
There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

Recently, when everyone opens a certain sound, a cloud music and other APPS, they will receive this year's usage report. When those special moments are presented together, a warm current comes to mind, and those days that stay up late to write and publish the most in a day, even if you forget, it can help you remember. It is also these unique marks that make you feel that this year has not been in vain.

At the end of each year, in order to feedback consumers, car companies will hold a grand New Year's Eve party. Although this New Year's Eve party did not clearly tell consumers the unique mark created by car companies this year, in the view of Brother Yuan, the more lively the scene, the richer the gifts, the better the results of car companies.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

On the Wanda Plaza in Panyu, Guangzhou, Wuling New Energy held a large-scale New Year's Eve event, which not only had super-flammable music and dance, but also provided a stage for Wuling car owners to perform and share talents, and various interactive games and exquisite gifts delivered the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?
There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

The growth of the two products is obvious

As the exclusive sponsor of this event, Wuling New Energy made full use of the popularity and communication power of the scene, showing the charm and product strength of Wuling MINIEV and Baojun KiWi EV. Looking back at the market performance of the two products this year, according to the data released by the Association, Hongguang MINIEV sold a total of 344,890 vehicles in the first 11 months of this year, sitting firmly in the top seat of the domestic new energy market, far exceeding the second place with more than 210,000 vehicles, and the performance is quite strong; baojun KiWi EV's performance since its listing on August 31 can also be remarkable, and the orders after 40 days of listing have exceeded 15,000 vehicles, and the future sales performance is also worth looking forward to.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

In this activity, Wuling New Energy can be said to welcome every friend as the host. On December 4 this year, Wuling New Energy Guangzhou Flagship Center was officially opened, which is also a direct store in addition to the Wuling Global Brand Center located in Shanghai. Unlike other dealer stores, Wuling New Energy Direct Store strives to create an open, young, and integrated with local characteristics of the Internet celebrity window.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

The potential of the southern market cannot be ignored, with the continuous upgrading of the strategic layout in the South China market, the market influence of Wuling New Energy has gradually improved.

The product positioning is precise and the marketing method is in place

With the explosion of Hongguang MINIEV, the domestic A0/A00 level pure electric vehicle market has also continued to be hot, such as Euler "cat family", Chery small ant, Changan Ben e-star and other models have become hot models in the new energy vehicle market, Hongguang MINIEV has also been besieged. Of course, the price and practicality of being close enough to meet the two advantages of urban consumer transportation make Hongguang MINIEV maintain such a strong competitiveness.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

Look at the Baojun KiWi EV. Compared with Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, Baojun KiWi EV has a fuller sense of design, longer mileage, and provides a fast charging method, of course, the price is also more expensive. Obviously, Baojun KiWi EV takes the route of exquisite mini cars, which is very suitable for friends who have higher requirements for car life.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?
There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

However, in the view of Brother Rudder, Hongguang MINIEV and Baojun KiWi EV can continue to explode, in addition to accurate positioning, seizing the market outlet and adopting a marketing method in place is also an important reason to promote its fire.

It should be known that the sales of new energy vehicles in 2025 will account for more than 25%, and according to the data of the Association, the sales of new energy vehicles are only about 14%, which just shows that there is still a lot of room for the new energy vehicle market to be tapped.

In addition, young consumers are the largest purchasing group of Hongguang MINIEV, of which female car owners account for more than 60%, with the rise of the new middle class after 80 and 90 as the main body, is becoming the mainstay of a diversified consumer society, is also the main force in China's automobile consumer market, their identity is also in line with the FAW-Volkswagen Tanyue target consumer group. Not only that, but the women's market has yet to be tapped. In order to attract TA, Wuling has held many offline activities, such as music festivals, fashion weeks, modification festivals, etc., with the purpose of resonating with more young consumers with the brand.

There are so many New Year's Eve activities, why is Wuling so concerned?

Brother Rudder has something to say

As the pioneering work of Wuling New Energy, wuling hongguang MINIEV is self-evident. Brother Reel believes that Wuling New Energy will launch more new energy products in the future, injecting stronger competitive force into the domestic new energy market.

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