
Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

More than half a month ago, the Tianjin Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Tianjin Municipal Supervision Commission successively issued an announcement that "Dong Wensheng, former chairman of Tianjin TEDA Football Club Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision and investigation"; "Li Guangyi, former general manager of Tianjin TEDA Football Club Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of the law and is currently under supervision and investigation."

And now the famous media personality Bai Guohua broke out that Li Feng, chairman of Yatai Club, has been missing for a period of time; considering that Li Feng was TEDA's royal agent before, Bai Guohua believes that Li Feng's disappearance may be related to Li Guangyi, the former general manager of Tianjin TEDA Club, who is under investigation, and Chinese football may be setting off even bigger waves!

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

"Erfeng" is the two major royal agents of TEDA, and Li Feng still does business with half of the Chinese Super League team during his tenure at Yatai

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

Dong Wensheng, Wang Xiao, Chi Rongliang and Li Guangyi have been investigated successively, which is the "aftershock" of TEDA's withdrawal from Chinese football! But it is also after the two leaders of TEDA went in, many insiders thought that TEDA's royal agent would definitely be investigated. Who is TEDA's royal agent? The introduction of foreign players is mainly Li Feng, and the introduction of domestic players is mainly Guo Feng. Li Feng and Guo Feng are involved in a wide range of Chinese football.

The current Guoan club boss Li Ming and Guo Feng's Xinghui Hesheng have always had an inexplicable relationship; when Li Ming brought Guoqing, Xinghui's players accounted for one-third of the big list, that is, since then, Chinese football has begun to spread that the national brand team was "kidnapped" by the brokerage company. After Li Ming arrived in Guoan, more than half of the domestic players introduced were Xinghui players, including the absolute main force of Chi Zhongguo, as well as Zheng Yiming, Chi Wenyi, and Ning Weichen, who could not play at all when they went to Guoan. Since the U23 policy was launched, Xinghui's "water crabs" have begun to return to China one after another; Dalian's domestic players in the past two years have almost been monopolized by Xinghui, and Yang Liyu, Wei Shihao, Yan Dinghao, and Tang Shi, who were introduced by Evergrande in previous years, are also Xinghui.

In addition, Guo Feng also has a very unusual relationship with the Football Association; his brother Guo Hui is the former deputy director of the Women's Department of the Football Association, serving as the leader of many national brand teams, and in the last anti-gambling sweep, it was a rare staff member within the Football Association who voluntarily surrendered and returned the stolen money without being sentenced. And Guo Feng himself was also called to investigate in that repeated sweep. In the Portuguese program opened during the Weidi period, Guo Feng was one of the two agents responsible for docking; then Xinghui Hesheng pried away Wei Shihao, Tang Shi, Yan Dinghao, Yang Liyu and other people from Luneng, Greentown, Wuhan and other places, and sent them to overseas clubs such as Lai Xiong Yishi of Xinghui Holdings to sell them back at a high price, which was regarded as turning exports to domestic sales in Chinese football to play a new height! Two days ago, Guo Feng operated Hiddink for the national Olympic team; other members of Hiddink's coaching staff in the national Olympic Team also have a strong star glow mark!

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

Li Feng has become an agent as early as 1996, and is currently one of the most senior agents in Chinese football. Before going to Yatai as the chairman, he was the royal agent of guoan, TEDA, Yatai and Jiangsu for many years. From the beginning of Ronin's rise to power to the present, except for a very small number of cases such as Genesio and Fernando, the vast majority of foreign aid and foreign teachers, including Hou Yongyong and Li Ke, were naturalized by Li Feng.

In the past few years, all non-Asian foreign countries have basically been contracted by Li Feng. Not to mention Yatai, all foreign aid and foreign teachers in the past ten years or so have all been operated by Li Feng without exception. When Liu Jun was still serving in Jiangsu, Li Feng was Liu Jun's royal agent; not only Dragan, Petrescu, Choi Long-so, Oraroyu, these foreign teachers were obtained by Li Feng, but also many foreign aides such as Yevtic, Kriwitz, Saleh, Deyang, Samir, Hong Zhenghao, and Boaquiyer were also obtained by Li Feng. It is precisely because he once monopolized the foreign aid business of many clubs, in an interview with Li Feng in China Sports News in 2016, he also specifically talked about how to become the club's royal agent!

After Li Feng went to Yatai as the boss, he did not give up the brokerage career. Bilic and Guoan's new foreign aid Silva, Taida last year's introduction of Suarez, Akhmedov, Lima and other people are all operated by Li Feng. In the past two years, Li Feng has contacted Shanggang and Cangzhou again. SIPG coach Leko, foreign aid Mastrovic, and Paulinho Jr. are all operated by Li Feng; Cangzhou coach Sablic, as well as retired Akhmedov, are also operated by Li Feng... At least half of the clubs in the entire Chinese Super League have the shadow of Li Feng.

