
How did the ancient historian know the details of a private chat? Brain supplement you understand!

Records are an important part of the writing of history books, recording the words and deeds of a certain person and providing future generations with information for evaluation. But when we read the book, we often have questions, how does the historian know the details of the chat? For example, the historian has explained the conspiracy of the two in advance, but still wrote down the dialogue! This makes people very confused, since it is a conspiracy to the historian, how can they know?

How did the ancient historian know the details of a private chat? Brain supplement you understand!

In fact, this involves several ways of recording historical data. The combination of these methods is enough for the historian to play freely and restore the detailed situation at that time.

For example, from the beginning of the Shang Dynasty, there will be special people who record the words and deeds of the rulers or major actions. These people will follow the attendants around, record every word and deed, and even let go of the insulting words, which provides convenience for future generations to revise history. Successive dynasties and dynasties have had the nature of the "Living Notes" literature passed down, and set up official positions such as living lang and living house people to compile.

Some people commented that ancient Chinese history is the history of emperors and generals. After the Tang Dynasty, after the death of the former emperor, the chancellor would organize officials to compile records, combined with materials such as living notes, and became a chronicle history book. For example, we are familiar with the "Records of the Myōshin Sect". In fact, these times are not far away, many of the parties are still alive, and they can get answers by asking them when they write.

Of course, there is also a case of consulting the descendants of historical figures. For example, when Tai Shi Ling wrote the Hongmen Banquet, he could not be on the scene, so how was it recorded? He consulted Fan Duo's descendants, so he described the scene of Fan Duo drinking wine and eating meat. Many big people like to tell their glorious history in front of their descendants, and these materials will be collected.

How did the ancient historian know the details of a private chat? Brain supplement you understand!

Another case is the record of posterity. Although the parties themselves did not consciously leave writings, the students, descendants, etc. recorded their words and deeds. This is the case in the Analects. In addition, many of Yue Fei's words and deeds are also collected based on the works of future generations.

There is also a special case, which needs to be supplemented by the writer's own brain, such as the eve of the war, the pre-war dialogue or the call for battle, etc., and it is impossible for the historian to record it next to it. At this time, the historian will supplement it according to the legend, background, atmosphere and personality of the protagonist, etc., mainly to highlight the character image. This tests the imagination of the writer. So a good historian, also a good novelist, has a strong ability to build stories.

How did the ancient historian know the details of a private chat? Brain supplement you understand!

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