
985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

There is an old Chinese saying: "The dragon gives birth to the dragon, the phoenix gives birth to the phoenix", which means that what kind of parents will educate what kind of children.

There is some truth to this sentence, after all, children inherit the genes of their parents, and their IQ and personality are inherited from their parents, so it is normal to be more similar.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

But things are not absolute, just like the ravine can also walk out of the golden phoenix, the cold door can also walk out of the noble son, and the parents of 985 may also give birth to scum children.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be passed

In many people may feel that parents with high academic qualifications will definitely teach their "xueba" children, after all, these highly educated parents themselves have good grades and have good learning habits, and their children are more likely to develop a "xueba" physique under their influence.

A Beijing mother also thought at the beginning, she and the child's father are 985 master's degree, through the introduction of talents to stay in Beijing, their children also smoothly into a chapter, grew up in Beijing, go to school, enjoy the best educational resources.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

In order to help the child improve his grades, the child's father began to accompany the child to write homework from the first grade of primary school, and now in the third year of high school, the couple has become a "scumbag parent".

According to the mother of the 985 school bully, her son went to school in the famous Dongcheng District of Beijing, which has always been known as a "school district", and the promotion rate of a book is as high as 70%.

But her son does not say one, three books can not be passed, can be mixed with a high school graduation is not bad, even if the study is not good, or a "bar spirit", every day and parents to raise the bar, everything must be managed.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

The child's father was angrily infarctioned twice in order to help him with his homework, and at one point there was a bottle of "quick-acting heart-saving pills" on the bedside table in their bedroom.

Xueba's mother said that he no longer has any expectations for her child, and her only wish is to let her child live safely, healthily and happily.

The school bully parents teach the scum son, it is likely to be the "regression mean"

The mother of the bully in the video, although every word says "acceptance", but from her gaze we can still feel her unwillingness and incomprehension.

She did not understand why children still became like this under the premise that "school education" and "family education" were no problem.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

But in fact, there are not a few such examples, not all parents can teach their children, there are many college professors who are very mediocre, these professors have better educational resources, but they still can't force their children to become talented.

This is actually the "regression mean" theory, if the children born of smart parents are also smart, and the children born of stupid parents are also stupid, then human beings have long been genetically forked.

The level of human intelligence is in line with the normal distribution, his child is only "returning to the mean", parents should not ignore their "talent", just to accept the child's mediocrity.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

Of course, the bully mother said that the child's problems such as "boredom" and "raising the bar" are problems with the parents' education methods.

From this mother's words, we can feel that the couple has high expectations for their children, and the father has tutored the children from the first grade of primary school to the third year of high school.

However, the tutoring of the parents of the bully not only did not work, but made the children more bored with learning, then we have to reflect on whether there is a problem with the parents' education methods.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

The child's rebellion may be because he can't withstand the eyes of his parents looking at Jackie Chan; it may also be "revenge" that the parents were too strict with him when he was a child; it is more likely that the parents have not yet found the shining point of the child.

Every child's shining point is different, they may not have such a good talent in learning, but it is difficult to ensure that they have excellent talent in other aspects.

If parents, after finding that their children are not interested in learning, try to tap their children's interests in other aspects and guide them, then there will be no situation of two-eyed disgust.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

From the very beginning, this bully mother should not pin too much hope on the child, and if she has to let a child who is not good at learning go to the road of learning bully, the child will naturally resist.

Parents should give their children more free space, so that parents can relax and their children are happy, I hope that this mother has understood this truth.

Does the child have to be better than the parents? Parents need to adjust their expectations for their children

As a parent, I always hope that my child can be stronger than himself and surpass himself in academics and careers, but the reality is often counterproductive, especially after the parents must reach a certain height, it is more difficult for children to surpass their parents.

In this case, parents should lower their expectations for their children and not take surpassing themselves as the goal of raising their children.

985 master's mother complained about the scum son: three books can not be tested, dad tutoring homework out of the heart attack

The higher the parents' expectations for the child, the more serious the anxiety generated by the parents after the child does not meet the expectations, and the more extreme ones will even get sick, which is a very unworthy behavior.

Learn to accept the mediocrity of children, just as classmates will accept the mediocrity of their own, each child is an independent individual, they come because of their parents, but not for their parents. For different children, there must be different ways of education, and teaching according to aptitude can harvest educational success!

Today's topic: What do you think of the 985 master's couple and the birth of a "scum" son? Do you have such a family around you?

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