TEDA's problem will start from the root, and the last breakthrough in the anti-gambling sweep was the agent

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

As early as last year, after the first stage of the fight, "Xinhua News Agency" in the "14 battles without a single victory, repeatedly appeared in the worst record in the history of the team - what happened to Tianjin Teda? In the article, it is pointed out that the problem of TEDA is that the management is chaotic and unprofessional, and the reinforcement or the existence of interest transmission, and clearly points out that TEDA's reinforcement is controlled by one or two brokerage companies and is prone to corruption.

At the end of last year, Dong Wensheng, the former boss of TEDA Club, was reported by his wife under his real name online; the report letter had already mentioned Dong Wensheng's corruption and bribery in the process of reinforcements. In March this year, after the Tianjin Municipal Audit Bureau entered the club and audited all the accounts of TEDA since its investment in football in 1998, when Dong Wensheng, Chi Rongliang, Wang Xiao and Li Guangyi were taken away for investigation, the "old accounts" such as TEDA's continuous introduction of parallel goods and foreign aid in the past were naturally turned over. Since a large number of parallel goods in the Li Guangyi period, as well as the expensive parallel goods in the post-Li Guangyi era like Idye and Eduna, were all operated by Li Feng, it seemed inevitable that he was invited to drink tea.

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

As early as after Li Guangyi was investigated and confirmed, the first reaction of many people in the circle at that time was that something big had happened in Chinese football. After all, Li Guangyi has been rooted in Chinese football for many years, and he knows too many things; many people are worried that he may choose to protect himself and bite out everything he knows. And the investigation of the two TEDA leaders shows that TEDA's problems will be investigated from the root, which can't help but raise greater questions - TEDA's storm will lead to Chinese football once again set off anti-gambling sweeps?

Regarding Li Guangyi's investigation into Li Feng's disappearance and suspected investigation, there are two completely different views in the circle, one is that this time it is only necessary to clarify the problem in Tianjin; the other view is that Tianjin may only be the fuse, and then all state-owned enterprise clubs must be investigated.

In the last wave of anti-gambling sweeps that led to the almost annihilation of the middle and high levels of the Football Association, at the beginning it was only necessary to check a few match-fixings; as a result, the fake-balls were found on the head of the agent, Wang Xin, You Wei, Xu Hongtao, Wang Zhongxing, Guo Feng and other agents either just because of cooperation with the investigation, or in order to strive for leniency, many clubs and many officials were bitten out. Li Feng, who is suspected of being investigated this time, is a well-known agent in China who wears the cloak of the chairman of Yatai Club; he is currently looking for him to understand things about TEDA's side, but who knows if Li Feng will bite out these clubs and professional managers who often cooperate with him?

Whether to expand the scope depends on the above attitude, but Chinese football has ushered in an anti-corruption opportunity

Former Guoan Taida royal agent, Yatai boss Li Feng is suspected of being investigated! Chinese football welcomes the opportunity of anti-corruption

As early as when Li Guangyi went in, the god on a certain platform commented: "Foreign aid changes 4 or 5 in a season, specially picks parallel goods to buy, and even the agent checks." "It's been cashed in. Of course, even if Li Feng bites out some things from other clubs, whether it will spread to other places or only check in Tianjin depends on the attitude above.

No one knows how many insiders will be affected by the audit caused by TEDA's withdrawal. But in the past few years, Chinese football has spent so much money, not only the domestic players have earned, the high salary that is seriously inconsistent with their own level, the transfer fee for the introduction of foreign aid, as well as the annual salary and signing fee for foreign aid and foreign teachers are also astronomical; when Chinese clubs have been quoted from foreign countries in the past few years, there will often be a lot of transfers with transaction prices that are much higher than the offer recommended by the agent. And now the Chinese Super League clubs can dig up the K League's top scorer with the pre-tax 3 million euros, the K League MVP, the J League champions attack the core, and then think of the past Chinese Super League from South Korea to dig foreign aid, there has been a transfer fee of 12 million US dollars, there is no less after-tax salary of 4, 5 million euros, there is no story here?

TEDA's problems over the past few years, along with this investigation, have been put on the table. The situation of TEDA cannot be an isolated case in Chinese football. Even in the eyes of many insiders, the 12-year cycle of arresting people is definitely not a good thing for Chinese football; but when Chinese football has spent too much money in the past few years and the results have not gone up, shouldn't the relevant parties find a reason? When many fans may know some of the tricks between professional managers and agents, and several clubs that Li Feng often cooperate with, generally have a state-owned enterprise background, has this already constituted the loss of state-owned assets? And this survey of TEDA Club does not provide an opportunity for Chinese football to fight corruption and re-establish the ecological system?

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