. If the amount of fat in a woman's body is below the minimum value for maintaining a normal menstrual cycle, it can also have serious consequences of loss of fertility.

Eat healthy, don't blindly lose weight, say NO to weight loss supplements and drugs.

Harmful environment

Frequent exposure to chemicals, lead, narcotics or X-rays and other chemical pollution, physical radiation, dietary pollution and noise can cause some harm to reproductive function.

You and him who are trying to get pregnant should stay away from harmful environments as soon as possible.

7 hidden dangers affecting egg quality

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